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RHW (RealHighway) - Development and Support

Started by Tarkus, April 13, 2007, 09:10:49 PM

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TE-lots could, but those can't be placed back-to-back. Now, my knowledge of Puzzle Pieces isn't the greatest, but if I'm not mistaken, I remember that when it comes to puzzle pieces, you can only restrict to path type, e.g. roads, and can't differentiate between cars,buses and trucks. So I doubt it.



Quote from: Haljackey on December 21, 2011, 01:52:07 PM
Currently there are only HOV markings for the inner lanes of the RHW 6/8-C. Since the inner lanes are on their own tile, could it be possible to restrict certain types of traffic from using it?

I actually thought of the same thing. Of course, it would be REALLY tricky to place a Puzzle Piece dangerously close to a TE-lot.

On the other hand, the solid-line CPs can also be used to extend the solid lines found on all the ramp pieces, in particular, the 6C D1 Dual Inside, and solid-line CPs are something I found to be missing, especially when you have an A2 and D1 ramp in close proximity.

If solid-line CPs were added to every width of RHW, you'd find that they can't be functional, for the same reason you can't have functional HOV lanes on, say, a 10S.

Additionally, removing the crossover paths on the 6C/8C CPs will also affect their capacity; Crossover paths also exhibit the capacity-increasing DIP effect, so an undesirable side-effect of making the HOV pieces functional is capacity loss.

EDIT: This is what I mean by having A2's and D1's in close proximity. Actually, the interchange on the left would look better with solid-line CPs.

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Blue Lightning

Something like this?

(really old prototype)

As for the TE thing, if done right, you can hover w/o crashes - its related to the fact that RHW is a highway network (like the maxis highways). Try hovering an RHW-4 starter piece over my RHW HOV lots.

As for capacity, there's your solution. DIPs.
Also known as Wahrheit

Occasionally lurks.

RHW Project


It took a long time to finish, but finally, it's released:

The Euro Texture replacement Mod for the RHW Mod v5.0 (by MRTNRLN & Riiga).
Now up on the STEX.

Merry Christmas everyone!

Lurk mode: ACTIVE


Great gift for Christmas from Maarten and Riga. Thank you  guys for the work and your perfectionism. I had the pleasure to test this product for a week and am extremely pleased with your achievements.
Merry Christmas to all!

- Ivo &apls


What a Christmas present... I was suprised to see the textures finished and immediately downloaded them... And I must say, excellent work...

I found a small thing already, nothing big...
On FLexSPUI, textures for LHD are missing, only RHD ones showing up. Reinstalled the textures and tried rebuilding, didn't help so unless I'm missing something obvious, it must be texture file missing... Apart from that, the piece is working as intended, paths are correct.

When you guys find time, check it, but let it be after New Year, you need a big rest... =)


"We're making SimCity, not some dopey casual game." -Ocean Quigley


Quote from: Synthael on December 26, 2011, 09:07:03 AM
What a Christmas present... I was suprised to see the textures finished and immediately downloaded them... And I must say, excellent work...

I found a small thing already, nothing big...
On FLexSPUI, textures for LHD are missing, only RHD ones showing up. Reinstalled the textures and tried rebuilding, didn't help so unless I'm missing something obvious, it must be texture file missing... Apart from that, the piece is working as intended, paths are correct.

When you guys find time, check it, but let it be after New Year, you need a big rest... =)

Sorry for not answering in my previous post, SC4 can't change its textures based on driving direction, they need to be overridden manually with an LHD file. I imagine that there's either no LHD file or it's loaded before the main mod.

"We're making SimCity, not some dopey casual game." -Ocean Quigley


@jdemn8..wow!!!was that a transition from an elevated NWM network and your ERHW4c?that's truly amazing!!!your work is incredible! &apls
Any news on the 0E side of things?
and one last question...never thought of making a puzzle piece or something else with a roundabout under ERHW?as a european i would find it quite useful(don't know about US :D)


That's the Puzzle-Piece based transition between standard Avenue Viaducts and my EMHWY override.

That roundabout is actually an override of the Maxis Highway version and it carries Maxis Highway. If we were going to do an ERHW version (We are catering for it in the IID structure for Project 0E for EMIS, ERHW-4 and ERHW-6S though it may not be implemented in the next version), you'd demolish the centre and then drag it through the roundabout instead.

