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Started by jahu, June 03, 2007, 10:15:49 AM

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Quote from: Andreas on April 25, 2011, 02:30:40 AM
There is no "official" documentation folder. Many installers use a "STEX_Downloads" or "LEX_Downloads" folder within the "\My Documents\SimCity4" folder, but this was introduced by the BSC installers. The SFBT installers put the readme inside a "\Plugins\SFBT\SFBT_ReadMe" folder, for example. The NAM Team could have adopted the BSC folder, but there always was a "Documentation" folder inside the NAM installation folder since the very first NAM installer, so we simply kept it that way.
I realise there are no official folders, and that it doesnt make sense to update all the installers to point to new places, but it would make sense to put them somewhere that Cleanitol cannot reach, and that the game does not parse through, looking for plugins. Just pointing that out :) rather than complaining

Copperminds and Cuddleswarms


Quote from: z on April 24, 2011, 03:32:02 PM
This does not sound like vehicle air pollution.  Vehicle air pollution is well defined, with edges that are almost sharp, and does not go beyond the boundaries of the networks by any noticeable amount.  Are these blobs along the sides of the networks, over them, or both?

Both. It's focus is over the roadways, but it does spill over a few squares around the roadways. I'll try to get you a few map pictures if I can.

I know the pollution isn't occurring from trash, my graphs are reading 0 trash in the city (all exported). I know there are no industries or anything anywhere nearby. My only mass transit system is subways and my sims' only options for transportation are walk, car, subway, ferry, or airport and probably 95% of travel is a combination of subway and walk (since the sims taking the subway is counted double when they start to walk). The only thing I can account the pollution to is the roadways, and I'm not sure what other forms of pollution could occur other than vehicle.


hey there,
i was wondering how i can build this:

i've got the latest NAM, but i just can't find a puzzle piece for this...

thanks in advance.


Firstly, you need the RHW, then it's accessible under the RHW Wide Radius Curves button, right at the very end. It looks like a plain curving overpass with no roads underneath it because you drag RHW under it after it's placed (or before).

"We're making SimCity, not some dopey casual game." -Ocean Quigley


Quote from: jdenm8 on April 30, 2011, 08:19:27 AM
Firstly, you need the RHW, then it's accessible under the RHW Wide Radius Curves button, right at the very end. It looks like a plain curving overpass with no roads underneath it because you drag RHW under it after it's placed (or before).

Thanks a lot!
i did came across that puzzle piece, but i discarded it as it didn't looked like it..


I am having a problem with sims commuting from one end of the city tile to the other.  They don't have jobs, even though there are ones available over there.  I think that someone said that with Simulator Z, sims would go as far as necessary to get to work.  I thought that this would also apply in the NAM Unified Traffic Simulator, but it doesn't seem to be working that way.  Is this still supposed to be a NAM simulator feature, where they go as far as they need to?  If it is, why might this not be working right?  I see NetworkAddonMod_Traffic_Plugin_Z_High.dat in my Plugins\Network Addon Mod folder.  Is this what the file should be called in the latest NAM version?

Concerning the diverging diamond interchange, I checked with drawpaths to make sure I dragged the one-way roads in the correct directions, and I also have tried building a monorail from the residential area to the industrial area as an experiment, with many stations (since ridership seems to drop without enough stations).  However, no one rode the monorail there either after I waited several months.


That picture's a long way out and I can't see much.
Are you using the Neighbour Connection pieces on the RHW connection?

"We're making SimCity, not some dopey casual game." -Ocean Quigley


Yes, all my NWM and RHW neighbor connections have the connector pieces used where they should be.

More pictures if you need them:

Along the route from the residential zone to the industrial zone:

The city has grown considerably since yesterday, but the residents in the northwest corner of the tile still don't have jobs.  There are a multitude of low-wealth commercial service jobs for the low-wealth residents, but they won't take them because they're too far away.  However, these new jobs aren't anywhere near as far away as the industrial jobs previously shown.  This picture hopefully illustrates the problem; the grid of streets north of the river is pretty much completely filled with development, but as you can see, no one is using the roads to that area at all because of distance.  Also, traffic is not bad at all at this point, so I don't see why congestion would be holding back commuters.

Northwest corner:  residential district; further southeast (but north of the river) is the large commercial area.  Along the northern edge of the city tile is a high-tech industrial zone.


Having a problem with all my highway/road intersections becoming congested.  In a grid suburban city the major north/south highways are intersected by avenues, the traffic view is all green except for the intersections and I get the annoying news clip about congestion, the avenues in question are far below capacity and the congestion is the 2 squares where the elevated highway passes over the avenue.

Thanks, great work on the mod!


Can somebody help me understand why this was implemented?

Original thread here; http://sc4devotion.com/forums/index.php?topic=13109.0


I'm having an issue with the MIS and slopes. Is the MIS not slope friendly? (Keep in mind, I've been out of SC4 for about 2-3 years now. Haven't caught up with everything just yet.)


The removal of the inner ring was for realism.

The slopes could be an overly restrictive slope mod, or it might be that the two squares at the end of the avenue are not flat, which will mean that constructing something there will try and tilt the end of the AVE which isnt possible.
Copperminds and Cuddleswarms


So, it'd be safe to assume that the inner ring from all the rail systems will be removed soon too?

Thanks for pointing that out, Joe. I scrapped the entire interchange in favor for building it elsewhere. I'll try it out again.


What happens if you delete the 'X piece from the center of the ring? does that not cause the circle to reappear?

