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Source files for FAR/street intersection textures?

Started by delta9, March 23, 2015, 11:40:55 PM

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Hi folks. I'm an avid SAM7 user and always felt limited by the lack of matching textures on a majority of NAM pieces that interact with streets, most notably TuLEP and GLR-related pieces. I've already overridden the relevant TLA5 pieces as a start/proof of concept and got the process down (fortunately they had only one wealth, not that it'd be that much more work, but it was a relief for a beginner)

Probably could have weighted the gradient better than 50/50, but whatever.

Doing ortho stuff like that wasn't really much of a task other than figuring out Where's the Fries? (next time we'll wash your mouth out with soap) I was doing in the various modding programs. However, now that I'm looking at the FAR, I see that it's not gonna be the quick job the other stuff was/will be, so I'm wondering if any of the street/FAR texture files exist as layered image files with masks and so on, so that I can just replace and adjust the road texture without having to individually match/blend stuff. If not, it just means it won't be a one night job and I'll actually have to do a little real work, but if so, man, that would help me out immensely. I plan on eventually uploading it as a full Maxis->SAM7 texture replacement for people who enjoy using the asphalt streets as their basest network. I know you guys have modularized as much as you can when it comes to texture creation, so I'm crossing my fingers that the FAR textures were at least partially within that scope.



We are here to help  ;D

Good start may I say!

I know Mandelsoft has a file with all the textures that are wealthed and how it is done to NAM standards. Alternatively you could look at the textures with Ilives reader or Tropod's SC4 Reader tool.

How are you overriding the Textures by the way? INRULs RUL1 or RUL2, Just so I am not confused!

I would start small with overriding the textures like you are doing before getting into the FAR stuff. Once you get the hang of that than overriding FAR is a possibility. I assume you want to FARify the street network!

Thanks for taking the initiative.



Quote from: eggman121 on March 24, 2015, 01:08:58 AM
We are here to help  ;D

Good start may I say!

I know Mandelsoft has a file with all the textures that are wealthed and how it is done to NAM standards. Alternatively you could look at the textures with Ilives reader or Tropod's SC4 Reader tool.

How are you overriding the Textures by the way? INRULs RUL1 or RUL2, Just so I am not confused!

I would start small with overriding the textures like you are doing before getting into the FAR stuff. Once you get the hang of that than overriding FAR is a possibility. I assume you want to FARify the street network!

Thanks for taking the initiative.


I've used the jargon incorrectly. It's not an override, but a plain texture replacement, which is about as much as it could be without blowing up the RUL. I think you misunderstand my intentions, as well. I'm hoping that the source files for textures such as this

are available so that I can replace the Maxis street texture with the corresponding SAM7 texture with minimal manual editing.

If not, then the parameters one would use to shift the color of Maxis roads to SAM7 roads would be equally valuable.


Oh I get you now. So what are you trying to achieve? Texture replacement or an extension to the override SAM7?

I would recommend an extension to the SAM7 RUL2 so you can still use the street if you want to. That may be within the scope of the SAM area but I would have to check with others.



Nice work on the street textures. Really love to get my hands on these.
You can see the difference between road and street, but the difference don't "jump into your eyes".


I am the one who created those particular textures you are asking for, and I am afraid they don't exist in separate layers.


Quote from: eggman121 on March 24, 2015, 01:39:57 AM
Oh I get you now. So what are you trying to achieve? Texture replacement or an extension to the override SAM7?

I would recommend an extension to the SAM7 RUL2 so you can still use the street if you want to. That may be within the scope of the SAM area but I would have to check with others.


Just a texture replacement. I don't have the know-how to do an override nor any personal desire to ever use the default concrete streets. I've already got a SAM7 facelift mod that fleshes out some things (and for the life of me I can't find it... :-\ it's really nice, rounds off the intersections and so on like the regular NAM facelift mod) and I'm trying to round that out. Plus, if I do decide to use a different SAM override for a section, having it go from asphalt to, say, bricks, will look better than having it go asphalt, concrete, bricks, IMO.

Quote from: vester on March 24, 2015, 03:09:39 AM
Nice work on the street textures. Really love to get my hands on these.
You can see the difference between road and street, but the difference don't "jump into your eyes".

Thank you. That was my intent, and I'm glad to hear it worked ;D I mean, they are both asphalt after all, right? Like I said, I've only got the TLA5 and AVE2 stuff done so far, but I'll gladly upload that tiny bit I've done. They're just individual little dats right now but they're named well enough; just throw them in the NWM folder.

Quote from: memo on March 24, 2015, 04:34:24 AM
I am the one who created those particular textures you are asking for, and I am afraid they don't exist in separate layers.
Cool, thanks for the info, memo (and, you know, all the other stuff you've done over the years). Guess that means I'll go ahead and round out what corners I can while I'm at it! ;D I'm way too neurotic about these tiny details, but at least it's finally producing something, eh.

Before I forget: is there an index of all of the Maxis/NAM pieces/IDs or the patterns therein so I can find the texture I'm looking for in a manner quicker than sorting by file size and just manually scrolling through? I've searched and searched but haven't found anything.


If it helps, I've got a repository with all the NAM street pieces segregated, I've been doing the same thing for a lot of TSR textures myself, so I should be able to isolate them all for you and upload them somewhere if that would be helpful?