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Ronin Region - Update 13: West Hammond Coastal Industry and Fishing Harbors

Started by cubby420, October 18, 2010, 11:48:00 PM

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Awesome canals there can't wait for more!!




L'atelier d'architecture
* * * * * Longwy * * * * *


I agree, the canal layout is quite interesting! The industrial area also looks great!
Visit my MD, The region of Pirgos!
Last updated: 28 November


That last picture is just wonderful Cubby! If I had the power, I'll enter it immediately in the HoF!

Take care,
-Arthur. :thumbsup:
I'll take a quiet life... A handshake of carbon monoxide.

Props & Texture Catalog


Hello all! Time for a new update. We'll be sticking to Hammond this time, and will continue exploring this sprawling place in detail.

First off though...


Jayster: Thanks bud. It took a long time to get those to grow...too long...  %wrd
Kwakelaar: Thank you!
Sciurus: Well if I can't stop you...  &dance  As far as the effects, we all have our secrets  ;)  but generally I reduce brightness slightly, up the contrast a bit, and try and eliminate as much image noise as possible while simultaneously upping the sharpness. The combination, along with a smaller image size and a bevel border create (I think anyway...) a more photo like image than the overly bright and pastel screens the game typically spits out.
Girafe: Thank you very much!
Penguin007: Thank you! That's exactly what I was going for. If it looks to pretty, I failed. Glad you liked my industrial areas and canals as well.
Marsh: Thanks bud. Growing RCI lots is a pain in the ass sometimes...but well worth it.
RickD: Thanks!
Battlecat: Thanks a lot. Buddybud's highway walls are just so delightfully grimy and dirty, I couldn't resist. The canals on the other hand are so beautiful and realistic I couldn't resist either.  ;D
Jordan: Thank you. They were two of my favs as well.
Thomas Neto: Thanks very much for the compliments!
Nardo69: Thank you! I'm not very adept at industrial areas, but this one turned out quite well I think.
scott1964: Thank you!
nbvc: Glad you think everything fits...I definitely didn't. But, sometimes we are hardest on ourselves, right?  &mmm
calibanX: Thank you! I love creating distinct neighborhoods. It adds a lot of life to a city when various areas feel like self-contained, living, breathing "towns" all on their own.
ManuelR: Thank for stopping by! As I've said before...love your work. I plagiarize your stuff quite often  ;)  :D
noahclem: Thank you! The only thing about adding any kind of turning lane extension pieces to my work is the base texture, which just screams out to my OCD tendencies by completely clashing with the asphalt sidewalk that I love.
Matt: That pic was indeed quite boring. Glad you liked the rest though.
io_bg: Thank you very much!
Arthur: You're a moderator over in the competition thread right? I don't think anyone would notice if you just slipped it in nice and quiet like  ;)

Update Time













Very nice update! I love the midwest American feel to the area. Very nice works with your walkways of all kinds, from the bike trails to the diagonal paths in 4.2 to your treasured asphalt sidewalk textures ;) I look forward to more  :thumbsup:


Nice, plenty of green :)
In 4.2 i can see an interesting design of a short turning lane. From where did you get it? Is there a version for European roads?
Keep going :thumbsup:
"The wisest men follow their own direction" Euripides
The Choice is Ours
Simtropolis Moderator here. Can I help? Oh, and you can call me Elias (my real name) if you wish.


Very good update once again. I love Harrison park!

,marsh  :thumbsup:


Quote from: Terring7 on December 16, 2010, 05:59:02 AM
Nice, plenty of green :)
In 4.2 i can see an interesting design of a short turning lane. From where did you get it? Is there a version for European roads?
Keep going :thumbsup:

I believe that is juts from the latest NAM version.  The street intersection blocks the turning lane from reacing its "full potential" and so it automaticly makes the shortened.  Not sure if the same happens with the euro mod because I don't have it  :)

Andrew, very nice update love the North American style.  It looks very Chicago and also similar to the city I currently live in often refered to as the Chicago of the North, though not nearly as big or nice or anything really.......??? why do they call it that again?   A shiney loonie if you can guess what city.

- matt

!!!!GO HABS GO!!!!


I'll guess Milwaukee...I went to undergrad at Marquette and people used to call that place "Chicago of the North" every now and then. If were talking Canada...well then...I have no fraken clue  ()what()


Very nice update yet again!  &apls It just keeps getting better and better!



What a wonderful  little town!!  I love the old style buildings, you town looks very 1950's-60's.


Thanks for the effect, I'll try to reproduce it for myself, but I just would know what you did :thumbsup:
Concerning your update, It's simply excellent, as always! And precisely with the effect you give at your pics, it's more realistic and it gives a charm, something that I like! &apls &apls

Guillaule :thumbsup:
L'atelier d'architecture
* * * * * Longwy * * * * *



Great work once again! :thumbsup: I' saw seen alot of very nice buildings that I've never seen before, especially on "Calumet Ave." :). The only thing that I didn't like so much, was a european building slipping in on some pics.


Great MD &apls I really like your building style and your photoshoped pics. You got some great parks in this last update and i love all the churches, I live in a tiny pinpoint of a town and theres 3 here! Keep up the awesome work


Oh my god !  :o

I really notice after stopping in at once before, I missed so much of your absolutely beautiful region ! You certainly have a knack for realism in your cities, it's just lovely.

Ethan x :)