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Cattala | Last Update: 21st November 2012

Started by ThomasK, April 09, 2011, 01:10:12 PM

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"Where Imperialism meets the Mediterranean."

Welcome to the United Kingdom of Cattala, my first MD to feature here on Sim City 4 Devotion. I hope this is the right place for me to post this, if not, I apologise. This is actually the 42nd update of this MD, and the previous 41 updates are available at Sim Mania, Simtropolis and the AIN. I will be posting the previous five updates here over the next few days, just so you get a sense of what Cattala is like.
Today's update is an overview, as requested by a viewer! So we'll be looking more at Cattala as a nation, it's location and we'll take a general look at all of it's major cities and towns.

Below is the most recent map of Cattala. Most of these cities we have seen, and the map is quite self-explanatory.

Here we see all of the provinces of Cattala, and their flags. Jennai Province is the most populated, whilst the Ionian Province is the smallest and least populated province. Rhodes is the newest province, having joined the Kingdom in September 2010.

Now we'll take a quick look at the major towns and cities that we've already seen in Cattala, with brand new images from each one!

First up is the capital city of Cattala, Celeste. The historic capital was heavily developed during the British colonial era, but was heavily damaged by both the Italian invasion of 1861 and the Second World War. Since then, Celeste has been reconstructed into it's former self, keeping the imperial charm that makes it unique.

Next is the second biggest city of Cattala, and former capital Calora. This city is defined by it's massive urban sprawl, which occurred when it was home to the island's largest port. Nowadays the docks are redundant and most people commute to Jennai or Celeste, or work in the industrial and commercial district of Lagos.

Moving east, the town of Seina is a traditional Mediterranean community that has been barely influenced at all by colonists and modern life. Some of the country's wealthiest people live in sheltered mansions in the forests surrounding Seina.

San Pietro is the southernmost town on the main island of Cattala, and is found in a mountainous valley. On a clear day, you can see the industrial city of Jennai from Saint Peter's Church.

Now we're travelling off of the mainland for the first time, to visit South Ontano. This region is home to Brunswick town and dozens of small farming villages and is the most fertile part of the Holy Regno.

To the north of Brunswick is the area known as Aldoak, the British name for the largest town in Ontano. The north of the island is considerably more mountainous and less populated than the rolling valleys of Brunswick.

One of the most northerly villages is Eurellia, a small community in the north east of Ionia Island. Eurellia was one of the first places that was bombed by Italian forces in the Second World War, and the population relies heavily on agriculture and tourism for it's income.

To end with, a few more facts about Cattala. To find out more, visit the Cattala forum at the AIN, or visit the AIN Wiki and select Cattala.
I hope you all enjoyed this first Cattala update here at SC4Devotion, and if you have any questions don't hesitate to ask me.  :)


Welcome Thomas, I hope your stay is awesome

Nice Overview  :D


You're off to a great start! A small tip from me - before taking pictures, unpause the game so that traffic appears on your streets :) They're quite empty now.
Visit my MD, The region of Pirgos!
Last updated: 28 November


An impressive start here at SC4D and I look forward to your next posting.


An interesting start you have here on what looks like it will be an excellent MD. There's a lot of variety which is always a good thing. I like the way you've used the reference map in the lower right corners, and if I might add one little suggestion, too, number your photos. This makes it easier for us to comment on individual pics. :)

Good work...


Hey Thomas, great to your Journal/ Diary over here!
Always loved Cattala, can't wait to see what you do in future!


Netmod: Thank you very much, and thanks for being the first to comment.  ;D

io_bg: That's a really good piece of advice... I'm going to try and remember to do that from now on. Thank you!

kwakelaar: Thanks! The next update will be later today, as I'm going to show you updates 37 to 42, so you see more of Cattala.

Jmouse: Thank you, I'm glad you like the maps and variety. I've now updated the graphics for future updates, so you should see numbers in the bottom right corner from Update 43 onwards.

Reikhardt: Hey there! A familiar face. Thanks for commenting and I'm glad you liked it.

Tomas Neto

Awesome start, fantastic work!!!


Tomas Neto: Thanks! Welcome to Cattala, btw.

Now, I'm having a few technical issue establishing which update is Update 37, which is five updates ago. The technical issue is that Simtropolis is down, and that site obviously has a list of update numbers on it and is the only place where I've actually recorded the numbers of Cattala updates on. However thanks to advice from SC4Devotion members, I now have numbers on all future updates. So I believe that the update I'm about to show you is update 37, however I won't be entirely sure until Simtropolis returns.

