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NWM (Network Widening Mod) - Development and Support

Started by Tarkus, May 03, 2007, 08:47:23 PM

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Quote from: Tarkus on May 16, 2011, 11:49:56 PM
The NWM?  That'd be found here.

Speaking of the NWM, a belated happy birthday to its first release, Version 1.0, which came out one year and one week ago (May 9, 2010).   &dance

So, in honor of the occasion, another little peek at its next full successor, NWM Version 2.0:


umm no.. I mean T21 stuff for MAVE 4...


@976: Look above at the sticky post in the Optional Addons section. There's a download link for some MAVE-4 T21 stuff.


Quote from: Tarkus on May 16, 2011, 11:49:56 PM
The NWM?  That'd be found here.

Speaking of the NWM, a belated happy birthday to its first release, Version 1.0, which came out one year and one week ago (May 9, 2010).   &dance

So, in honor of the occasion, another little peek at its next full successor, NWM Version 2.0:


So the TuLEPS in this pic are what we would use for the MAVE-6? Also, is the traffic signal in the pic just temporary or will there be another one when released? Notice how there are only 3 lights but 4 lanes?


@Opkl: Those are actually TuLEPs for AVE-6. I don't know about the traffic lights for sure, but I'd guess that they'd be switched out for ones with four lights upon release. An official NAM Team member will be able to answer your question for sure.


Hey Alex,

I couldn't help but notice that there seems to be a slight date error in the sticky message..
Should the Street Side Mod for MAVE-4 and the MAVE-4 & MAVE-6 No Grass mods (under the Optional Addons) dates not be the 01/29/2011 instead of 2010? ;)


Quote from: Opkl on May 18, 2011, 01:02:31 PM
So the TuLEPS in this pic are what we would use for the MAVE-6? Also, is the traffic signal in the pic just temporary or will there be another one when released? Notice how there are only 3 lights but 4 lanes?

They're TuLEPs for the new triple-tile networks, TLA-7 and AVE-6, which will be included in NWM Version 2.0. 

As far as the traffic signal goes, a three-light setup for a situation like that is not at all unusual--the turn lane setup on the Tualatin Valley Hwy is identical to what we have here with this TuLEP, in fact.  In fact, there are even some two-lighters around[/b] where no left turns are allowed.  (That smaller third signal is not for regular vehicular traffic, but a special signal for the Bus Rapid Transit line that runs down the median.)  That's perfectly permissible by the MUTCD.

In order to have a signal that properly matched up with the width of the network, we'd need to include some new signal mast arm models in the NAM Props set.  I do actually have some that would work, adapted from some models Ryan B. gave me, and they look quite nice, but they don't match with the default style.  I'd anticipate this will probably be what the final default version will look like.  Quite some time ago, however, I actually started on a signal cosmetic mod using new signals I made, coupled with Ryan's mast arm assemblies and had planned on expanding it to include situations like this intersection, though the mod isn't anywhere near completion yet.  I probably won't get back to it until we're much closer to the next NAM/RHW/NWM release.



Quote from: Nego on May 18, 2011, 01:10:04 PM
@Opkl: Those are actually TuLEPs for AVE-6. I don't know about the traffic lights for sure, but I'd guess that they'd be switched out for ones with four lights upon release. An official NAM Team member will be able to answer your question for sure.

How fast reply Nego. ;D . I think you might've got confused about my TuLEP question. I was wondering if you would have to convert from MAVE-6 to AVE-6 for turning lanes like one has to do with MAVE-4 being converted to either AVE-4 or TLA-5. So MAVE-6 will have it's own TuLEP's?


The only MAVE-6 TuLEPs really planned are right turn lanes, which will convert the network into a MAVE-4 on the other side.  There hasn't been any development on a MAVE-6-to-triple-tile transition yet.  I'd anticipate it'll happen eventually, but I'm not sure we'll have that for Version 2.0.



Quote from: Tarkus on May 18, 2011, 01:22:38 PM
They're TuLEPs for the new triple-tile networks, TLA-7 and AVE-6, which will be included in NWM Version 2.0. 

