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Empire Bay: Green Meadows

Started by RickD, February 03, 2012, 03:59:14 PM

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Aawh, hope you'll feel better, sunburn are soo annoying! :l
I like the map, it looks very 'googley' and  realistic! :)

Yes, I love aviation
Yes, I'm interested in the former CIS
Yes, I'm half Dutch-half American
Yes, I'm learning Russian


Hi everyone. I just wanted to let you know that I have not given up on Empire Bay. ;) Unfortunately I still don't have anything nice to show.
To make things worse, my hard drive died yesterday while playing Sim City. ()sad() Of course I have made frequent backups, so nothing is lost. But it will take me a couple of days to get everything up and running again.

I do only have two region shots for today, showing some of the latest progress.


Empire Bay has grown massively (compared to this older partial region pic). Almost the whole flatland area of the island is now covered. Filling in a realistic and diverse coastline is one of the challenges I am now facing. There is going to be a lot of time consuming trial and error with all those coast related modular sets.  ::)
This region view is already outdated. I have started building on the eastern plateau and the area over the bay to the south. Only basic zoning, though. There are no update worthy eyecandy thingies there, yet.
There are some abandonment problems, which I need to take care of. I think I expanded the residential areas too fast and did not zone enough commercial. But I do not want to have skyscrapers yet.


In the traffic view you can see the strict implementation of the FUSS Grid System.

I should be able to post some teaser pictures of all the new things to come, soon. Stay tuned. :)


Schulmanator, rooker1, art128, emmotic, Sciurus, nas-t, Dantes, Ricky112233:
Thank you all. I am glad you like my map which is very outdated already. ::) My sunburn is much better now. And I have learned another lesson which I want to share with you: It is a bad idea to play paintball with a heavy sunburn. %wrd
My name is Raphael.
Visit my MD: Empire Bay (My old MD: Santa Barbara County)


How does that happen when a hard drive die when used? I never experienced any so I don't really know. It just take you to the BIOS screen? I don't know why but this seems to happen a lot with SC4-related users. :-[

Anyway, that region view looks cool! I wish you good luck with the waterfront, I know it's sometime hard to do. ;)
I'll take a quiet life... A handshake of carbon monoxide.

Props & Texture Catalog


Really sweet region views! The grid looks suberb, as do the forests. &apls

The waterfront is without doubt one of the most challenging aspects in simcity. Wether one wants to develop a harbour or create an unspoilt shoreline; it always takes a lot of time to get it right.
time flies like a bird
fruit flies like a banana



Quote from: art128 on September 10, 2012, 07:24:15 AM
How does that happen when a hard drive die when used? I never experienced any so I don't really know. It just take you to the BIOS screen? I don't know why but this seems to happen a lot with SC4-related users. :-[

It is an SSD so it wasn't really spectacular. The system just froze. Upon reboot the drive works for a couple of minutes, then the system is freezing again. My google research revealed that this seems to be a common problem with the OCZ Vertex2 drives. I have a small hope that a firmware upgrade might help.
Anyway, I had a Crucial M4 sitting on my desk anyway, because the Vertex2 became too small. I hope it will last longer.   ::)

With a mechanical drive you often hear clacking sounds before the drive fails. A screeching noise is typical for a headcrash which is the worst thing that can happen.

Sim City is a rather hard drive intense game. It loads the whole plugins folder upon startup (over 31,000 files with more than 7 Gig in my case). This means a lot of random access which could reduce the lifetime of mechanical hard drives. But I don't think it happens over proportionally here in the forum. It is a common failure, I saw it happen very often when I worked as a computer technician.
My name is Raphael.
Visit my MD: Empire Bay (My old MD: Santa Barbara County)


Oh, I see, makes sens. And indeed I've read a lot that the vertex two series often have problems.. Should have went for a Samsung 830, Curcial or Intel back then. : $%Grinno$% :P
I'll take a quiet life... A handshake of carbon monoxide.

Props & Texture Catalog


Awesome job with the map and region views  &apls

Sorry to hear about your sunburn--same thing happened to me last summer when i went to Nice  &mmm


I am usually in some kind of lurking mode in this site, but I feel it's time to come out for this diary. I am really impressed how you handle your region and allways expecting another update.

This update is actually what I was going to ask from you. Empire Bay has grown fast and I was curious about the larger view. Keep updates coming, whenever you can. I promice that I will be following.