Welcome back to Aldoak, in North Ontano. We saw Aldoak for the first time here on 'Devotion in Update 42, which you can see above this post. Aldoak is the central town on Ontano Island, and lies at the foot of a mountainous peak. It's a very traditional, Mediterranean town.

Today we're starting off in the south-west of Aldoak, in the small farming community to the south of the main village.

The land around the Fiume Ontano is fertile and ripe, and historically, Aldoak has been an important area for food production.

In recent years farmland has been sold off for property construction, which has been highly profitable since the turn of the century.

The Fiume Ontano flows through the centre of Aldoak and is the reason that the village was initially built. It flows from a source in the mountains north of Brunswick.

The village centre is dominated by apartments and traditional Mediterranean homes, which are seen across Almae-Ontano Province.

Much of the village has been built around the Fiume Ontano, and the series of streams that flow from it. To end with, an overview of Aldoak. I hope you liked this update, and Update 38 will be online tomorrow, hopefully. Once again, if you have any questions or suggestions please tell me.


I saw it before but I still love it  &apls I hope you do Jennai in another update

Tomas Neto

Fantastic small city, and awesome rural area!!!   :thumbsup:


Haha started here to?

Well that's great. I will surely follow your MD here!



Netmod: Thanks! Jennai is going to be a massive project... It's a city of 1 million people, which is nearly half the population of the country. Jennai is truly huge, so I'm probably going to hold off on starting work on it until after my exams this June, so I'll probably start work on Jennai this summer. Sorry if that's a disappointment, but I've made lots of improvements just from working on other cities, so hopefully Jennai will be my best yet when I make it this August.

Tomas Neto: Hi again! Thanks for the compliment, I'm glad you liked Aldoak.

peter007: Thank you, and yep, I've heard lots of good things about the SC4D forums and from what I've seen so far, the activity and kindness here far exceeds Simtropolis. Plus Devotion doesn't crash as often (touch wood). That's a bonus.

Welcome back to Aldoak, in North Ontano. Today we're taking another look at the village of Aldoak, although mainly the north of the village.

Here we see Aldoak's central railway station – it's small, but it does the job well and is one of the more efficient stations in Cattala.

In the western fringes of the village, many homes are suburban and were constructed after the liberation of Cattala. This part of the village housed British servicemen after the 1943 attack on Sicily and Cattala.

The main road through Aldoak traverses from the northern coast of Ontano, and heads through hundreds of acres of land to the far southern town of Brunswick.

Along the railway line, many industrial complexes have been built and are the largest employer in Aldoak. The railway link to the mainland means land rental is cheap, and transportation is as well.

To end with, a wide shot of the border between the village, the river and the vineyards that traverse the eastern side of the Ontano river. Tomorrow we return to the mainland for an update from Celeste!


Well, keep it updated.

It's always nice to have another great MD here.




peter007: Thanks! I'm going to try and keep updating. I'm on my Easter holidays right now, so I've got plenty of time on my hands.

scott1964: Thank you! I'm glad you like Cattala.

Good morning and welcome to Celeste, the capital city of Cattala,  where today we're starting off early in the day, in the eastern fringes of Vittorius, a northern suburb of Celeste.

Near the railway line that signifies the end of Vittorius district, is a modern Gallery that has hosted expositions and special events for over a decade.

Here's an overview of the east of Vittorius, built around the Fiume Celeste. This area is located due north of Franogei, so the apartments were constructed at the same time.

Here we see a view of the river from the top of Lassereth House.

And here is the centrepiece of Vittorius – the palace. Victoria Palace was dedicated to Queen Victoria, and was home to the Governor of Cattala during the imperial years. Now it is the main residence of the current royal family. The palace lies on the southern edge of Vittorius, and on the fringes of Franogei.

Here we see the embassy of the Atlantic Federation, which is located on the edge of the Fiume Celeste, which navigates straight through Vittorius.

To end with, an overview of the Veratlantian Centre and the Vittorius Gallery at night.


Looks great so far.
Only your roads seems to be a bit empty?



 &apls Great update.

Enjoy your time here <-- I have forgotten to say that  ;)


MrMAvE94: Thanks, and the situation with the roads is being resolved. This is an old update (two more of those to go) so the changes suggested here will be implemented from update 43 onwards. The roads will have cars on them in a few updates time.

Peter007: Thank you, I'm sure I will! I've had loads of great suggestions and guidance already, which is fantastic.  :)

Tomas Neto

Your cities are amazing!!! Another fantastic update!!!   :thumbsup: