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Euro RHW Texture Mod testing reports

Started by MandelSoft, December 18, 2011, 02:38:36 PM

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Original post:

Hello fellow city builders,

The Euro version of the RHW textures is almost finished and we're looking for some testers, especially people with the left-hand drive version of the game. For those who don't know how the textures look like, here are some examples:

For testing, you require the following:

- You have to stress-test this mod, make sure everything is tested.
- If you find any bugs, please report them.
- The plan is to release the mod on December 25. Testing starts on December 21. Be sure you do all the testing within this time span.
- While testing, you can take some time to take a picture of the mod in action. Who knows, maybe your picture will be included on the download splash screen or in the ReadMe.

There will be some known bugs with this mod:

- Due to the use of model-based draggable items, the diagonal RHW-2, RHW-3 and RHW-4 may give issues on slopes involving the terrain showing through the RHW. A workarond is to zone and dezone right next to the RHW. This will make the "sidewalk-bug" appear in a positive way (so you won't see holes in your RHW).
- Some at-grade intersections are not supported in this mod, mostly orthagonal x diagonal crossings or Railway or GLR crossings. These are quite labour intensive to make and are rarely to be seen.
- The RHW-NWM crosslinking interfaces are most likely not supported in this mod. Most likely this would be included in the NWM Euro Texture mod at some point.

If you're interested, please sign up here. If you're selected, I'll send you an e-mail with the test version of the mod. But make sure you fulfill the demands, so we all can enjoy this long-awaited mod.

Maarten (and Riiga)
Lurk mode: ACTIVE


You probably know me as cacks over at ST and I would love to try out the new Euro textures for the RHW, well, you know my enthusiasm from ST chat about your work anyway. :P

Cheers Maarten and Riiga for such an amazing modd and set of textures,


Congratulations on the work of Maarten and Riga - you guys know you have my full respect. The marking of exits from the first picture I like, but I wonder why it is likewise the second picture. I very much enjoy these corners of outputs - everything looks much more esthetically pleasant.

- Ivo


Ah, le voilà! :D
I could test it I think... if you want for sure!

Guillaume :thumbsup:
L'atelier d'architecture
* * * * * Longwy * * * * *

Shadow Assassin

I would LOVE to test this RHW mod, but I don't have time leading up to Christmas, so might as well wait till it's released. Nice work, though.
New Horizons Productions
Berethor ♦ beskhu3epnm ♦ blade2k5 ♦ dedgren ♦ dmscopio ♦ Ennedi
emilin ♦ Heblem ♦ jplumbley ♦ moganite ♦ M4346 ♦ papab2000
Shadow Assassin ♦ Tarkus ♦ wouanagaine
See my uploads on the LEX!


I am RHD, but still I can have it a try to test.
btw, it looks good :D


OK, so we have the following participants for now:
- C(r)acks
- Ivo_su
- Sciurus
- Gn_leugim

If anyone want to participate, the selection closes tomorrow evening at 19:00 GMT+1

Lurk mode: ACTIVE

Shadow Assassin

Why not put it up for the NAM testers to test it as well? More, the better, basically.
New Horizons Productions
Berethor ♦ beskhu3epnm ♦ blade2k5 ♦ dedgren ♦ dmscopio ♦ Ennedi
emilin ♦ Heblem ♦ jplumbley ♦ moganite ♦ M4346 ♦ papab2000
Shadow Assassin ♦ Tarkus ♦ wouanagaine
See my uploads on the LEX!


I also play the RHD... but I would love to test it... I dont post much in here... but I followed every single post you made in here... so it would be great if I could test it and feedback


Quote from: Shadow Assassin on December 19, 2011, 05:30:35 PM
Why not put it up for the NAM testers to test it as well? More, the better, basically.
Noted! I'll do that ;)
Lurk mode: ACTIVE

Shadow Assassin

I have a question: do all the exit pieces have chevrons (optional or otherwise)?
New Horizons Productions
Berethor ♦ beskhu3epnm ♦ blade2k5 ♦ dedgren ♦ dmscopio ♦ Ennedi
emilin ♦ Heblem ♦ jplumbley ♦ moganite ♦ M4346 ♦ papab2000
Shadow Assassin ♦ Tarkus ♦ wouanagaine
See my uploads on the LEX!


All exit pieces will have chevrons, including the DRIs. Although for some pieces the design of the puzzle piece itself prevents them to point them in the right direction for both the on-ramp as the off-ramp situation... (although this is a rare circumstance)
Lurk mode: ACTIVE


Maarten, I thank you for your trust and will be happy to try and test the European textures, although I'm sure you did perfectly with Riga.


