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The FrankU and Nexis CO-OP

Started by mrbisonm, December 14, 2011, 06:08:54 PM

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wonderful news :D

thanks for sharing!  :thumbsup:


A bit late wih my reply, but that is certainly good news. I am on vacation in the Czech republic at this time and not always on locations with wifi.
Next week I will be back home and probably I will have time for some serious lotting.


 I am sorry, but I am late. I just came back from the hopital and learned that Fred will come out certainly on Wednesday. He did not come on last Thursday because he had bad infection on his right leg, because they took a artery for his heart there. But now it is ok and under control and Wednesday he will be able to leave. He is very impatient and becomes a little aggressif when the things do not move.

That is a good sign that he is doing better. lol I will let you know when I have more news.

judge of GRV 2 Challenge


Hi there,

Well, I guess I am back, at least that what I think.....lol

I just got out from the hospital yesterday evening after a few weeks of being in the worst place one can imagine. I am still quite confused, taking strong painkillers and other medication to keep me alive.

Here's the story and reason why I have been gone for so long (as if it interests someone). A few weeks ago I had a severe heartstrok, my third one and yet the worst. I ended up in Emergency being operated with two "by-passes". Ouch.
The operation went well and the heart is now beating as normal as one could wish for. After 4 days a severe pain in my leg announced a serious infection (streptococcus) which announced on its side a possible amputation. Oh my.........

Well , with very high fever, loaded with pills and injected liquids of all kinds I actually survived this.....lol. Surprise to the Doctor that I didn't loose my leg, since the infection wa under control all of sudden.

Now.....I am tired, I am tired in the physical sense and also in the psychological way....and geeez, I was tired of eating that "fake" food in the hospital.

All this and I am now on new pills, new diet, especially watching my gluccose and colesterol and lol....vacation. Yap, me no do notting for next 3 months...What?..... Nothing!.

Am I glad to see my computer.....lol.....That is better than all the morphine that I received in the hospital. Amazing how one can so easily be independant of a piece of electronic......

Anyways, I am fine.....I think.....and I will be back regularily with the days to come. One thing I missed a lot also, is my bed, which I will abuse a little in the next days. ;)

Thanks for all the all the get-well-wishes, I think they worked and thanks to my beloved wife (Lynn) for having replaced me in so many ways at home. Good to be back on my "own" legs. ;)


....Uploading the MFP 1.... (.........Finishing the MFP1)


Good the see you back Fred and in relative good health too, i.e. with both legs still attached. Jeez, that must have been a scary prospect.. .

Take it easy over the next few weeks to get back on your feet.  :thumbsup:
time flies like a bird
fruit flies like a banana


That must have been quite an ordeal for you, Fred! I'm glad that you're feeling better and out of the hospital! ;D
Check out my MD, United States of Simerica!
Last updated: March 5, 2017

My YouTube Channel


Hi Fred, that was not the easiest time in your life. I am glad you came through and that they did not pull your leg.
Have a good rest and when you feel like it we will see new props coming our way?


Quote from: FrankU on August 06, 2014, 10:19:28 AM
feel like it we will see new props coming our way?

u bet!!! I've got all the time now.......lol

....Uploading the MFP 1.... (.........Finishing the MFP1)


You old guys are hard to kill off. :p

I'm glad for it, though, trust me.


Quote from: HappyDays on August 21, 2014, 10:20:24 PM
You old guys are hard to kill off. :p

I'm glad for it, though, trust me.

Old?.....lol...who is old here?


....Uploading the MFP 1.... (.........Finishing the MFP1)


Well, before anyone thinks that I died off, I might as well leave some news of what happened lately.

As most of you know I wasn't feeling to well earlier this spring and during summer I had a few serious problems with my heart, which had some operations with severe complications in July and August. Even September was not the best feeling days I had.

By the end of September and beginning of October I started to get better, slowly but surely, often tired and worn out though, but I guess that is the years that followed all the problems. Then a few weeks ago we had the yearly silage harvest. 82 acres of it, which I mostly watched from far away. Oh man, was I feeling like ripping of the steering of one of my hired hands to drive one of these tractors, but health didn't quite allow me, nor was I a little too weak to do this.

Since a week I went back to the computer and my gmax. I didnt do much though, just getting my memories freshed up and find out where I stopped for the MFP1 project and where I put all those models on my computer (Geeeez, why do I have soooo many of them?). It will take me some time to get used to the program too, I seem to have forgotten a few things how they work.....lol.

Today I was busy elsewhere, but this evening I snooped around again and got some things organized for a good start later this week.
Not very much is left to be done on most of the MFP1 models, but there are still little adjustments, some adding and some deleting to do here and there. I also have to adjust and/or change some textures as on the picture below, the cement walls of the drive through silo and also the silage which is still a little too green, then the shed, I will have to shorten the front roof a little, so we can partially have a look inside of it. Things like this, I will be doing in the next weeks.

I will also send some files that are soon ready to FrankU, so he can test and use them, another set, the fourth I think.

