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BAT Showcase

Started by mattb325, February 01, 2007, 04:07:43 PM

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It sounds as though there is a definite conflict in either those prop families of a prop ID within that family

I'm mid-way through upgrading and reinstalling all of my SC4 stuff onto a new computer, so am not in a position to check (gawd it takes forever to troubleshoot, install, uninstall and reinstall 5 times, every single tool, pack and so on....aarrrggghhh) and may not be for a week or so at this rate ::)

It's odd that you say you get a flag when you remove the pack....make sure there is not something at the root of your Sim City plugins folder (the 'C:/program files/SC4/plugins' version, not the 'My Docs/SC4/plugins' version); reason being, when you remove those files from your plugins, you should just have a blue square in the Lot Editor

Unfortunately, that's the only real way to check as far as I am aware: eg load up the newsome mills file in the Lot Editor with only the dependency files as listed (ie: Jes Vol01/Mattb Vol02, BSC essentials etc), and you should get the same result that I posted in the screenshot: then you close and repeat with those prop packs PLUS the BSC Misc Vol02 and see if that causes the conflict - if not, then you have to keep going through your own plugins until you find the culprit (swapping out BSC Misc Vol02 with your next suspect).....


Sorry, I am on a business trip at the moment and don't have much time for the game.

My apologies regarding the flag comment, that's just PEG's brown box replacement, a small flag instead of the big brown boxes, which makes seeing the correct place of a missing prop easier. The flag means that, without the JES Mega Props Vol01 pack, there would be a brown box (or, in my case, the flag), which means the prop is missing. I interpret it that way that the displayed prop should be in that package, or can there be other reasons? On the other hand, if I remove BSC Mega Props Misc Vol 02, the name "jungle drums" that shows up when I have the mouse pointer above the props disappears, but the props still show. I interpret this that way that BSC Mega Props Misc Vol 02 definitely makes changes to the prop family, right?

No idea how to further check that. In any case, I don't have access to the game before end of next week.


No problem, I just checked, and you are correct: BSC Mega Props MISC Vol02 adds approx 14 items to family 0x51500000 in JES Vol01 prop pack.

I do not know why that is the case, as I am not the author of either prop pack, but it is an odd inclusion as all of the subsequent props are well outside the bounding box of the initial props contained within JES Vol01  &mmm  :bomb:


Thanks for clearing that up. I guess I will have to find which plugins use BSC Mega Props MISC Vol02 then. I remember it being not too many. Unfortunately, I don't remember which ones that were :D. It's a pretty hopeless endeavor to find them in my current installation among hundreds of plugins, but I will restart a new region soon and need to do some cleanup, anyway. So I will live with the unorthodox barrel placement for the time being.


Another mid-century BAT, this one is rather large and is based on a similarly imposing building in Los Angeles

Operates as a large hospital and is good for urban and suburban areas, available here:



Beautiful as always!  &apls


Nice. Reminds me of a building in my hometown, which is smaller than that though...

See the all-new National Capital Region!:http://sc4devotion.com/forums/index.php?topic=15118.0



I love buildings with highly detailed roofjunk !

This will fit very well in my city center.
I'll take a quiet life... A handshake of carbon monoxide.

Props & Texture Catalog


we lost a great batter to 3dMax  :'( :'( :'( :'(

Good bat anyway  :)

Gilles Therron

Hi Matt,

First great BATs! I use them very often. Jealous too that I can't do it myself...  :'(

I have a request: is it possible to redo the diagonal SG canals with the CAL water texture?.... Please??


Quote from: Eijsenco on April 19, 2013, 06:21:48 AM
Hi Matt,

First great BATs! I use them very often. Jealous too that I can't do it myself...  :'(

I have a request: is it possible to redo the diagonal SG canals with the CAL water texture?.... Please??

If I'm right, Matt does all his modelling in GMAX, and CAL did his canals in 3DS Max, which doesn't talk to nicely with GMAX. It would be difficult for Matt to do the diagonals and match them properly.


