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RHW (RealHighway) - Development and Support

Started by Tarkus, April 13, 2007, 09:10:49 PM

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Have you checked if you installed the right version of the NAM (Left Hand Drive or Right Hand Drive version). The paths of these piece could be oriented in the wrong direction, resulting in no traffic access.
Lurk mode: ACTIVE


I've checked the LHD bit and I'm clear in that sector. I do know that I've got the correct driving setup (as in which side to drive on). I got the .dll downloaded, installed, and I snapped a few shots. Honestly, I'm not sure what I'm looking at, but I do have them:


I see the problem: these are the RHD paths...
Lurk mode: ACTIVE



Oh wait, I thought you were using the LHD version of the game. How could I've been so stupid! *facepalm* Forget what I said in the last post.

Note to myself: read more carefully next time...

It looks like the problem might be a conflicting simulator plugin. Check your plugins folder again to see if there's any conflicting Traffic simulator plugin...
Lurk mode: ACTIVE


Quote from: mrtnrln
It looks like the problem might be a conflicting simulator plugin. Check your plugins folder again to see if there's any conflicting Traffic simulator plugin...

What exactly should I be looking for? Will it be in the Network Addon Mod folder? Just not sure how to tell if I have a conflicting issue.


Most likely it's not a NAM component, so likely it would not be found in the NAM folder. However, it's still a good idea to check your NAM folder too. I believe ebina has a tutorial somewhere on this forum to check conflicting plugins, but I don't know where...

Sorry for being a bit vague, but I also don't excactly know what's wrong here...
Lurk mode: ACTIVE


The images with DrawPaths turned on clearly show that the network paths and everything are working correctly.  It rules out the possibility of issues with your RHW installation and basically confirms the notion that your issue is related to a conflicting traffic simulator plugin.

The tutorial mrtnrln referred to can be found here.  It actually deals with conflicting RUL controller files, but the same process can be used, but instead of looking for RUL files, look for an Exemplar file of Type 0x6534284a, Group 0xe7e2c2db, Instance 0xc9133286.  (You can probably manage by just looking at the instance.)

Other things to try:
-Do a search in Windows Explorer on your Plugins folder for the following:
Network Addon Mod.dat

-Move everything out of your Plugins and do a clean install of the NAM and RHW.  If it still does not work, the conflicting Plugin is located in the "alternate" Plugins folder: Program Files\Maxis\SimCity 4\Plugins.  (Program Files may be "Program Files (x86)" on a 64-bit operating system.)

On another note, relating to textural developments--here's a preview of the RHW-4 Type C Ramp Interface:

Quote from: mrtnrln on December 01, 2010, 02:27:41 PM
Question: how would the Euro version of this ramp interface look like? Just curious...

Here's a trial on that one--tried chevroning it as well . . .

And a look at the Eurofied FARHW-2:



Wow, Tarkus! Those curves are looking great! A little note regarding your chevrons, they should all be at the same angle and I'd suggest making them a little bit thicker. Example[linkie] I'm also not to sure about the color either. It seems rather dark. What do you think, mrtnrln (or other European member)?


Quote from: Nego on December 02, 2010, 01:06:44 PMA little note regarding your chevrons, they should all be at the same angle and I'd suggest making them a little bit thicker. Example[linkie] I'm also not to sure about the color either. It seems rather dark.
I agree with you here. I'd also like to add that it'll be better if the Euro textures for the RHW 2 have dashed lines instead of double ones. Double lines can be seen only in cities. Other than that, excellent work! :thumbsup:
Visit my MD, The region of Pirgos!
Last updated: 28 November


I agree with Nego, chevrons should be thicker. In my opinion, the color looks great even though it is pretty dark, it's kinda like euro version of all the dark asphalt stuff here. I also agree with io_bg on the line thing, single dashed line is usually used in euro countries. (although it depends a lot of the country)
Has it really been almost 2 years?
Must return. :)


Looking good Alex! However, I think the Euro textures are a little too dark and I'd say the angle of the chevrons should be as consistent as possible. And if that's an exit ramp, the chevrons should be flipped.

As for dashed vs. double lines, I'd say keep them double for the RHW-2! Dashed lines are available from the cosmetic pieces or by using a road instead.


I've three things to say here:

1) The Euro textures are somewhat dark. It may look better if you use the same asphalt color of the standard US set. Those textures match with the other road networks perfectly.
2) As riiga and nego pointed out, the chevrons should all have the same angle and they should be reversed (something I did wrong with my set). Also try make the chevrons a bit thicker and keep some space open between the lines like this:

(But these chevrons are way too thick)
3) As for the double solid lines vs dashed lines, keep them double solid. I did this in my set for safety reasons. Cars will travel at about 100 km/h on these roads. Having a frontal collision would be really bad. You see setup quite often in the Netherlands, known as the Durable Safety policy, and even if you are allowed to pass, it's limited or discouraged.

Lurk mode: ACTIVE


Quote from: JetShadez66 on December 02, 2010, 11:00:13 AM
What exactly should I be looking for? Will it be in the Network Addon Mod folder? Just not sure how to tell if I have a conflicting issue.