Further participation is now closed. I'm awaiting for e-mail adresses to send the mod to (look in your PM inbox). For the NAM members and associates: it's located on the usual location if you want to test it.

If you've found bugs, please post them here...

Lurk mode: ACTIVE

Shadow Assassin

Alright. Most bugs I can see mainly are to do with at-grade intersections (to be honest, my suggestion is that they should be done, if only to ensure continuity).

A lot of bugs I've listed below are more likely in the scope of Project 0E and can be fixed now for future inclusion.

A list of things that should be checked:
- A-type DRI for RHW-4 needs puzzle darkening on two of the pieces.
- A-type DRI for RHW-4 (inside) also needs puzzle darkening and material settings adjusted for the S3d (this is more in the scope of Project 0E and should be done then)
- B-type DRI for RHW-4, same as above
- same with 6S DRI
- Ditto for 6C DRI
- ...and 8S A1 DRI only, B-type is fine, 8C isn't affected
- 10S A1 as well only
- Diagonal MIS end is the same as the orthogonal MIS end (incorrect texture ID)
- Other variant of diag MIS end also doesn't have a texture

- Texture error with diagonal RHW-4 A-type offramp
- Minor alignment issue with RHW-4 type C1 entrance
- Mat settings for RHW-2 type D1 entrance need adjustment (this is probably 0E-related once again)
- Same applies to RHW-2 type D1 Wye
- RHW-3 A1b (both entrance and exit) need mat settings adjustment and also need reworking as they have missing texture parts.
- RHW-3 dual A1a and A1b both need mat settings adjustment
- RHW-6S A1 exit has Z-fighting issues
- RHW-6C dual-shift type A1 needs mat settings adjustment
- RHW-8S A1 needs mat settings adjustment
- Same goes for 8S B1
- Ditto for 8S D1
- ...and again for 8S D2
- 8S E2 has a missing texture chunk and needs mat setting adjustment
- 10S A1, B1, D1 and E1 need mat settings adjusted
- 10S D2 exit has missing texture chunks
- RHW-4 to 6C transition needs mat setting adjustment
- RHW-6S to 6C transition needs mat setting adjustment
- other transition needs it too
- same with 6C to 8C
- and 8S to 6C needs it as well
- RHW-2 to RHW-3 both transitions need settings adjustment
- RHW-3 to WRHW-2 needs it too
- RHW-4 double wide radius curve is missing a texture chunk
- RHW-4 inner wide radius curve is missing a texture chunk
- RHW-4 dual lane shift needs a mat settings adjustment
- FARHW-4 to diagonal RHW-4 outer curve has a small texture chunk missing
- All cosmetic pieces are fine but they need mat settings adjusted to new NAM specifications, including the arrow overlays.
- multi-coloured RGBK squares on elevated RHW-4 neighbour connection piece (could be a 0E issue)
- RHW-2 FLUP ramp needs updated texture (this might come later, though, when a proper model is done... Dexter?)

And that's about it from what a brief test showed.


New Horizons Productions
Berethor ♦ beskhu3epnm ♦ blade2k5 ♦ dedgren ♦ dmscopio ♦ Ennedi
emilin ♦ Heblem ♦ jplumbley ♦ moganite ♦ M4346 ♦ papab2000
Shadow Assassin ♦ Tarkus ♦ wouanagaine
See my uploads on the LEX!


Quote from: Shadow Assassin on December 20, 2011, 10:30:49 PM
A list of things that should be checked:
- A-type DRI for RHW-4 needs puzzle darkening on two of the pieces.
- A-type DRI for RHW-4 (inside) also needs puzzle darkening and material settings adjusted for the S3d (this is more in the scope of Project 0E and should be done then)
- B-type DRI for RHW-4, same as above
- same with 6S DRI
- Ditto for 6C DRI
- ...and 8S A1 DRI only, B-type is fine, 8C isn't affected
- 10S A1 as well only
I have to admit, I was a bit lazy here by not doing it. The case was that the texture IIDs for the DRI S3Ds were ending in the 0-4 range instead of the A-E range. This might be a job for Project 0E
- Diagonal MIS end is the same as the orthogonal MIS end (incorrect texture ID)
That's a RUL-related error, not a texture error. Sorry, my bad, it was indeed a texture error. I got it fixed now on my end...
- Other variant of diag MIS end also doesn't have a texture
Missed that one. Thanks for sptting that.
- Texture error with diagonal RHW-4 A-type offramp
I'll be checking that...

