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AC Functional Airports Mac Problem

Started by evarburg, January 14, 2011, 05:39:28 AM

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Hi folks,
I posted this on the thread concerning AC Functional Airports, but got no answer after two days, so I go general :). O'd love to ue those splendid airports, but can't. I am a macUser -- don't know if it has anything to do with the problem, but here it is : when I dezip the file (last version), it comes out like this :

apparently filejuicer bundles everything together, which makes impossible for me to install as advised by the readme.  Help, anyone ?


Since I've never used a Mac or Filejuicer myself, I wish another Mac user could step in and help (I think I'll send Lee a pm...) :)

The files installed by the two installers should be these:

In the folder X-Ports\Airports:

AC Airport Sounds.dat
314 kB
AC Airport Textures.dat
333 kB
AC Functional Airports, Version 2.1.dat      
1252 kB
Enable AC Prefab Airport.dat
1 kB
Enable BLS Airport Shuttle.dat
1 kB
Enable BLS City and Airport Bus Stop.dat
1 kB
Enable BLS Roth Air and City Bus.dat
1 kB
Enable Modern ATCT by Muzzy.dat
1 kB
Enable MOG Helipad.dat
1 kB
Enable RT CdS Island Air.dat
1 kB
Enable SG Heliport.dat
1 kB
Enable SWAP Airport Tram.dat
1 kB
Enable SWAP Airports by Thalassicus.dat
1 kB
Enable SWAP Airports by Xiziz.dat
1 kB
Enable SWAP Package Loading Center.dat
1 kB

In the folder X-Ports\Airports\SWAP Eyecandy:

2 kB
33 kB
Airport_Parked Aircraft.dat
64 kB
1 kB
53 kB
43 kB
120 kB
128 kB
SWAP Airport Auxiliary Lots by Thalassicus.dat   
104 kB
SWAP Airport Auxiliary Lots by Xiziz.dat
134 kB


What Mac OS and version of Filejuicer are you using?
The trouble with having an open mind, of course, is that people will insist on coming along and trying to put things in it


Quote from: callagrafx on January 14, 2011, 02:47:20 PM
What Mac OS and version of Filejuicer are you using?

Hello,what a relief to know I am not alone in the dark... :)

Mac OS Snow Leopard (mac 3.06 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo)
Filejuicer 4.14


Quote from: evarburg on January 15, 2011, 03:11:24 PM

Mac OS Snow Leopard (mac 3.06 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo)
Filejuicer 4.14

I can't provide much Mac help, but I did check the FileJuicer site and found there is an update to v4.26 available.  I'd suggest that you update FileJuicer and try it again.


Failing that, you could try Crossover (http://www.codeweavers.com/products/cxmac/download_trial) and use the windows Installer, then simply copy the files from the "installed" location to your game plugins folder....
The trouble with having an open mind, of course, is that people will insist on coming along and trying to put things in it


Quote from: ScottFTL on January 15, 2011, 03:20:44 PM
I can't provide much Mac help, but I did check the FileJuicer site and found there is an update to v4.26 available.  I'd suggest that you update FileJuicer and try it again.

Alas it's not Filejuicer : same dezip, in which I can't know which is which and consequently can't "enable" anything...

At least, I have a newer version of the very useful Filejuicer !

I'm gona try Callagrafx' idea, albeit reluctantly (I'm a dieheard Mac user... the idea of anything Windows on my computer give me the creeps $%Grinno$% (BTW, Callagrafx : thanks for so many wonderful bats)


Quote from: callagrafx on January 16, 2011, 09:11:06 AM
Failing that, you could try Crossover (http://www.codeweavers.com/products/cxmac/download_trial) and use the windows Installer, then simply copy the files from the "installed" location to your game plugins folder....

it... seems... to... work....  :thumbsup:
We're going to test it in a sandbox city. A big thanks anyway.

[hey, does that mean that some plugins that resisted me before woiuld now be accessible ???!!! hurrah ! &hlp]


Quote from: evarburg on January 16, 2011, 10:28:06 AM
it... seems... to... work....  :thumbsup:
We're going to test it in a sandbox city. A big thanks anyway.

It plops ! It maxcapacitates ! IT WOOORKS ! (all mac users over here, hear-hear !)

I mean it will work when we've installed the zillion deps :D But mostly,it works (is there a smiley for "crossing fingers" ?).

Thank you again, guys. If I have any problems with this awesome plugin, I'll check the topic here...


I'm glad you finally got the problem sorted.  I know it's been bothering you.   ;D


I'm also glad you've found a solution! :)
And I've moved this thread to the AC Functional Airports support board...
Thus, I hope other Mac users could benefit from it. ;)


Quote from: RippleJet on January 16, 2011, 03:09:29 PM
I'm also glad you've found a solution! :)
And I've moved this thread to the AC Functional Airports support board...
Thus, I hope other Mac users could benefit from it. ;)

thanks ! I posted it on the macusers's forum on Simtropolis, too.


Quote from: evarburg on January 16, 2011, 09:48:00 AM
(I'm a dieheard Mac user... the idea of anything Windows on my computer give me the creeps $%Grinno$%)

I've been using Macs since 1990 and always will, but the day Apple switched to Intel and allowed us to install Windows was a great day... now I can use 3DS Max on my superior hardware  :thumbsup:
The trouble with having an open mind, of course, is that people will insist on coming along and trying to put things in it