Do you have the SPAM Beta installed by any chance?  It includes a traffic simulator that is not compatible with NAM.  Look in the Plugins > SPAM_BETA > Core folder for a file with Traffic in the name.


@Tarkus: Imagine the guy from the Staples commercial who says "Whoa!!! That's a low price!!!" That's what I'm feeling right now about the new ramp textures. A lot smoother than its current counterpart :thumbsup:

Please tell me there are also starterless pieces also in progress, otherwise,... Let's just say I know how to remove starters for things like RHW-6S...

Here's something to think about: RHW-6S is now a one-tile network (but with an overhang) but its starter and most of its related ramps and transitions is still two-tile. But one of the new RHW v4.0 transitions has a one-tile RHW-6S starter... Are you thinking what I'm thinking...? (Who developed that transition piece, by the way...?)

@Nego: If you zoom out of your example, you'll find what looks like an RHW-4 to RHW-8S transition. Weird... :D Unless it's commonplace in European interchanges...
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Quote from: ScottFTL on December 02, 2010, 02:48:55 PM
Do you have the SPAM Beta installed by any chance?  It includes a traffic simulator that is not compatible with NAM.  Look in the Plugins > SPAM_BETA > Core folder for a file with Traffic in the name.

JACKPOT! I indeed am a Beta Tester of SPAM for Simpeg and I do indeed have that file!



Quote from: GDO29Anagram on December 02, 2010, 03:40:13 PM
Here's something to think about: RHW-6S is now a one-tile network (but with an overhang) but its starter and most of its related ramps and transitions is still two-tile. But one of the new RHW v4.0 transitions has a one-tile RHW-6S starter... Are you thinking what I'm thinking...? (Who developed that transition piece, by the way...?)

It's a bit better to leave it as-is and support existing setups, than for everyone to replace the piece with the new version and make all new pieces use the new setup. It might not be consistent, but with the way SC4 handles mods, it's the most logical.

And anyway, who says you HAVE to draw from the outside starter stub?

"We're making SimCity, not some dopey casual game." -Ocean Quigley


@interim: That appears to be a Roundabout interchange (with a lot of extra appendages). We have a Roundabout with Elevated Maxis Highway on top, but none for ERHW. I personally doubt it would be made. Though Maarten has made a few examples of an RHW RA interchange that uses One-Way Roads instead...

The key thing to keep in mind about RHW is modularity; Making an interchange with it is like putting a puzzle together, so there are no fully prefabricated interchanges.

@jdemn8: No, that ain't what I'm thinking... Though I now see why we still have two-tile 6S starters... What I'm thinking is isolate the one-tile 6S starter from the RHW-6S to RHW-6C transition, and use it in conjunction with starterless 6S ramps, whether they're actually made or manually de-starterfied.

Hint hint: The one-tile 6S transition doubles as a diagonal STR Starter, so you could isolate a one-tile 6S starter from that. But it's tricky...  ;) (Do you want another video of me manipulating RHW pieces in strange ways...?)

And another thing: Ever wanted to draw El-Rail or Monorail over one-tile 6S but found there's no overhang...? That has to be the only time you'll ever have to draw the now-redundant shoulder part... (Is that gonna be fixed/assessed...?)
Simtropolis | YouTube | MLP Forums


Quote from: interim on December 02, 2010, 04:07:43 PM
Any idea if an interchange like this is possible? That's an elevated highway.


Quote from: GDO29Anagram on December 02, 2010, 04:52:07 PM
@interim: That appears to be a Roundabout interchange (with a lot of extra appendages). We have a Roundabout with Elevated Maxis Highway on top, but none for ERHW. I personally doubt it would be made. Though Maarten has made a few examples of an RHW RA interchange that uses One-Way Roads instead...

Actually, that really just looks to me like a Split Diamond setup for a One-Way Couplet with slip lanes.  You can probably do something at least somewhat resembling that just by using the TuLEPs Slip Lanes.  The addition of further TuLEPs currently planned will improve the ability to recreate something like that.

Quote from: GDO29Anagram on December 02, 2010, 03:40:13 PM
Please tell me there are also starterless pieces also in progress

There are some planned. :)

Quote from: GDO29Anagram on December 02, 2010, 03:40:13 PM
Here's something to think about: RHW-6S is now a one-tile network (but with an overhang) but its starter and most of its related ramps and transitions is still two-tile. But one of the new RHW v4.0 transitions has a one-tile RHW-6S starter... Are you thinking what I'm thinking...? (Who developed that transition piece, by the way...?)

Quote from: jdenm8 on December 02, 2010, 04:28:49 PM
It's a bit better to leave it as-is and support existing setups, than for everyone to replace the piece with the new version and make all new pieces use the new setup. It might not be consistent, but with the way SC4 handles mods, it's the most logical.

Actually, there is a full switch from dual-tile to single-tile starter planned for the RHW-6S.  It is possible to allow existing dual-tile starters to continue working properly, while ensuring that all new starters placed are single-tilers.

And thanks for all the textural feedback, everyone!  I think I'm likely going to go with Maarten's suggestion on the Euro texture end.  But those of you wanting dashed lines (including North American users) . . . well . . . there may be some interesting stuff on that front before long. ;)
