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Started by jahu, June 03, 2007, 10:15:49 AM

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Are there puzzle pieces for the NWM?  I changed my normal avenue to the 6 lane with out the median and when I come to my sunken river I have to switch back to the avenue to use the 15m pieces.

Indiana Joe

Quote from: tahill79 on July 06, 2014, 05:44:28 AM
Are there puzzle pieces for the NWM?  I changed my normal avenue to the 6 lane with out the median and when I come to my sunken river I have to switch back to the avenue to use the 15m pieces.

No, there are no viaduct pieces for the NWM.  But the commonly used workaround is to transition into RHW 6S to build 6 lane overpasses.  It can drag right into 6-lane NWM networks.


Quote from: b22rian on July 06, 2014, 03:11:33 AM
Quote from: fefenc on July 05, 2014, 11:05:01 PM

Well, I've figured out how to solve my problem while playing.

I've discovered after doing some tests that this bug happens because simcity 4 is a bit "lazy" to simulate various neighborhood connections, all I've done was destroying 1 or 2 nearest neighborhood connections (avenues) and then my railroad system was showing the real commuters quantity on the Industrial city :D

I hope I've helped someone who's experiencing the same trouble as me :)


These are quite interesting pics + video you have posted on neighborhood connection bugs.
(Which are notorious for being buggy in sc4 !)

It looks like what you did to me is move one of your rail lines , 1 tile further away from the avenue connection . Is this correct ?

I know in the past sometimes all I did was just rebuild a connection and it would work. But I would say more often than not this method did not help.

Anyways it looks like you stayed with the same connection here, ( 2 rail + 1 avenue), and simply moved over one of the rail lines over one tile.

If there was anything else you did to get this functioning correctly please feel free to elaborate ?

Thanks much for you posting + analysis on this issue,


Thanks :D

You're right at certain point, I've tried to rebuild it, changed the layout for various times, made the connection with a single track and this dual connection that you've seen on the photos, but nothing worked until I've destroyed a neighborhood connection (avenue), then my Railroad system has started to work normally, but the avenue I've destroyed has caught this bug when I've redone the connection.

I guess Simcity 4 or NAM traffic simulator can't handle multiple neigborhood connections to the same city near each other due to limitations, this isn't the first time it happens to me when I do multiples RHW or Railroads neigborhood connections to another city .

Since I've built a commercial center on the industrial city near those connections, I think the avenue is working now, but with less numbers. I can't show any pic because I'm not on my computer right now :(

EDIT: later on when I tried to build an AVE-6 connection, the same bug has happened again to it, then I've destroyed another avenue connected to my residential city and the AVE-6 connection has started to work normally, but the avenue destroyed has remained glitched when I've rebuilt it.



First, I'd like to thank the modders, creators, webmasters, and moderators on this site.  I've only recently discovered it and am very impressed.

I'm wondering if someone can help me with my NAM issue.  I've been getting brown boxes since installing NAM recently.  I've checked the dependencies on all of the other stuff I've DL'ed for SC4, and it doesn't look like I'm missing anything.

The brown boxes usually occur on residential lots in the place of trees.

I've tried to locate the source of the brown box problem, so I've removed everything I DL'ed, made sure my city looked okay, and then slowly put back all of the DL'ed stuff to see at what point the boxes come back.  And I've narrowed it down to only NAM.  When I take the "Network Addon Mod" file out of my plug-ins folder, the boxes go away.  When I put that file back in the plug-ins folder, the boxes come back.  I tried removing and re-downloading NAM to be sure I had the latest version (Jan 2014), but the boxes still come back.

Have you seen this issue before?  I've read through the documentation and everything I could find here on this site and forums, but I haven't seen this particular problem.   Any help would be really appreciated! :)


ElleryAnne, welcome to SC4D, and thanks for the kind words!  The NAM has never required any dependencies, and doesn't touch trees that would be on residential lots, so there's no reason that it should be causing brown boxes.  Every brown box report we've gotten in the past was a false alarm, involving some other file.  It almost sounds like there might be some sort of tree replacement mod or the like that drifted into your NAM folder somehow.  I'd look through your actual NAM folder, as it has a lot of nooks and crannies that a stray file could use as a hiding place.



Hi Tarkus, thank you for the quick response.  I went through the NAM file and tested any of the files that looked like they might have been out of place.  I finally narrowed it down to a single file (a SAM-10-props dat file from the street/textures subfolder), so I've removed that one and everything seems to be running okay now.  I appreciate your help!


It pertains to CPs seasonal Cherry trees. The exemplars in SAM 10 have the same TGI adresses as those found in CP vol2 but have RKT4xm added, which may have caused the brown boxes though it's strange it hasn't surfaced sooner. Whoever made those exemplars for SAM 10 should've generated new instances anyway.  &mmm
time flies like a bird
fruit flies like a banana


Thank you for the info, vortext.  That makes some sense, as I'd recently dl'ed CP vol 2, though when I removed it the brown boxes didn't go away.  But it's possible that the cherry tree brown boxes went away and were just replaced with other brown boxes due to whatever else is dependent on CP vol 2.  I may not have checked closely enough to verify that.   I don't suppose either file will be updated with new TGI addresses anytime soon, so I'll play around with it some more and see which file I need to leave out to minimize the loss of any other decoration in my cities.


