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RHW (RealHighway) - Development and Support

Started by Tarkus, April 13, 2007, 09:10:49 PM

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An unfortunate, but true analysis, Mike. We even banned some people from here demand content to be released now. In the end, the patient user will eventually rewarded for the time he waited for the content he likes to have. And sometimes, it may contain some pleasant suprises...
Lurk mode: ACTIVE


Surprises sure. I like it when the NAM gets released later because
1. It probably means there is lots more new content
2. It means that the NAM Team are working to when they want to release it so there is no pressure
3. We get to build up excitement to when it comes out so we can go 'The new NAM came out today got to go on SC4 to try it out' kinda thing
Good work again NAM Team and remember folks

!Release Dates Are Highly Illogical!


I would love for things shows to be available yesterday, but I also can wait until tomorrow* as well, because I was raised to be patient. 

I totally understand why there are never dates mentioned with releases, because then it creates undue pressure on the teams to try and make those dates, so I like the mystery style they do, where one day there is simply a post and a new thread about the release.

*tomorrow being used figuratively not actually meaning the next day(I know most will get my meaning, but better safe than sorry)


QuoteDon't you know we live in the age of instant gratification now?  The days of being raised to wait are long gone, its a "we want it now" era

But why you impersonate Rainbow Dash about wanting the next NAM then?

Just kidding Mike. While this is a joke, the whole demanding it now thing, generally is not taken so much as a laughing matter, if you don't use emoticons. But seriously, this goes for anyone. You can't rely looking here on a day-by-day basis. The first NWM took years to finally become a reality, while the RHW already had gone thru mulitple release cycles. On the opposite end of the stick, I can see why the anger if loging on every school day to this website, and looking that up. I don't recommend some spend their lifestyle like that. Duke Nukem Forever took 13 years to come out, and they had to race with tech changes over that time, in addition to the reality behind the project. Point being, even the most professional in the game industry have this thing happen to them. Its lucky the stuff here involved was not that complicated.


Question:  I wasn't sure where to ask... but I've been seeing this retexturing all over the place.  Where can I find the bridge retextures?  Thanks!


The RHW Euro texture override can be found here. As for the RHW bridge retexturing... I don't think there have been any updated releases of that. The one I know about became obsolete after RHW 4.1, afaik.


Yeah, basically its like this: those cement/support reskin no longer appears properly after the last update some time ago. As soon as I started to notice weird things occur, I immediately removed it.

Blue Lightning

The only reason why I haven't updated it is cuz in all of the new models I made for it they all had issues or didn't look good.
It's actually not that hard to update the 3.0 version to 5.0 - there's a few s3d's that need to be updated (they're the ERHW-4 curves, I had to edit out the pillars) and a few T21s to rotate (on the diagonals). I might just do that today; snow day :)

Also, here's a patch for this (attached at bottom of post)

Also known as Wahrheit

Occasionally lurks.

RHW Project


Erm, Vince. I think you forgot to add the actual attachment :P
Lurk mode: ACTIVE


Guys a little help with my new NAM overpasses won't work while RHW works fine but the Nam overpasses are faulty and won't plot down instead my mouse turns grey. Whats problem?


Vince, I want to commend you for a great job, but also I want to ask you how you managed to make a mod for  T21 light towers to work with textures from version 5.0
I am very  sorry that this mod is not working for me after I installed the latest version of RHW. I would be very grateful if you let us this fix, which you edited.

- Ivo


Quote from: mochababy on January 13, 2012, 11:47:38 AM
Guys a little help with my new NAM overpasses won't work while RHW works fine but the Nam overpasses are faulty and won't plot down instead my mouse turns grey. Whats problem?

Sounds like you probably have some outdated RUL controller file in there somewher, possibly even just a faulty RUL0 file.  You'll need to find and remove the conflicting file.



Hi, and first off, I'm sorry if this has been mentioned already; I haven't been following this topic for the past couple of months (since the board stopped emailing me).  The last time I played SC4 a while back, I was about to post that I had an issue with a certain arrangement of EMIS-over-MIS pieces.  I'm trying to make an interchange with DDRHW-4 and RHW-10.  It's mostly done, except for some of the overpass ramps.  Here's an image of the interchange.  I have the correct piece selected, but cannot rotate it to match the ground-level MIS ramp.  I could just bulldoze some tiles, which I think is what I usually do, but that would break the override and there wouldn't be any way to remake it (putting a starter stub next to the DDRHW-4 won't work for me).  I can't figure out any way to do this, and there's not much that can be done as to repositioning other parts of the interchange because of pre-existing obstacles.  Can someone tell me what could be done to get this overpass, if anything?  Thanks.


We had a similar issue recently with a different PP... I'll have a look at the RUL0 definition for the Puzzle Piece and see if the Checktyping can be improved.

EDIT: Okay, the RUL0 is incorrect.
The Checktype should read something like 0x01020002 (AKA, Diagonal To the Left from South, straight from East, Straight from West) not 0x02000200 (Straight from South, Straight from North, what it's written as currently)

I'll fix this in the most current (To my knowledge) developmental build of the controller.

EDIT2: and it's fixed.