As far as the traffic signal goes, a three-light setup for a situation like that is not at all unusual--the turn lane setup on the Tualatin Valley Hwy is identical to what we have here with this TuLEP, in fact.  In fact, there are even some two-lighters around[/b] where no left turns are allowed.  (That smaller third signal is not for regular vehicular traffic, but a special signal for the Bus Rapid Transit line that runs down the median.)  That's perfectly permissible by the MUTCD.

In order to have a signal that properly matched up with the width of the network, we'd need to include some new signal mast arm models in the NAM Props set.  I do actually have some that would work, adapted from some models Ryan B. gave me, and they look quite nice, but they don't match with the default style.  I'd anticipate this will probably be what the final default version will look like.  Quite some time ago, however, I actually started on a signal cosmetic mod using new signals I made, coupled with Ryan's mast arm assemblies and had planned on expanding it to include situations like this intersection, though the mod isn't anywhere near completion yet.  I probably won't get back to it until we're much closer to the next NAM/RHW/NWM release.


Well I just found this Illinois intersection from google maps in a town not too far away from me. http://maps.google.ca/?ie=UTF8&ll=41.505267,-87.729821&spn=0,0.026264&z=15&layer=c&cbll=41.506089,-87.732346&panoid=j5ghFjev2O3xVF6YbDkVDw&cbp=12,62.54,,0,15.74 This intersection is between a AVE-6 and TLA-5 and has only ONE signal. While 15 miles east over the state line in Indiana, this SAME road with the SAME intersection setup has many more lights, 5 to be exact: http://maps.google.ca/?ie=UTF8&ll=41.470901,-87.336159&spn=0,0.105057&z=13&layer=c&cbll=41.470906,-87.335916&panoid=jcp33UeRfFR-q17ouI-uvQ&cbp=12,87.79,,0,5.15. I just wanted to point that out $%Grinno$% . However, IL is starting to replace lights like the one in the first link I posted above, to this: http://maps.google.ca/?ie=UTF8&ll=41.506051,-87.713186&spn=0,0.105057&z=13&layer=c&cbll=41.506051,-87.713186&panoid=cgjAy2xusC6dRucTQe0SgQ&cbp=12,64.85,,0,-2.35 . At first, the poles with 3 lights only had 2. For some reason they only did a 50% job because they left the other two lights for Governors Hwy the same. (only 1 light)


I think you've demonstrated my point quite accurately . . . the way in which roads of this width are signalized varies wildly, even between signal installations made by the same municipal body, and even during roughly the same time frame.



Before the corruption and the debt, that situation was suppose to be replaced for an up to date setup. I used to see those signals get replaced left to right.

That type of intersection with the slip lane with those dual pole signals did exist by me at one time, but then when they widened the intersection, they added more lights. I think the traffic signal intersections in the background on Lincoln Hwy demonstrate the difference in time from when that intersection was built, the background signals do not have the dual light poles, and there is more lights on them, that are closer to the lane setup.


~ NAM Team Member


I don't recall ever hearing about anyone having that one before . . . I'll have to check it out.



Quote from: Tarkus on May 23, 2011, 01:02:37 PM
I don't recall ever hearing about anyone having that one before . . . I'll have to check it out.

See here for another mention.
Copperminds and Cuddleswarms


My sims aren't able to turn left from pictured intersection. The DrawPaths cheat should be able to demonstrate what's happening as I am not knowledgeable enough to see the problem.

EDIT: @Joe: I just saw that you linked back to my post as I was posting here. :p It's been mentioned already, so I don't know which one to disregard. :\


This question is probably asked before by someone else and maybe not here right place to ask but I am interested  why after so many years of development and evolution of  NAM team has commenced  construction  of FAR  pieces  OWR -  two and why not for OWR - 3 ???

- Ivaylo


Quote from: ivo_su on May 23, 2011, 03:07:53 PM
This question is probably asked before by someone else and maybe not here right place to ask but I am interested  why after so many years of development and evolution of  NAM team has commenced  construction  of FAR  pieces  OWR -  two and why not for OWR - 3 ???

- Ivaylo

How come there's no FAR pieces for OWR, or anything else? Easy. It's a zero-man job.