Hey, I'm getting really frustrated at this now.

I've uninstalled, reinstalled, custom installed, done everything. All the stuff in the newest NAM shows for me now, including the MaxisRHW Override, but the level 3 and 4 RHW only show for the filer pieces. And the starters only give me a base support or sometimes nothing at all. But something is there I can delete it. I just don't get it what am I missing for the level 3and 4 to now show correctly?

I latterly have everything else show perfectly. I asked this 3 times and no one can help, can someone tell me the exact button I'm not checking or am checking in the custom setup? Is it a file that I'm missing all together? All everyone tells e is "it's in the custom setup." Ok, where?!

A real solution will be very welcomed, I want to start making multi level stuff!

Thank you

Indiana Joe

Quote from: Death50 on July 11, 2014, 12:10:47 PM
Hey, I'm getting really frustrated at this now.

I've uninstalled, reinstalled, custom installed, done everything. All the stuff in the newest NAM shows for me now, including the MaxisRHW Override, but the level 3 and 4 RHW only show for the filer pieces. And the starters only give me a base support or sometimes nothing at all. But something is there I can delete it. I just don't get it what am I missing for the level 3and 4 to now show correctly?

I latterly have everything else show perfectly. I asked this 3 times and no one can help, can someone tell me the exact button I'm not checking or am checking in the custom setup? Is it a file that I'm missing all together? All everyone tells e is "it's in the custom setup." Ok, where?!

A real solution will be very welcomed, I want to start making multi level stuff!

Thank you

Deep in the RHW options, you can manually select the height levels of RHW you want installed.  Make sure all those are checked.  Also dig through the options and make sure you don't have anything selected that sounds like "RHW without RULs."  RULs are what make the override networks work.  This option is included for legacy support, if you want a smaller controller.  (You can install networks with RULs, build them, and then get rid of the RUL files.  The networks will remain as built long as you don't do any construction on them, but there will be significantly less files in the NAM install, speeding up the game.  Obviously this is not what you want, at least for now.)


Thank you! Someone gave e a much more detailed answer, I'll try this latter and see how it goes.


I would like to thank everyone involved with NAM and mods in general, if it wasn't for you SC4 would have died years ago, thank you!

I am having some issues with the recent NAM release and i hope someone can help me. When i drag streets, avenues or highway over STR i get a blank tile, anyone know how to fix this? I am also unable to drag SAM streets, thay just turn back into normal streets no matter what i do. Any help would be appreciated.


It's possible you might have selected the option to Decouple RULs, and ended up without any of the SAM overrides in the process.  As far as the STR issues, that may pertain to the fact that you're using the RealRailway (RRW) plugin, which is in an early state of development still, and crossing textures are one of the big gaps.

I'd advise reinstalling.


Indiana Joe


Thank you for the quick replies! I will try to reinstall NAM and see if that helps and make sure i don't choose the option to decouple RULs :)


Hello there NAM team, ehm.. first thank you for your hard work in making this awesome mod. Just a quick question, i've been trying to make RHW 6C (level 2) in my city and notice that there are no ramp for it?. No matter how many time i pushed the tab, the ramp for (level 2) is not in the flexramp puzzle pieces. Is it not available or somehow i did not installed the NAM correctly?
Please excuse my language, english is not my mother tongue.  :-[


Nope, you're not missing anything.  The L2 RHW-6C indeed has no ramp interfaces at present.  The only elevated networks that have FLEXRamps are the RHW-2 and RHW-4--the 6S might have one at present, but I can't recall at the moment. 

If you were looking under the FLEXRamps button, even if we did have those ramp interfaces (which we will for NAM 33), you wouldn't see any elevated ramps, anyway.  The base FLEXRamps--what you plop down--are ground-level and use the lowest number of lanes possible for the particular setup, and to elevate or widen them, you just drag the elevated and/or wider network into the FLEXRamp, allowing it to override.  The text description that is displayed for each piece should tell you what networks that particular FLEXRamp accepts.

For instance, once the L2 RHW-6C Type A1 ramp arrives in NAM 33, you'll plop what appears to be the L0 RHW-2 Type A1 ramp, and then drag the outer tile of the L2 RHW-6C into it.



There aren't a lot of elevated RHW ramp pieces at present, because it takes a lot more time and effort to create an elevated ramp piece than it does for a ground-level ramp. However, this situation will change with the next NAM release because, as Tarkus said, the NAM team has been making more elevated ramp pieces.
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L2 6S has a Type C, splitting into RHW-4 and MIS (And I haven't played the game in months...)
Pink horse, pink horse, she rides across the nation...


Quote from: Wiimeiser on July 27, 2014, 04:24:35 PM
L2 6S has a Type C, splitting into RHW-4 and MIS (And I haven't played the game in months...)

You mean a Type D1 Outside?
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