As for 0E, I don't know much myself, but as far as I'm aware, MIS is complete, RHW-4 and RHW-6S are nearing completion and there is a rudimentary RHW 5.0 network converter. The remainder though, as far as I'm aware, has not progressed past IID assignment. This is a massive project and the people working on it can't devote all of their time to it, as much as some people want them to.

"We're making SimCity, not some dopey casual game." -Ocean Quigley


I know they can't spend all their time working on NAM projects...they MUST NOT at all...I was just curious about the development of the exciting NAM projects!so the roundabout will act like the current SPUI as far as I understand...very nice job with the override of MHW ;D


Will the road viaducts be draggable and compatible with the MHW override?
Also could an abbreviation for the override be called MHWO as Maxis HighWay Override?
Just a thought and congrats to mrtnrln and Riiga for the euro mod that must of taken ages!


Quote from: Will12 on December 27, 2011, 05:45:28 AM
Will the road viaducts be draggable and compatible with the MHW override?
The viaduct pictured there is in the current NAM, it's the Avenue Overpass Puzzle Pieces. This is just a long-overdue update of one of the puzzle pieces in that set, namely the EMHWY to Avenue Viaduct transition.

Also, the release of this may have to wait for NAM31 or an essentials update. There's a RUL corner-cut (I fully understand why that particular corner was cut and made perfect sense at the time) regarding this puzzle piece and the EMHWY to ERHW-4 transition, where they both use the same model. That results in needing two different transitions to occupy the same logical space (TGI), and the game only uses the last one.
As part of Project 0E, the EMHWY to ERHW-4 transition has been repaired and if this mod is released before 0E, there will be a NAM Essentials Update (With maybe a few new pre-0E RHW goodies, who knows) that will fix this error by making the game use the 0E compliant override, as well as add the puzzle pieces I want to add.

"We're making SimCity, not some dopey casual game." -Ocean Quigley


Hey guys

Sorry this is a different question to the current topic but I'm trying to build a freeway system as shown here that is a trench in the middle of a road using Marrast's oneway road lots alongside a 15m deep trench which the RHW sits in. I'm trying to avoid using viaducts here as much as possible due to the unsightly slope edges etc and I want to try and create a more compact organic looking freeway. Now I can't continue the trench through the neighbour connection so my only option seems to bring the sunken RHW up to the surface and then submerge it again on the neighbour map. The problem I have found is that morning traffic appears to be duplicating and crossing onto the adjacent freeway section. The road is carrying about 3000 commuters which are actually copying themselves onto the next road section. So there is at least 6000 commuters using the connection. You can see this from the green arrow that splits off the road. Am I correct in guessing its a problem due to having the RHW-4s arranged in this way?

My question is, will I have to merge the lanes together to create a RHW-8s for a neighbour connection that will function correctly? It's just that I don't have the space to put that puzzle piece in without completely changing the look of this current road which I spent ages creating and I want to try to retain the current style as much as possible. I hope that makes sense.

Thanks guys


I think that could be a bug in the lots... Actually query the neighbour connections and see if the traffic is actually using both connections and this isn't just a graphical glitch.

"We're making SimCity, not some dopey casual game." -Ocean Quigley


QuoteNow I can't continue the trench through the neighbour connection(...)

Why not?


No matter which way you drag the DDRHW Bridge the upper deck is always northbound. Can this be fixed?
Pink horse, pink horse, she rides across the nation...


I think I read somewhere that if you place an off/on ramp in the opposite direction the directions change on BOTH levels as SC4 cannot read layered pathing and cars would jump from one deck to another all the time.


Quote from: Wiimeiser on December 28, 2011, 04:39:05 PM
No matter which way you drag the DDRHW Bridge the upper deck is always northbound. Can this be fixed?

Yes. Drag the other way, the same way you would with an OWR bridge.

Quote from: Will12 on December 28, 2011, 05:12:35 PM
I think I read somewhere that if you place an off/on ramp in the opposite direction the directions change on BOTH levels as SC4 cannot read layered pathing and cars would jump from one deck to another all the time.

There's no way placing puzzle pieces the wrong way can ever affect the pathing of an override network in the way you described. All that does is simply reverse the direction of a part of the DDRHW (and therefore, reverse both decks), and you won't have ANY traffic flowing afterwards.

Since the DDRHW ramps have no starters, this is actually what happens:

Traffic still flows, but both decks will switch places and switch back. This is akin to placing an RHW-3 ramp the wrong way.

What you described only applies to same-direction double-decker networks of the same transit type, IE, a DDRHW with two decks in the same direction.
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