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BSC Lex ... coming soon

Started by Colyn, January 04, 2007, 12:48:27 PM

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Ok ... today we started deploying the BSC Lex onto the site server.

There are a number of technical issues that we need to check and double check but by next week we will hopefully have a BETA version up.

Here are a few of the highlites of our Lex ...

a. Our Lex will track your activities and you will be able to go and view a list of what you have downloaded and if anything on your list has been updated since your download.

b. When you select a lot for download our Lex will tell you which of the dependencies you do not already have ... later we will integrate this with a Master Dependency Control Tool that will help you manage your dependencies.

c. Apart from the normal Comments and Vluation by users their will be a specialist review feature for every object and in this Review a user will get the low down by a group of Reviewers that will evaluate the lot purely Technical.

These are just a few of the more prominent highlights ... soon some of you will invited to come for a test drive ...  &hlp

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oooh! sounds really usefull.   &apls

A couple of questions:
Does this mean all BSC dependencies packages will be uploaded to SC4D?
If not, will it be able to link to off-site dependencies?

This sounds like a very useful set of features and thank you more making this possible    :thumbsup:


Yes we will link to ON-SITE and OFF-SITE dependencies. This Lex is developed around the needs we have all experienced from other download sites and we are trying to make it a usefull and practical application.
Work, the annoying period between bike trips.
Come see CSX Play


You guys rock, that's some very useful options  :thumbsup:


QuoteYou guys rock, that's some very useful options

Silvio nailed it- what more can I say?

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This sounds very promissing indeed.    One thing that has made me shy away from some BSC stuff is being unsure of what dependencies I already have and also which ones I need to get still.   I may have to clean out my plug-ins and reevaluate what I have and or need.    This will make my life alot easier to do that.


They say that the memory is the second thing that goes....
...dang , I wish I could remember the first.
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Great, I'm actually rebuilding all my plugins, deleted everything, and already started to redownload & install stuffs

If you want I can write something about the difficulties I'm facing ( not that much in fact, but I read the readme :) )

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A couple of sneak peeks of the new LEX.
First this is the screen you will see when you access the LEX. It will have a choice of lots and a link to get the individual pop up with more details and the download link.

Next the individual pop up for each upload once you click on the More Info/Download link:

As you can see there are details of the lot and a Download Here link, a description of the lot and then a section for Comments and Valuation. This part is optional and you do not need to comment to rate or rate to comment or do either to download but your comments will be displayed and a count of each rating will be shown. The valuations are simplified so you only have to say if you like it or not. If you like it but don't want to download you have to option to make that rating and a comment too if you wish.
Eventually the Dependencies will be checked and links provided to the location of dependencies wherever they are hosted. Uploaders will have a list of dependencies that they can use to list which ones are required.

Inside every old person is a young person wondering what happened. TP

Barbypedia: More alive than the original


this is wonderfull what a great idea barby &apls &apls


That's what I thought, this will overcome anything else seen before and will be of most help either to uploaders and downloaders.  &apls



This is just perfect - sounds as music in my ears. &dance You guys (and ladies) rock!
Check my MD:               


Looks great, I can't wait to see this up and running  :thumbsup:


I hope a function to reset every data is incooperated to be used when reinstalling.

Everything else sound like music in my ears.  :thumbsup:


That looks awesome  &apls . A big thank you to all those involved :thumbsup:


Impressive!!  Im looking forward to using this.  Do you have any screen shots btw of how the upload process will flow?
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jplumbley, sorry I don't have any screenshots although I did help with the initial testing some weeks ago and it was a very simple process.
Inside every old person is a young person wondering what happened. TP

Barbypedia: More alive than the original


WOW, this will be a terrific help to those of us that can't remember what we've downloaded!  &Thk/( I can't help having Senior moments, I'm a senior!
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