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Krasner BAT thread

Started by Krasner, September 08, 2016, 02:11:43 PM

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More great little models, you guys are certainly working fast.

Quote from: Krasner on January 24, 2017, 05:25:18 PM
In Sciurus' pack that will come in SD, but I will make HD versions for personnal use, which could be shared if someone wants them in HD

I think a number of us would prefer HD if we had the choice. If you render the models the right way, it's possible to give the same IDs to the HD models as the SD ones. Then all the prop exemplars, lots etc can be used with either set of models.


Great work Krasner :thumbsup:  Well if the solution to work in HD is better so... I think exporting in both versions is a good thing right ?
L'atelier d'architecture
* * * * * Longwy * * * * *


Quote from: Krasner on January 24, 2017, 05:25:18 PM
@APSMS...modeling the inside as well and spending much more time on it, with much more texture needs and getting a "fake feeling" of a different nature at the end. It would be very hard for me, to catch some inside atmospheres I like by modeling the inside for real  /wrrd%& I prefer to model the inside most of the time, now that I roughly get BATing techniques into my head.

What I sometimes do is model the walls, then add a plane for the floors.
To the floor I add some textures of some colorfull picture like this:

As you only see part of the images and you see it on an angle, it add the illusion of more details than actually are.


Great looking models!!


Thanks to everybody for all the interesting comments and the overflow   :-[ of likes so far. That is great and encouraging  :thumbsup:

@Silur Thank you  ;D Work on that project decelerated a little bit on my part the last days, but we still have new ideas  ;)

@mgb204 Thank you again  $%Grinno$% We've made the choice to release all that in both HD and SD.

@Sciurus As we said  :)

@vester That is an interesting trick :) I've experimented it on a building model recently, in a more elaborated way (applying a colorfull texture on some panels inside a shop) and it is quite convincing  :thumbsup:

@Simmer2 Thank you  $%Grinno$%

Thanks to @kbienu7, who gave me the idea to add some switch towers to all our stuff. Here is the first one I made today, roughly based on the Châteaucreux's one in Saint-Etienne :

Not exported yet, so advices are welcome. I plan to make three or four different switch towers, next one will be based on Perrache's one in Lyon but if there is a particular switch tower you'd like to have with our pack I can also take one or two requests  :)


Very attractive pictures. Everything looks very good. I wish You luck.  &apls


The roof texture on these is so dirty, yes, yes... dirty concrete please  :D


Yes it is very very very dirty :D
Maybe the textures, as we talked about them yesterday, are a bit too dark. But it's an opinion ! Maybe the black background make them darker too. Just a test in game to see if there's a difference.. :thumbsup:
Anyway, that's a great and useful building !
L'atelier d'architecture
* * * * * Longwy * * * * *


Indeed, dirty and grungy :D Great model!

Well, I have few ideas, if I could  $%Grinno$%

One of it would be maybe some relatively modern and (gentle speaking) architectonically simple switch tower, like these ones:

Another idea is a switch tower from main station in Kraków, but it's a bigger one, so I'd post more pictures only if you're interested after making your other stuff ;)
Thank you for visiting Kolbrów, and for being for last ten years!


Hi Krasner , :)

I've got an attention for your BATing thread since its beginning and even if the first models aren't perfect ( your skill is growing fast and this is the best place to progress ) , they already speak directly to my heart . &apls &apls &apls

After so much defections of talented BATers these last years , that's so good and invigorating to see the emergence of new talent , personally , I can feel how that's necessary to keep alive my hunger for SC4 . Bravo donc ! ... et merci . :thumbsup:


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@Silur Happy to see you appreciating so  :)

@mgb204 We have decided to release it less "rotten", but I keep those dirty concrete textures for personnal projects  ;)

@Sciurus Well we found agreement, so  :)

@kbieniu7 Thank ya ! Those are interesting proposals anyway, I like the idea of a modern switch tower, resembling to an airport control tower to some extent, I will work on that. The switch tower from Krakow is nice indeed, maybe I will recreate it later but I will certainly take some inspiration from it for an other model  :)

@Badsim Hi Badsim, well I've been reading your posts for long now also, without commenting, I really like your work like many of us, it is always very inspiring, full of ingenious ideas. Hearing someone say that my work makes this game interesting is anyway the best compliment I could receive  :thumbsup:

Volume 1 of my building pack is out and can be found here : https://www.toutsimcities.com/downloads/view/3303

I decided to release the two angles separetely, certainly in a volume 2 with some new models, because it still needs some re-work, and people here waited too long in my opinion for such a small pack. Read-me is in both French and English, it lists the dependencies with links and I fully explain my (pro-anarchist  :D) copyright policy in it.

