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Farms North of Grasmere () My SC4 MD Scrapbook

Started by Vizoria, October 08, 2014, 02:31:25 PM

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FrankU: Cheers! The port fillers wouldn't have been half as good without those warehouses of yours.

Fasan: :thumbsup: I'm looking forward to your future entries, you do amazing work!

Themistokles: Firstly this is NOT the final update! This is the last update coming from Repoville. Anyway, I'm glad you enjoyed these entries.


Entry 10: The marshlands in Stokesley

Going back to Stokesley again and this time we take a trip around the area west of Toral's Peak.

This area!

For the stream I tried a softer, and greener, approach to the banks.

As always the versatile Heblem paths can be used just about anywhere to paint in a pebbly surface.

A small marshland. Inspired by numerous walks around the Pennines and the Howgills, I decided to give it my best shot at creating extensive marshes.

Love the reeds, they almost look the same as the ones which grow in the Pennines and the Howgills, except the SC4 ones are of a darker green.

The northern part of Bogee Lake.

For some reason the water shifted several metres in four different ways with each respective view rotation. As such I had to make the shoreline wider.

Another waterfall. With hindsight I wished I had used one of the Pegasus ones which are smaller...

Here is another attempt at creating a scree slope.

The end of the journey...


Next entry will be an introduction to the city of Townshead- one of my latest cities.


Is that JRJ water you used for Bogee Lake? And if so, you did a great job! Somehow I never manage to make it look good for large stretches of water.  :thumbsup:

The marsh looks great too and reminded me to use those reeds more often, they're well suited for those kinds of wetlands indeed.
time flies like a bird
fruit flies like a banana


The creek looks great with the Heblem paths/pebbles and the vegetation.  The trails look pretty inviting too :thumbsup:


Loving the work around the river. The green banks are a nice idea.
I'll take a quiet life... A handshake of carbon monoxide.

Props & Texture Catalog



vortext: Cheers, and yes I used JRJ water for that lake.

c.p.: I go walking quite a lot around the Pennines and the Lake District of Northern England, so that is where I get my inspiration from with the mountain trails and MMP scenery.

art128: They also blend in perfectly with the green textures of the Berner Oberland terrain mod. Some time next year I'm going to return to MMP rivers and do an even better job with them.


Entry 11: Introducing the city of Townshead.


Let's start with a quick guide to the various areas of Townshead.


One Castle Hill. Built upon the old Townshead, only a castle, a former manor, belonging to a previous royal dynasty, and the Sathrid monastery remain. Once a crumbling wasteland, the area was redeveloped twenty years ago with a precise architectural precision.

The Townshead Grand Central Station. Part of Eastern Downtown.

East Downtown. Dayana Stadium and its carparks take up much of the area.

West Downtown.

Ponteville, one of the more older sections of Townshead. Situated just north of both east and west downtown, the area received a boost from the construction of the Yaxley Tower- the prominent grey skyscraper rising up from the rows of apartments.

West Townshead. Here two major motorways meet. The northbound one is the M13 and the westbound one is the Townshead Expressway.

Lothoria. A small town shallowed up by the Townshead conurbation and part of West Townshead. Fine markets can be found here as well as a small hi-tech sector up north.

The Government Quarter. Townshead was once the region's capital and thus housed the two houses of parliament: the commons and the lords. The commons occupied the large building in the centre right while the lords occupied the large building to the left; a former palace. Just south of the old house of commons is a new development; the Lotus Temple.

City Centre. The heart of Townshead's CBD.

Crekkers. Located north of the CBD, Crekkers is another town gobbled up by the spread of Townshead. The inner-city highway still separates the two.

Bethonith Park; found east of Chekkers.

Polynomial Flats. A suburb in northeast Townshead and east of Bethonith Park.

Nurdek Estate. Another former wasteland now turned prosperous. Nurdek Estate comprises Panther's Field (the stadium), the Artex museum and three small business complexes. The estate is just north of One Castle Hill.

Xarit Green. The largest park in Townshead and a great place for residents of One Castle Hill to walk around.

The Townshead Expressway cuts right through the centre of this city.


And now for a look around East Downtown and the Grand Central Station.


Townshead Grand Central Station.

The multi-story carpark facilities for passengers of the train station and for the nearby shops and offices.

The heart of East Downtown.

One Castle Hill hospital. Though a bit west of One Castle Hill, this hospital caters for at least a hundred thousand people.

Dayana Stadium. Named after one of the region's famous architects Dayana Golm; one of the few pioneering women architects in the region a hundred years ago.

The extensive stadium carparks.

One of the suburbs in South Townshead.

A couple of shops are located in the north-east of the stadium complex.

Dayana station. A train station build specifically for match days when tens of thousands of people swarm into the stadium complex. Even despite the Townshead Grand Central Station being a mere mile away!

