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RHW (RealHighway) - Development and Support

Started by Tarkus, April 13, 2007, 09:10:49 PM

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Alex is so awesome - I did not doubt that you will manage to fix these small errors. But really doubting that so quickly will lend pieces with HSRP over wider networks of RHW. I bow to you ... anything to say about you will be less.



Quote from: Tarkus on June 03, 2011, 10:22:00 AMWell, we were going to wait and post a video.  But since you asked, here you go--it's in the upper right corner of this screenshot.
Now we know that it's elevated ;D
Visit my MD, The region of Pirgos!
Last updated: 28 November


Ramona Brie

Sheesh. You guys are great at teasing.

That said, Update 75 of Tarkusian Cities would be the next one. Is this something that might fit in one of your regional transport projects in Chemeketa?


Quote from: Tarkus on June 03, 2011, 10:22:00 AM
Well, we were going to wait and post a video.  But since you asked, here you go--it's in the upper right corner of this screenshot.



So... It's an Elevated DoubleDecker Real HighWay 4 (EDDRHW-4)? :P Because that's what I'm betting my Simoleons on! ;)


I rather have seen the video. Then we would've known for sure!  :P


I remember that was previously commented on  this but I forgot where to get the discussion  ...
So if there are ways to make a splitter to connect  Maxi's Highway with RHW-6c or 6s. I understand that this is quite difficult because Maxi's spread on 2 tiles while RHW-6 covers three tiles. But to me are tired of having to put multiple splitter to sarzha wide lane RHW with ordinary highway Maxi's , and I think of you too. As far as I remember Maarten had spoken about it but it would be nice  to know  the views of  more people.
Another thought is that if there will RHW-12 in the next version 4.2



Unless someone is being extremely sneaky there will be no RHW-12 or new Maxis/RHW transitions. Any RHW developments involving Maxis highways have been very low priority for RHW development--most people choose one or the other as the scales are drastically different.

On another note, quite the mystery going on here  $%Grinno$%  I suspect the new network is elevated heavy-rail-in-RHW-16


... or how about a Triple-decker MHW-RHW-Monorail combination
Lurk mode: ACTIVE


Quote from: mrtnrln on June 03, 2011, 02:42:26 PM
... or how about a Triple-decker MHW-RHW-Monorail combination

that even I can not imagine it
seriously what you mean Maarten


Quote from: mrtnrln on June 03, 2011, 02:42:26 PM
... or how about a Triple-decker MHW-RHW-Monorail combination
Got any real world reference for such a network?  :P


Actually Ivo, the 6S lines up better with MHW than 6C. 6S takes up just two tiles, minus the overhangs, so if there's ever gonna be an RHW-6 to MHW connection, it's more likely to go with 6S rather than 6C. I remember seeing that in one of Haljackey's videos... Your reasoning is correct for the 6C, though I should add that making the models for such a connection, any connection, is rather tricky. And time-consuming.

There have been many discussions about adding a 12S, the most recent ones I know involves me bringing up the idea of one. :D So far, however, no such network is currently being developed.

Nego, we won't know for sure 'til the video is released, though I can't tell if you're on the right track or completely derailed. :P Us NAMites always say that teasing is pleasing. If it were December, it'd be "Tis the season to be teasin'!"

Quote from: noahclem on June 03, 2011, 02:39:02 PM
I suspect the new network is elevated heavy-rail-in-RHW-16

Quote from: GDO29Anagram (This comment)I can't tell if you're on the right track or completely derailed.

I had to say "derailed"... :D

Quote from: mrtnrln on June 03, 2011, 02:42:26 PM
... or how about a Triple-decker MHW-RHW-Monorail combination

Really Maarten? XP And to think my creativity levels is rather low...

Psst... Riiga... You forgot El Rail...

OK, gagfest over. :D
Simtropolis | YouTube | MLP Forums


In northern Finland there are actually plenty of examples of el-rail over monorail over MHW over RHW


Seriously? Pictures please  ::)

Quote from: ivo_su on June 03, 2011, 02:45:13 PM
that even I can not imagine it
seriously what you mean Maarten
A monorail on top of a elevated RHW on top of an Maxis Highway, to be exact. But I was teasing with you.

Actually, I do know what SecretNetwork is and I've promised to keep it a secret. And it's quite hard to keep it that way. But don't worry, the secret will be uncovered soon. How soon is also a secret, even to us...
Lurk mode: ACTIVE


^^^  If I imagine it correctly it for such a spectacular  facility  should be  built  structure with a height over 100 meters far as I know now the level of ordinary monorail is 15 meters and the elevated monorail is 30 meters which allows it to pass over EMHW.
Super joking with me poor ignorant and misunderstanding Ivo  &scl() :party:

Ramona Brie

Is SecretNetwork something we'll use regularly or a specialized niche?


Quote from: Tracker on June 03, 2011, 03:22:00 PM
Is SecretNetwork something we'll use regularly or a specialized niche?

It really depends on what kind of cities you build.  But even if you don't build the type of cities that SecretNetwork would naturally fit into, you'll probably end up wanting to find ways to use it just because of what it is.


Ramona Brie

Quote from: Tarkus on June 03, 2011, 03:26:10 PM
It really depends on what kind of cities you build.  But even if you don't build the type of cities that SecretNetwork would naturally fit into, you'll probably end up wanting to find ways to use it just because of what it is.


I have a town of 650K (which I actually let have a 100K decline in population to build an RHW-6S through several city blocks)...I wonder if that's the type of city you'd find best.

It'd also make a good 75th update for your MD... ;) Or would it not fit there?