- Ilja

*And perhaps I will get out of lurking mode more often.


wow nice update again!  great to see empire bay is growing and growing &apls

I'm sorry to hear about your hdd-issue but I'm happy you got everything under controll.


Man your city looks awesome!  &apls
Can't wait to see some highrise coming up


I really like that region view you have there! The layout and the cohesion with the natural landscape is one of your best assets imv.

Shorelines are always problematic for me...especially the transition from something like a promenade to a more organic setting with rocks and trees! Wishing you the best of luck with that one!


Awesome, I love region views  :thumbsup:
Call me Warren.


Quote from: RickD on September 10, 2012, 06:28:58 AM


Schulmanator, rooker1, art128, emmotic, Sciurus, nas-t, Dantes, Ricky112233:
Thank you all. I am glad you like my map which is very outdated already. ::) My sunburn is much better now. And I have learned another lesson which I want to share with you: It is a bad idea to play paintball with a heavy sunburn. %wrd

Okay, lesson learned, thanks for the tip ;)

Too bad about your hard drive, but, 'atleast' you made sure everything was backed up. :)

Nice region shot, it's turning out exactly how I imagined it to be.
Good job! :thumbsup:

Yes, I love aviation
Yes, I'm interested in the former CIS
Yes, I'm half Dutch-half American
Yes, I'm learning Russian


Haven't popped in recently, but I love the way your region has developed. The regional shots are fantastic. Sorry to hear about your hard drive troubles... the hard drive in my laptop failed at the end of July, luckily SC4 wasn't on it because it just went and died completely.

Look forward to more when you are back up and running. :)


I have finished reinstalling my system after the hard drive crash and restored all the backups. I am glad that I did not only backup the regions but also the plugins folder. It would have taken me ages to redownload everything, if even possible.

However, it wasn't as easy as just restoring the backup. Turns out that Windows Backup did its job maybe a bit too well. It backed up the complete plugins folder but never removed the files I had deleted. So after the restore I ended up with lots of old files in my plugins. There were four different terrain controllers and several conflicting NAM files and many bats and lots I had deleted for various reasons. So I had to clean everything out again manually. %wrd

tl;dr I can play SC4 again.

And now it is ...

Teaser Time










A lot has changed in Empire Bay. Stay tuned for the next updates.


vortext, Gugu3, nas-t, wallasey, WannGLondon, Ricky112233, sim_link:
Thanks for the comments.  I appreciate it.

Quote from: art128 on September 10, 2012, 11:50:37 AM
Oh, I see, makes sens. And indeed I've read a lot that the vertex two series often have problems.. Should have went for a Samsung 830, Curcial or Intel back then. : $%Grinno$% :P
Yeah. You always know better afterwards.  ::)

Quote from: noahclem on September 10, 2012, 12:45:29 PM
Awesome job with the map and region views  &apls

Sorry to hear about your sunburn--same thing happened to me last summer when i went to Nice  &mmm
Thanks. It happens to me all the time.  %wrd

Quote from: Reform on September 11, 2012, 04:12:44 PM
I am usually in some kind of lurking mode in this site, but I feel it's time to come out for this diary. I am really impressed how you handle your region and allways expecting another update.

This update is actually what I was going to ask from you. Empire Bay has grown fast and I was curious about the larger view. Keep updates coming, whenever you can. I promice that I will be following.

- Ilja

*And perhaps I will get out of lurking mode more often.
It is always great to welcome new commenters.  :thumbsup:

Quote from: Jeroentje on September 12, 2012, 02:45:50 AM
Man your city looks awesome!  &apls
Can't wait to see some highrise coming up
Thanks! There will be lots of highrises. Don't worry.  ;)
My name is Raphael.
Visit my MD: Empire Bay (My old MD: Santa Barbara County)


Great to hear that everything is working fine again!
Nice pictures. Like the use of the light rail system in your city.


fantastic!  I love the pic of the GLR-in-avenue with the old brick buildings.  Looking forward to what you whip up for us next.


Awesome pictures &dance &dance :thumbsup:
However I think there is a little mistake in the last picture with the T road intersection
"The wisest men follow their own direction" Euripides
The Choice is Ours
Simtropolis Moderator here. Can I help? Oh, and you can call me Elias (my real name) if you wish.


Quote from: Terring7 on September 20, 2012, 06:07:43 AM
However I think there is a little mistake in the last picture with the T road intersection

Indeed, he used the Tram in road T transition to Tram instead of tram in road..

Looks like Empire bay is entering our modern ages! :)
I'll take a quiet life... A handshake of carbon monoxide.

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