- Minor alignment issue with RHW-4 type C1 entrance
- Mat settings for RHW-2 type D1 entrance need adjustment (this is probably 0E-related once again)
- Same applies to RHW-2 type D1 Wye
- RHW-3 A1b (both entrance and exit) need mat settings adjustment and also need reworking as they have missing texture parts.
- RHW-3 dual A1a and A1b both need mat settings adjustment
- RHW-6C dual-shift type A1 needs mat settings adjustment
- RHW-8S A1 needs mat settings adjustment
- Same goes for 8S B1
- Ditto for 8S D1
- ...and again for 8S D2
- 8S E2 has a missing texture chunk and needs mat setting adjustment
- 10S A1, B1, D1 and E1 need mat settings adjusted
- 10S D2 exit has missing texture chunks
I'll be checking the missing chunks. The Mat settings are again minor details...

- RHW-6S A1 exit has Z-fighting issues
It always had Z-fighting issues; they did never showed up before, since the pieces didn't have chevrons. Some other ramps, like the RHW-6S A2 and the FARHW type C2 ramps also will show Z-fighting issues...

- RHW-4 to 6C transition needs mat setting adjustment
- RHW-6S to 6C transition needs mat setting adjustment
- other transition needs it too
- same with 6C to 8C
- and 8S to 6C needs it as well
- RHW-2 to RHW-3 both transitions need settings adjustment
- RHW-3 to WRHW-2 needs it too
Again minor details.

- RHW-4 double wide radius curve is missing a texture chunk
- RHW-4 inner wide radius curve is missing a texture chunk
- RHW-4 dual lane shift needs a mat settings adjustment
- FARHW-4 to diagonal RHW-4 outer curve has a small texture chunk missing
That's odd, I thought I fixed that on my end...

- All cosmetic pieces are fine but they need mat settings adjusted to new NAM specifications, including the arrow overlays.
That is just a detail (and this is also affecting the original RHW-mod). Too much work for now
- multi-coloured RGBK squares on elevated RHW-4 neighbour connection piece (could be a 0E issue)
I'll be checking that...

- RHW-2 FLUP ramp needs updated texture (this might come later, though, when a proper model is done... Dexter?)
Can't do anything about that now, but I did send Dexter my textures...

Lurk mode: ACTIVE

Shadow Assassin

Excellent -- would it be too much to ask that MIS intersections with Maxis and other networks in medium and high density areas have the same sidewalk treatment as the rest of the networks? It's just a little odd seeing a sudden patch of grass where sidewalks should be on the crossing road.
New Horizons Productions
Berethor ♦ beskhu3epnm ♦ blade2k5 ♦ dedgren ♦ dmscopio ♦ Ennedi
emilin ♦ Heblem ♦ jplumbley ♦ moganite ♦ M4346 ♦ papab2000
Shadow Assassin ♦ Tarkus ♦ wouanagaine
See my uploads on the LEX!


Well, I think I'll fix that later. "If it ain't broke, don't fix it" ... yet ;) First I need to get the real broken content ready...
Lurk mode: ACTIVE


I'm not sure if it will be of much use at the moment without the rest of the set (being 5 tiles long as opposed to 4), but I have attached a Euro texture RHW 2 FLUP model.

I'm not sure that the LODs are ideal though, as when Alex tested a few before they showed horrible artifacting around the sides.

Why does one park on a driveway, and drive on a parkway?


Well, I have done some testing and found some bugs I think.

I've run almost all RHW2 and RHW4 and I found the following:

both dual RWH2 exitways have some textures wrong:

Also, one of the split RHW2 to MIS has some little issue:

(this part I'm not sure if is covered too, but I tested it anyway)

I tested many intersections and interactions with other networks as well, and I found on the RHW2 - Avenue  intersections yellow lines:

I also found most the NWM-RHW2 intersections euro textures missing.

Moving on RHW4 I found that one of the split RHW4 to MIS has a bug too.

and talking about MIS, is this suppose to be like this?

I mean, the inner line is still a little yellowish, and it does happen fairly on all MIS items.

On the ERHW4 I found the Entrance pieces with a bug too.

I'll keep searching for more.  :thumbsup:

(btw, I havent read all Shadow's post report, so I may be repeating some of the bugs  :-[ )