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RHW (RealHighway) - Development and Support

Started by Tarkus, April 13, 2007, 09:10:49 PM

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Please, everyone, this is getting a bit too probing, in my opinion. Everything that is going to be in the NAM has been said. If there was something that has not been revealed, there are reasons for it. Just imagine we would announce a feature which turns out to be unable to be completed in time. You will have to wait and see.

And no, AngryBirdsFan, it has not been said that L1, L3 and L4 FlexFLYs are going to be implemented. Reread the last posts. If you know how to implement the "automatic slope" feature you described, we would be more than happy to integrate it, but I am afraid, according to current knowledge, it is impossible. 7.5m ground lifters are possible though and will be available in time.


Just sit tight guys. We'll release a list of what's going into NAM 31 a few weeks before release. That should give us enough time to ensure these components work right and play nice with one-another.


memo, thank you--my thoughts exactly.  I don't think we'll really know all of what's going in until much closer to release, and even then, there will be some things that we'll keep a surprise.  Since we spoiled everyone by giving out a release date, we still have to have something with which to surprise people.  Also keep in mind that because we're dealing with a hard and fast release date, if something's not ready, we'll remove it from the release.



I was meaning in your thoughts for the future. Not NAM 31. It's way too close to have anything happen right now. I know that. Just asking so that I can have an idea of what you can or cannot do so that i know what's coming or not.

I'm not asking for anything right now. It's way too close to the release date.
Provo, a city apart Updated July 4.

Indiana Joe

Well, a year ago draggable diagonal crossings, diagonal bridges, multiple water levels, and viewing RHW from your region map were all "not possible."  So asking what they could include, and what they can't, isn't easily answered.


Congratulations NAM team!
I am pleased to tell you today that the theme of Real Highways development is number one in every category. Since that time it has the most posts and most visited. With 1083080 reads, Highways Real managed to winnow, Three River Region dedgreen. I had long ago predicted that the pace which moves Real Highway will pass TPP before NAM 31 and behold it happened.
Sorry to bother with such minor things, but I think this is a significant achievement and an indicator of the interest that this topic causes.


If there's anyone who can describe what is going through my mind when reading this forum lately, memo has nailed it.

Let the NAM team do things at their own pace. Stop pushing. Plus, what are surprises when you know everything before the latest version of NAM is released?

Let's also not forget that the NAM team members, while developing and testing the pre-release version feverishly, have real life commitments, too. Keep up the good work, folks &apls

Shadow Assassin

I think it's also important to mention that we all have lives too and may not necessarily always have time to work on the NAM. No matter how much we may want to work on the mod, real life has to come first.
New Horizons Productions
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emilin ♦ Heblem ♦ jplumbley ♦ moganite ♦ M4346 ♦ papab2000
Shadow Assassin ♦ Tarkus ♦ wouanagaine
See my uploads on the LEX!


Quote from: ivo_su on January 30, 2013, 03:21:10 PM
I am pleased to tell you today that the theme of Real Highways development is number one in every category. Since that time it has the most posts and most visited. With 1083080 reads, Highways Real managed to winnow, Three River Region dedgreen.



Technically we're now #2 but whatever... Still a nice miletone!  ()stsfd()


You are #1 on modding Haljackey.

Oh and congratulations on the promotion, well deserved

I agree with memo, I am thankful there are nam members who have kept plugging away at this game for years now and continually improving it.  But I do get sick of seeing the same posts over and over saying what about this, what about that, when will it be released, etc and honestly, I am amazed at the patience the nam members seem to have, because I have wanted to call out the ones who keep pushing it over and over and tell em to knock it off, but don't because I rather stay a member of this site. 

I love surprises, and I can't wait to see what surprises they have in store, and honestly, I wouldn't care if they not release any more teasers, and anymore youtube videos either.


Quote from: mike3775 on January 30, 2013, 05:22:40 PM
I do get sick of seeing the same posts over and over saying what about this, what about that, when will it be released, etc and honestly, I am amazed at the patience the nam members seem to have, because I have wanted to call out the ones who keep pushing it over and over and tell em to knock it off, but don't because I rather stay a member of this site. 

This is something that has been going on forever and I don't see it stopping anytime soon. Try treating these with a different perspective... Thinking positively about them may spark a new idea or a new way of doing things.

Heck when I was new I was practically barking on the NAM threads requesting for stuff, although that may be a bit of an exaggeration :P. I didn't always get what I wanted, but I did manage to get them to think a bit on what I was saying, and that led to progress as perhaps they never thought about something that way before.

I love surprises, and I can't wait to see what surprises they have in store, and honestly, I wouldn't care if they not release any more teasers, and anymore youtube videos either.

These are sort of a nicety, but they are definitely good for publicity! The good thing with videos is that they can double as a way to describe the functional front of the network... Very useful for those who want to learn how to use the features described.


Anyway I hope that NAM 31 will have integrated Hole Digging Lots/Ground Lifters because of there's no 7.5 m version of that. Also for 22.5 and 30 m! Will the L3 and L4 have on-slope transitions? Or those are rare in RL? :))
SC4 + NAM = 20% Cooler!


You'll just have to wait to see.

Edit: Something you won't have to wait to see . . . progress on stability.



Well it's unlikely that i'll use that particular setup but nevertheless nice work!


Adding even more and more consideration of a region-wide collector/distributor highway.

Great job guys, even with RL and the unexpected trpubles of it, you do so much for us.

Provo, a city apart Updated July 4.


WOOHOO! Just 1 month to go! Can't wait to see the new features of NAM 31 and the RHW! :)
SC4 + NAM = 20% Cooler!



WOW! I'm just drooling now! But I just want to see this in NAM 31:

Yes, this is the one from the Haljackey Archive thread, but I hope to see this stuff in NAM 31. It's more space saving than having to lane shift the RHW!
SC4 + NAM = 20% Cooler!