Going back to East Downtown.


Enjoy the pictures.



Well done providing ample parking space for the stadiums, something which is often neglected in SC4.  :thumbsup:

Also spotted a few building I didn't recognize, in particular the brown building with grey roof in the bottom of this picture. I'm a sucker for BATs with large stairs in front and would greatly appreciate if you could tell me where to find it.

Finally I was wondering how cities are related geographically. Or to put it another way, do you play regionally as well? And if yes, I definitely want to see a region view some time! 
time flies like a bird
fruit flies like a banana


Hm, I'm not really the one who fancies space-gobbling car parks. ::) Solid work on the railways, though! And MMPs, of course, as always :P Keep it up!
Come join me on a hike to St Edmea!

Latest update: 7

"In the end, our society will be defined not only by what we create, but by what we refuse to destroy." - John Sawhill


Kettle's on. Milk? Sugars?    ps I don't like Earl Grey  $%Grinno$%
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle - If you're not part of the solution , you're part of the problem!
"Never knock on Death's door: Ring the bell and run away! Death really hates that!"
Tales at TeaTime      Now A proper NUT      TTC plays GRV II



romualdillo: Thank you!

vortext: Stadiums wouldn't be stadiums without their large carparks! Now the building you are talking about is prepo's Finnish Parliament House- . I found this building while going on a mega government building BAT download spree. Lastly, to answer your last question, I do play regionally to some degree but because the city tiles take so long to complete then it will be a very long time until I post region pictures.

Themistokles: I'm a real stickler for intricate railway lines! And MMPs to, especially plopping in woodland and green areas- my new found SC4 passion.

TheTeaCat: Cheers!


Update 61: Townshead- The Government Quarter

It time to dive head first into the meat and potatoes of any large city- the central business district. Townshead contains one of the largest CBDs I built in SC4 and so we will start with-

The Government Quarter


The region's former house of lords building.

The Lotus Temple.

The former house of commons building.

The old architecture watched over by the new.

A strip of filler tiles to expand the block containing the former house of commons.

Bad-ass skyscrapers.

cockatoo's impressive UN building BAT.

The reflecto-blob doing its job.

These skyscrapers dwarf Maxis tower blocks and skyscrapers.

St. Cuthburt's church.

A wall of steel, concrete and glass.

The shiny grey skyscraper is one colossal R$$$ building, this is on001222's amazing Mahanakhon Condo BAT.

A bit of green space north of the government quarter.

The interchanges at night.


Thanks for viewing.


First of all thank you Dantes for the comment!


Entry 13: The Steel and Glass canyons of Townshead

With an entry title which paraphrases a little from U2's "The Hands That Built America" we head deeper into Townshead CBD.


These special road passes are something I downloaded from BriPizza, I think traffic even uses the transition lanes. To find them look under the transport section of the BATs on Bripizza.

I'm starting to really enjoy TULEPs and NWM!

The reason I used so many MMPs for the woodland was to cut down on the props I was using when adding fillers. After the San Widge prop pox experience I decided to be more careful with the fillers I plopped in on mass. MMPs don't count as props.

The city hall.

Going ham on the roads.

I think, I think, the row of four skyscrapers here is a BAT from Bixel but don't quote me on that. Nevertheless it's a fantastic design.

Blade Runner!

Because I had some dead space to fill in, why not add in a shopping mall?

The Madison Square Garden was one of the first buildings I plopped in Townshead.

For some reason this picture reminds me a lot of the Grid sequence in Koyaanisqatsi.



Another update already?!  &hlp :bnn:

What a great selection of high rises! And those road passes are very neat.  :thumbsup:

Thanks for the link, I wasn't aware prepo had other BATs on the STEX as well. Got myself a new cathedral too!  ()stsfd()

Also, if you pay as much attention to the region as you do to the city tiles then I'm sure it'll make for one awesome region view eventually!
time flies like a bird
fruit flies like a banana


Amazing downtown you've there. I like the way you put some historic buildings among those modern sky scrapers.



Vortext: Ha ha! I posted a day early, I must have lost track of the days!

odrzutowiec: Thanks! I like to mix the old and the new, something which every city has.


Entry 14: Townshead's CBD

Here is the final part of the CBD tour. Enjoy!



Congratulations on being OSITM - your work is stunning, so being featured is well-deserved.
Click on the banner to celebrate!




Benedict: Thanks a lot!



Entry 15: Ponteville

I'm really tired this evening so I'll just be posting the pictures of Ponteville which is an inner-city district in Townshead. Enjoy them!




The images speak for themselves just fine!  :thumbsup:

Also, the placement of that one diagonal highrise is awesome!  &apls
time flies like a bird
fruit flies like a banana