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St Andrews - 10th October 2011 - Small Heath still lives!

Started by Reikhardt, March 01, 2011, 02:46:07 PM

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Tomas Neto: Thank you Thomas!

Aaron Graham: Many thanks sir!

Silvio: Thanks! I agree with you on the pedmall. I placed it as a kind of filler really, but never  replaced it. In hind sight I should have left that shot out of the update  &mmm I'll do a better job next time  ::)

kelis: Thanks for your comment!

nbvc: Many thanks!

Noah: Thanks Noah! The terrain mod is Missouri Breaks and I replaced the water mod with the Marshy Water from Dogfight's water Mods. As for Girafe's trees, I downloaded them recently so there is a good chance they'll appear  ;) I like trees!

Bat: Cheers Bat!

Ol.S / Benoit: Thanks, glad you enjoyed it. I'm really enjoying your MD too!


Just a quick teaser to go with the replies, nothing special as there is a lot of work still to do:

All the best, Reikhardt


Needs some flora but it is an amazing picture ! Great job  &apls

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Sweet bridge! I look forward to the finished product. And thanks a lot for the links!

Tomas Neto

Nice teaser my friend!!!   :thumbsup:


Nice pictures of that bridge.
Looking forward to more of this area... ;)



kelis: Thank you! Flora now deployed!

Noah: No problem, always happy to help! Thanks!

Tomas: Cheers!

Bat: Thank you sir!


Today, as teased previously, we are taking a look at the road and rail way through the scenic Wickhamford valley:


The road and rail here are the only way to travel to the port town of West Heath, some 120 miles west of Salwarpe. These services are the last opportunity to refuel on the way:



The road heads down the mountain and across the river Wick. Time has been a bit tight, so apologies on the change from street to road here on the bridge  ::)




The brick rail bridge dominates the landscape:






And to round off, some gratuitous flora shots:






Thanks for all your comments and views, hope everyone enjoyed this update!

Next up: Our first look at the coastal town of West Heath.


Looks great! I love the bridges and the flora, water, hills, and roads all look really nice &aplst


Nice bridges! I like the winding road although it could use some smooth curves ::)
Visit my MD, The region of Pirgos!
Last updated: 28 November


Thats a gorgeous update. You did a really good job with both bridges :)

The brick bridge really has so much character, I loved it!

I also loved the way your river flows, its so Rocky Mountains-ish :)


Nice work with the scenic road, reminds me Andorra with the road following the river along the cliffs. I like too the river banks. :thumbsup:
The road bridge is acceptable as there is no street bridges available to fit that scene.

Tomas Neto

Amazing update!!! Fantastic work my friend!!!  &apls &apls


Great pictures of the bridge and river!
The valley is really beautiful!! :thumbsup:


Very nice update!!

The street and brige are so real and the rail bridge very impressive &apls &apls

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Great update mate, You did a great job here  &apls &apls

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It's a very nice update  &apls  &apls
Click on the banner to see my BATs



Noah: Many thanks sir!

io_bg: Thank you! I agree on the curves issue. Sadly a limitation of Peg's road mod I've been using means that the NAM curves look out of place. However for the next update I'm making changes so I can use wide radius curves in future!

nedalezz: Cheers! I've added some photo's below which inspired me with these shots which you might like.

Silvio: Thanks Silvio, it is a shame I couldn't find a suitable street bridge, but as I mentioned in my reply to io_bg above, I'm changing the way I make my roads now to prevent this kind of thing!

Tomas Neto: Thanks Tomas!

bat: Thank you sir!

Kergelen: Many thanks!

kelis: Cheers!

supremec: Thank you!


I'm hard at work on the next update with no real teasers right now, so here are some photos I found which inspired the last update. I always look for real pictures to help make realistic environments:






First off my apologies for there being no update in so long, real life is very hectic at the moment and I have had very little motivation to work on West Heath recently. I'm looking to get a proper update out in the next fortnight at the most.
In the meantime here is picture I made ages ago and recently entered into the Picture Competition (more for a giggle than any serious intent to win, but I got a few votes all the same!)

All the best


No worries on being busy lately, I've been struck with a moderate to severe case of RL myself recently, which I only anticipate getting worse for the next month! I look forward to the next update, but in the mean time what a lovely picture! I don't recall seeing it but wish I could vote for it!  &apls

Tomas Neto

Fantastic image!!!   :thumbsup:



Noah: Damn that real life nonsense! Thanks for the vote of confidence, but I really did make that picture as a joke really, not any serious attempt at a good picture!

Tomas: Thank you sir! Please see above reply....


Just a quick teaser, update due at the end of the week, I promise.

Thanks for viewing!