"We're making SimCity, not some dopey casual game." -Ocean Quigley


Cool, thanks for fixing it.  I'll just leave the interchange as it is, then, and wait for the next update. :thumbsup:


Is there any chance of relaxing the terrain angle restrictions in the next version? I only ask because, while I am a bit of an amateur at this, I've noticed that interchanges take up a lot of space and unless the ground is pretty much completely, 100% level, you will be basically unable to connect the right bits. I'd really like to try to keep the topography of the terrain mostly intact, but I can't. So far I've had to level everything around it, and now I'm trying to simply build the RHW-6S so it goes up a hill and it refuses because the grade is too steep, by which I mean it's barely what I would call steep... should see some of the autobahns in Germany if you want to see how steep a freeway can be... right now it feels like I'm limited to 0.5% grading. I'd rather be able to make something unrealistic-looking when I need to, given the limitations of this being a game and all.

In the meantime, I now have to very carefully try to sculpt the terrain into something it is happy with, praying to god I don't accidentally destroy my delicate interchange which, such as RHW is, would require bulldozing huge tracts and rebuilding much more than what got broken.

Anyway, thanks for the effort so far, this is amazing :)


Quote from: Temphage on January 21, 2012, 06:25:13 AM
Is there any chance of relaxing the terrain angle restrictions in the next version? I only ask because, while I am a bit of an amateur at this, I've noticed that interchanges take up a lot of space and unless the ground is pretty much completely, 100% level, you will be basically unable to connect the right bits. I'd really like to try to keep the topography of the terrain mostly intact, but I can't.
Trust me, this happens in RL too. You just can't keep hilly terrain intact; you have to dig out or raise some stretches or you have to build bridges or tunnels. Even in hilly terrain, my interchanges are relatively flat, or I use terrain features for slopes for overpasses.

Also, the perspective of SC4 can fool you about steepness. What looks pretty gentle from a bird's-eye view is actually pretty steep from a ground view.

Quote from: Temphage on January 21, 2012, 06:25:13 AM
So far I've had to level everything around it, and now I'm trying to simply build the RHW-6S so it goes up a hill and it refuses because the grade is too steep, by which I mean it's barely what I would call steep... should see some of the autobahns in Germany if you want to see how steep a freeway can be...
6% is the max on Autobahns for long hills, 10% for short ones. SC4 easily surpasses that. Actually, the Ground-to-elevated RHW transistions are allready too steep.

Lurk mode: ACTIVE


Quote from: mrtnrln on January 21, 2012, 06:40:19 AM
Quote from: Temphage on January 21, 2012, 06:25:13 AM
Is there any chance of relaxing the terrain angle restrictions in the next version? I only ask because, while I am a bit of an amateur at this, I've noticed that interchanges take up a lot of space and unless the ground is pretty much completely, 100% level, you will be basically unable to connect the right bits. I'd really like to try to keep the topography of the terrain mostly intact, but I can't.
Trust me, this happens in RL too. You just can't keep hilly terrain intact; you have to dig out or raise some stretches or you have to build bridges or tunnels. Even in hilly terrain, my interchanges are relatively flat, or I use terrain features for slopes for overpasses.

Also, the perspective of SC4 can fool you about steepness. What looks pretty gentle from a bird's-eye view is actually pretty steep from a ground view.

Quote from: Temphage on January 21, 2012, 06:25:13 AM
So far I've had to level everything around it, and now I'm trying to simply build the RHW-6S so it goes up a hill and it refuses because the grade is too steep, by which I mean it's barely what I would call steep... should see some of the autobahns in Germany if you want to see how steep a freeway can be...
6% is the max on Autobahns for long hills, 10% for short ones. SC4 easily surpasses that. Actually, the Ground-to-elevated RHW transistions are allready too steep.


Well you said it yourself - this is a game and we're dealing with some silly limitations, especially in the terrain sculpting department. In real life, highway engineers can come up with all kinds of crazy solutions to ensure an interchange fits within a given area, solutions that we don't have the option of. Real life cloverleaf interchanges can be much smaller than the smallest we can make in RHW, simply because of on/off ramp limitation pieces, angle limitations, minimum tile space limitations, etc. I'd rather be able to fudge it a bit than to have to hack off the top of a hill right along the border of the lot, in an attempt to at least make it similar to its neighbor.

At any rate, I don't remember RHW from a few years ago being this anal about slopes. I'm not looking for the crazy SC4 roads with 70% grading, but this is literally the steepest I could get it. I don't think it was unreasonable to expect it to reach the top of that hill given the space I allowed it... instead it barely made it halfway.

It wouldn't be that bad if the RHW would shape the terrain for me, but it won't, it just says 'Unsuitable for construction'.

Ah well.


^^ Do you have some kind of slope mod installed. The RHW doesn't have a slope mod included, so you must use one (like Ennidi's).
Lurk mode: ACTIVE


I'm not sure if I have missed this, or if I just don't know what I'm doing (or even if I'm posting this in the right place.... I'm so confused)   But I digress,  I'm converting my sunken Maxis Ground Highway to a RHW highway and have run into a snag.

Circled is where my monorail spans the slope, and the middle of the span is the NAM High Monorail.  Is there anyway to get the high monorail to cross the RHW?