Here are some pictures of this weekend's harvesting on my farm and as soon as they were finished yesterday, the snow geese took posession of these acres. The harvest of everything is finished now, nothing left than to bring in the cows when it snows and feed them during the next 4 to 5 months before they can go out again.

My loghome buissness office is quiet  at the moment (without me) and I gave most of the "power" to one of my followers, I only present myself on mondays and talk to the older customers (which are used to me) when they want to, and of course when the gang needs me (which strangey doesn't happen to often.....lol). The designing of loghomes from my side will not start for the next 4 to 6 months and I am not sure if I will ever go back fulltime. Time to retire, I think, and take a bite out of life more often and have , what I love most, some fun! ;)

So, here I am back onto SC4 modeling, you will hear from me a little more from now on. Let's finish this gigantic farmproject.


....Uploading the MFP 1.... (.........Finishing the MFP1)


Glad to hear you are better.

And your mega farm project looks amazing!


What did I had to read? That sounded horrible! Fred, personal health is most important in life, and so the first thing I wish you is to recover completely. And to see you becoming active in modelling again looks like a big step into a good direction.  :thumbsup:

Away from that: very nice models again, your Coop here is one of the most interesting projects for me, although I wasn´t active some time. Keep it on!  &apls &apls


A relieve to hear you're back in decent health Fred! And great you're getting back into this awesome project of course! Your CML holds true!   :)
time flies like a bird
fruit flies like a banana


Ok, to make a story short: 2 years ago I bought some land in NZ, a small strip inland at some mountain foot and after my heart operation, I thought a lot about it and what I could do with it. Well in October I decided to build my own loghome there and make something like a "summer retreat" with it. Since I live in Quebec/Canada, winter arrives here at the same time as summer in NZ, qand besides there's nothing like NZ once you started loving it.
So that is what is keeping me busy since the last two months. Two weeks ago I was really decided to finish the MFP1 before christmas, but then some problems appeared with the foundations of our new NZ summer retreat and I had to fly over again. The problem was quickly solved and corrected and I took a few days more to enjoy the warmth of the weather there, while here in Canada it was cold, wet and snowing.

Ok now. This morning I was going to render the last of the third MFP1 set, the silos and all of sudden a tiny explosion was heard from my living room in my office where I have my game 'puter. What the heck, I thought, I went in and holy smoke, something smelled like burnt wiring.
Well, my powerbox in my computer got overheated and blew up. The reason was probably the dust that accumulated within its fan and which was quite visible too when I looked more for the trouble.......hm, I must have forgotten to  clean it more than once.

Anyways, since I think that nothing happened to my Harddrive, all my files should be ok,(hope) but for the moment I can't finish rendering the silosets.

While waiting for my son to come down from Montreal and repair the computer, I started continuing with the fourth MFP1 set, the sheds on my laptop. Only a few models left to finish and then be rendered by the PC, once fixed.(Laptop is not powerful enough to do the rendering) I will be more regular on this project now, until it is finished and this hopefully before January ends. So I will continue to show some of my models back in this thread again while working on them.

Below is a small cementbrick like structure good for a tractor or two with wooden "flap"doors. Hope you like it. I will make another model tomorrow. ;)


....Uploading the MFP 1.... (.........Finishing the MFP1)


Very, very great Work!  &apls
I would like in my Landscapes
block in Krokanien. There are all waiting for Farmers
this MFP-, Silos- and Sheds-Accessory.
I love her Work! Just great!  :thumbsup:

Many greetings Fasan  ;)


Oh, Fred!

Please, don't let it happen that you lose all the files that you have been working on the last two years! You keep backups, don't you?

The shed is good. As you know I am kind of picky about the materials: I prefer red or brownish brick, green or dark grey corrugated steel and sheet pilings (not sure this is the right word), maybe some dark brown or black painted wood for older sheds, red rooftiles and that kind of Dutch materials. But I am certain you know that and use these too for several sheds?

Great work!

And I wish you a lot of success with your summer home, or should we call it winter retreat? In New Zealand.


luv teh progress...   :thumbsup:

here is hoping that all is still okay on the HD and recoverable...
plus hoping  :popcorn: that the plan to finish all the sets before end of Jan comes true,
with a LEX AG-Day...
perhaps a Feb 1st for my B-day...  :bnn:


Well, I think that there is no loss whatsoever on my harddrive, besides, I have back-ups on DVD's, maybe not the latest models, but I overwrite my Back-up DVD every two to three weeks. I learned my lesson well a few years back, whwn I lost hundreds of hrs of work.
So, no problem and no worries there.

I made another machinery shed today, with the materials (textures) that Frank likes more ( ;) ). This is a open-type shed and I will have the full model (shown below) and the empty one that can be filled with any other or own props, available in the set.

I will create another one tomorrow, while waiting for the next weekend when my eldest son will come down to the farm and get the gaming computer powerbox changed or repaired.


Sorry for the poor quality of the picture since I accidently rendered the image in low resolution. I will have a better picture up soon.

....Uploading the MFP 1.... (.........Finishing the MFP1)


Great work! This is going to make SC4 farming so much more awesome when you release this MFP set!