Quote from: Diggis on April 19, 2013, 06:52:55 AM
Quote from: Eijsenco on April 19, 2013, 06:21:48 AM
Hi Matt,

First great BATs! I use them very often. Jealous too that I can't do it myself...  :'(

I have a request: is it possible to redo the diagonal SG canals with the CAL water texture?.... Please??

If I'm right, Matt does all his modelling in GMAX, and CAL did his canals in 3DS Max, which doesn't talk to nicely with GMAX. It would be difficult for Matt to do the diagonals and match them properly.

Yes, I remember reading similar reasoning, though I can't find the appropriate thread.

Too bad really because diagonal canals certainly are sparse, a new set would be more than welcome. If only there was someone with ample experience in waterways willing to take the challenge. .  ::)   ;)
time flies like a bird
fruit flies like a banana


Quote from: Diggis on April 19, 2013, 06:52:55 AM
Quote from: Eijsenco on April 19, 2013, 06:21:48 AM
Hi Matt,

First great BATs! I use them very often. Jealous too that I can't do it myself...  :'(

I have a request: is it possible to redo the diagonal SG canals with the CAL water texture?.... Please??

If I'm right, Matt does all his modelling in GMAX, and CAL did his canals in 3DS Max, which doesn't talk to nicely with GMAX. It would be difficult for Matt to do the diagonals and match them properly.

are you sure? this last one by Matt looks like was rendered in mental ray (from Max and not gMax)


Thankyou all, yes the last building was rendered with 3DS Max: as part of my job, I am undertaking some additional studies for the next two years which meant that I could use the student download, so I thought I would give it a try.

The learning curve is relatively steep from GMAX, but I'm sure it's not too difficult, and there is an advantage in that the internet has many tutorials for 3DS.

Regarding the request for CALs canal, there are a couple of issues as I see it:

1) Lee expressed that he wouldn't do diagonals; he remains active in the community (and actively BATting), so it isn't the same as picking up a model that was released by SG and re-working it.
2) Even though I have moved to 3DS, the canals that Lee made used a lighting rig that no longer works in versions 10 and above. The lighting rig that I am using for the new 3DS is Bat4Max by Simfox which means that I am in almost the same spot as I was when using GMAX  ::)
3) I'm certainly not at a stage where I can start making lighting rigs that would match the old one that Chris Adams made.....
4) Even CAL is using the Simfox lighting rig for his current BATs

So from that point of view, those Canals probably represent too much work to blend diagonals into the existing set.

Which is a reasonable segue to the next point....just mucking around with some of the different elements, came up with this. A suburban CS$$$ building. It has similar values to the ingame boutiques, so will provide some much needed competition.

Get it here: http://sc4devotion.com/csxlex/lex_filedesc.php?lotGET=2969


Nice work on the last building, Matt! Love the stone entrance.
I'll take a quiet life... A handshake of carbon monoxide.

Props & Texture Catalog


Your buildings just continue to impress, excellent work again. I don't know that I'm sold on the reflecting pool, it's a little hard at first to figure out what that is, but it's otherwise a great BAT and lot. May we all someday be able to "muck around" so splendidly.  ;D

Gilles Therron

Hi Matt,

Thx for the reply, although I don't understand everything in it :S
I just go with SG canals than and use your diagonals



Thanks guys

With any shallow reflection pond, the reflection is never going to be too pronounced when viewed from this angle. If I do another building like I may turn the reflection up a little and see how that goes....

Another offering: POD apartments is going to be built in the next few years in Sydney's inner city suburb of Chippendale. This almost sci-fi offering is tempered by angled and organic shapes placed over the façade and in real life it will sit cheek-by-jowl amongst 19th Century converted warehouses and other 20th century apartments.

To avoid weediness, I have limited to Euro and Houston T/S only:

Get it here:


It grows on 4x2, 4x3, 4x4 and 6x6 lots


Looks fantastic Matt!
I'll take a quiet life... A handshake of carbon monoxide.

Props & Texture Catalog


I suppose this will work in the modern part of town.  Good work!  :thumbsup:
Find my power line BAT thread here.
Check out the Noro Cooperative.  What are you waiting for?  It even has electricity.
Want more? Try here.  For even more electrical goodies, look here.
Here are some rural power lines.