Quote from: Tarkus on April 19, 2011, 04:40:42 PM
FAR's pretty much a zero-man project right now. 

I wondered about the same exact thing, and responded with a FATLA-5.

Quote from: GDO29Anagram on April 27, 2011, 01:46:14 PM
As of other FA networks,... Well,... ::)

. . .

An FA-AVE4 piece would be like this FA-TLA5 piece, but with different textures and a few pathing differences.

I should SERIOUSLY convert EVERYTHING to FA, don't you think, Ivo? Someone's gotta start on that... Well, the ironic part is that YOU asked a similar question before...

Quote from: ivo_su on April 19, 2011, 03:15:52 PM
I always wondered what happened  to projects in the field  of FAR. Made from pieces of streets and roads have pretty good variety but never appeared pieces OWR-2 and AVE-4

I don't blame you for asking about other FAR items; I asked about a FARHW-8S a long time ago... $%Grinno$%

Quote from: GDO29Anagram on August 30, 2010, 02:37:27 PM
- Is a FARHW-8S piece possible, or would it be rather bulky?

Rest assured that they're all possible. Someone's gotta make them first...
Simtropolis | YouTube | MLP Forums


Have put forward, perhaps this issue huh? But I do not know how much work is zero, however, what interested me in a specific curva OWR 90 and 45 degrees. We have such a street, road and railway, and I think that has to RHW


I don't think I've ever seen that puzzle piece before... but anyway,
It looks like the turn lane paths in that intersection are for the old version of Type-A TuLEPs (back when both directions were on their own tile). Looks like an easy enough fix, I'll take a look at it.

That's not a puzzle piece, that's the TLA-5 x OWR-2 intersection (thus why I've never seen it before :P )

They wouldn't be able to turn left because the slightly different ways that the crossover lanes are pathed compared to the TuLEPs.
TLA-5 has traffic stay in their own tile until they turn, whereas Type-A TuLEPs make cars cross over into the tile usually reserved for oncoming traffic (to reduce the traffic slowing effect I think).
This means that the paths for TLA-5 to turn into that intersection are diagonally adjacent (sims can only move forward, backward, left and right, not diagonally) to the actual exit paths of Type-A TuLEPs.

You can just see the arrow in the middle of the intersection, meaning that the path comes from the right-hand tile, whereas Type-A TuLEPs have the turn lane paths on the left-hand tile. That's also why you can't switch out of the turn lane in a Type-A TuLEP in UDI.

"We're making SimCity, not some dopey casual game." -Ocean Quigley


An update on the pathing things . . . I've replicated the OWR-3-ending-at-MAVE-6 T-intersection pathing issue and the same issue exists with the analogous MAVE-4 intersection.  Will have them fixed shortly.

legoman786, as far as your issue goes, that's definitely an NWM issue rather than a TuLEPs issue.  Theoretically, traffic should be able to make that left turn from the TLA-5 onto the OWR-2 . . . if you'll look closely, you'll notice a left turn path originating from the center lane of the network.  Things with any sort of "Long-T" intersection (where the intersecting network touches both tiles of the dual-tile NWM network) will look a bit odd from the pathing standpoint, as the "Long-T" is basically half of a +-intersection combined with an actual "Long-T" intersection, so there's some paths that get cut off from the +-intersection part because they're not needed on the T.

I don't really have an answer as to why it's not working as of yet, however.  The paths looks exactly like they should and there is a clear route connecting the two networks.  It's really baffling.

Quote from: ivo_su on May 23, 2011, 03:07:53 PM
This question is probably asked before by someone else and maybe not here right place to ask but I am interested  why after so many years of development and evolution of  NAM team has commenced  construction  of FAR  pieces  OWR -  two and why not for OWR - 3 ???

I actually started on some OWR Wide-Radius Curves a long time ago.  However, there are a lot of wacky issues with OWR-based puzzle pieces that involve network stubs, and they've gone by the wayside for the time being.  I've been meaning to get back to them, but I can't say when.  Unfortunately, while I can do some pretty quick modding turnaround work, I can't do everything everyone wants instantly. :D  There's never been any effort to do FA-OWR, however.