Also, I doubt they'll be focussing on removing/fixing things like that, though they might do.
Copperminds and Cuddleswarms


The inner ring does not come back. This issue also affects the monorail system.

The ground rail (passenger and freight) is unaffected by this issue.

I built all 3 systems in question on flat level ground, so slopes did not factor into this.

Was there something in the installer that I missed? I understand that it's because of the new NAM, but is it a bug or a 'feature?'

If it's a bug, then that's in the developers' hands. If it's a feature to be yet fully implemented, I'd like an option in the installer.


Quote from: davetripd1 on May 14, 2011, 01:08:47 AM
Having a problem with all my highway/road intersections becoming congested.  In a grid suburban city the major north/south highways are intersected by avenues, the traffic view is all green except for the intersections and I get the annoying news clip about congestion, the avenues in question are far below capacity and the congestion is the 2 squares where the elevated highway passes over the avenue.

This is the turn and intersection effect, which has been turned up in the NAM traffic simulator so that it actually slows down traffic at heavily traveled intersections.  It still doesn't stop the traffic for stoplights or stop signs, but there's no way to stop the traffic in the game.

If you don't like this feature, you can reduce it or turn it off completely using the Traffic Simulator Configuration Tool.  If you don't already have this, you can get it in the NAM Traffic Subsystem.

Quote from: legoman786 on May 15, 2011, 01:48:38 PM
The inner ring does not come back. This issue also affects the monorail system.

The ground rail (passenger and freight) is unaffected by this issue.

I built all 3 systems in question on flat level ground, so slopes did not factor into this.

Was there something in the installer that I missed? I understand that it's because of the new NAM, but is it a bug or a 'feature?'

If it's a bug, then that's in the developers' hands. If it's a feature to be yet fully implemented, I'd like an option in the installer.

It's a feature.  I believe that some of the automata would just go round and round the circle.

All the travel options in this intersection are still present.  The glitches in the rails in the branches are more than just texture problems, but they're being worked on.


@z: So, as of yet, it's more a visual thing than it is functional? Well, until the fix is completed, correct?

With your explanation of the automata being stuck on the roundabouts, I may just suck it up and live with it.

Any idea when it will be full implemented? Next release, or TBA?


Unfortunately, I have no idea.  It hasn't been touched since that modification was initially conceived as part of a "realism initiative" from some Rail Addon Mod folks back in 2009 that was never completed.  It may end up getting reverted back to how it was before then, as the implementation used has the potential for stability issues.



I'm having an issue with NAM that has been really irritating me, and have not found anything about it anywhere.  I've spent at least a couple hours or more scouring the internet using every combination of search terms I can think of, and have not found one single reference that even remotely resembles this issue, let alone finding out why it's doing this...

After installing NAM and getting into my game, when I go into Data Views, then Zones, instead of getting a nice clean view of my city with only the zones showing, I get a cluttered map filled with bushes, trees, shrubs, fences, fountains, parked cars, and in some cases full buildings!  I like to use this view for a clean map when I'm making certain changes.  But the way it is with NAM bugs the heck out of me!!

I'm sorry if I sound a little irritated.  My temper has gotten a bit frayed after ransacking the internet trying to figure out why NAM is doing this.  From the lack of -anything- posted by anyone else it seems like I'm the only person having this issue.  So I'll just say this...  If I did manage to somehow miss this somewhere, then it sure wasn't for lack of trying!!

I also am aware that there are some issues that NAM creates that can't be avoided.  If that's the case I'd just like to know that.  I can learn to live with it if it's not fixable.  It's the hope that there might be a way to fix this that is driving me up the wall.   &mmm

(Oh and I posted about this on the NAM download page, only because I'd tried to sign up for the forums in the past and ran into some issues.  I don't even remember what was going on then, something on my end.  Anyways, if any moderators are able to remove my comment from that page, feel free.  After posting it there I felt a little silly, but couldn't delete it.  heh)

Edit:  Oh!!  And NAM is the only addon I've ever tried to install for Sim City 4.  I mostly want it for the better traffic simulation, I haven't really explored all the other options it comes with other then to read up on them briefly before installing it.


There is a mod bundled with the NAM which does exactly what you say, and it's completely optional. You evidently went with the default installation options.

It's simple to remove the file.
Go to MyDocs\SimCity 4\Plugins\Network Addon Mod\Data Views and remove the file called "NetworkAddonMod_Zone_Data_View.dat"

That removes that part of the mod and Zone View will return to normal.

You won't find much on the internet about it, mainly because people read the descriptions of each of the NAM components.

"We're making SimCity, not some dopey casual game." -Ocean Quigley


Quote from: jdenm8 on June 13, 2011, 11:41:34 PM
There is a mod bundled with the NAM which does exactly what you say, and it's completely optional. You evidently went with the default installation options.

It's simple to remove the file.
Go to MyDocs\SimCity 4\Plugins\Network Addon Mod\Data Views and remove the file called "NetworkAddonMod_Zone_Data_View.dat"

That removes that part of the mod and Zone View will return to normal.

You won't find much on the internet about it, mainly because people read the descriptions of each of the NAM components.

Thank you so much!  Is this the "New Zones Data View" option?  It's the only one that sounds like what you're talking about.  And it's interesting because I was actually wondering if that's what was causing the issue for me.  But the way the tooltip is written confused me.  Re-reading it again, I understand it now.  I guess I was trying too hard or something.  I don't know.  Sometimes something really obvious can completely confuse me because I'm overthinking things.  >.<

Anyways, thanks again for the help!