Also, as I'm working slowly on my prop-pack and cemetery project, I thought that it would be a good idea to show some of the small things that will come with it time to time. Here is a six-spots concrete "vespasienne" (public toilets for men). When I was a child it was still common to see those things along the streets and in the parks, but almost all of them were removed.

(I added some easter eggs on it, like on some of my other models. Quite precise references and certainly too small to be recognized, so I don't know if anyone could list them, but well  :D)


As always great work you are presenting to us.  :thumbsup:

One thing: The wires on the 1st and 3rd (lower left) stands out a bit to much.
The look very black. Either make the more grey or make them thinner.
I know its tempting to make some really black. Nothing is showing up this black when not in the shade.

My guess is they are on a seperate layer ?
If so you could also turn down the opacity to 60-80 % (Gimp or Photoshop)
Selected them add a layer mask. Reselect the selection, invert the select. Grow the select 1 or 2 px.
Now select the commune area between the layer mask (in PS you would ctrl+shift+alt click)

Now you fill the area in the alpha mask with a tone of grey.
(before I would do this, I would make an empty layer and apply the layer mask to, that way you can pick up the selection from this layer).
Now you can try to make a few different textures with different tone of grey.

Technical, but you picked up my last suggestion with easy I see.
Like the dirt on the roof tiles below the chimney in the 4th picture.


Superbe work my friend !! :)  I'm so happy to see some active members in the team... &apls
They'll fit perfectly with my BATs ;D
L'atelier d'architecture
* * * * * Longwy * * * * *


A big thank you.  :thumbsup:  I am playing a French style city Right now and this is exactly what I need. :) Low wealth buildings in wall-to-wall environment.  :)

I will convert these to CS$ as there is a need too. ;) And probably adjust some stats to suit my play style.

I have a lot of French BATs in my plubin so I am interested to see how these will fit that environment. Size, growth stage etc. :)

I am happy now.


 :bnn: :bnn: :bnn:  Krasner uploaded files!!!  :bnn: :bnn: :bnn:

What is more, those buildings have the right vibe to recreate the auto parts street of my city (well, they don't look totally alike, but the style, condition and programmes are really similar).

Luckily the page warned me about Bombardiere's post, I was precisely suggesting to make them CS$, but in any case, they can also work great as IM anchors, it would be great to see those versions released too!

"Lets be scientists and as such, remember always that the purpose of politics is not freedom, nor authority, nor is any principle of abstract character,
but it is to meet the social needs of man and the development of the society"

— Valentín Letelier, 1895


Oh Halleluja!!!!  &apls &apls &apls
Christmas is there?
Very nice addition, thank you to sharing this!

- Tyberius
You may find updates about my ongoing projects into my development thread here at SimCity 4 Devotion: Tyberius Lotting Experiments
or over there on Simtropolis into the Tyberius (Heretic Projects) Lotting and Modding Experiments.
I'm also member of the STEX Custodian and working on different restoration projects on behalf of non-anymore-active custom content creators.
Current projects: WMP Restoration and SimCity Polska Restoration.
Member of the NAM Team and RTMT Team.

manga rivotra

It seems that you are already part of the great BATers of this game!  :o
I love these small variations in the colors of the facades which give the impression that the paint has faded faster on some parts of the facade, especially on the first.
As for the fronts of the shops: they are exceptionally detailed, one can even count the magazines in showcase "Le Kiosque".  :D
A big thank you for these jewels.  &apls &apls &apls



Looks nice  ;)

Something that MDer will surely appreciate is the possibility to that the base texture of the LOT is matching the sidewalk in the plugin folder. It allows to have uniformity in between sidewalk system and LOTs which is highly appreciated by MDers.

The idea is to have a flat props (which was modded in a way that the texture was removed and will automatically take the texture from the sidewalk installed in plugin folder). I am far from understanting the full process but our friend Vortext could help  ;)
The Floraler

This is the end, hold your breath and count to ten, feel the earth move, and then...

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Quote from: Girafe on February 10, 2017, 12:44:03 AM
Looks nice  ;)

Something that MDer will surely appreciate is the possibility to that the base texture of the LOT is matching the sidewalk in the plugin folder. It allows to have uniformity in between sidewalk system and LOTs which is highly appreciated by MDers.

The idea is to have a flat props (which was modded in a way that the texture was removed and will automatically take the texture from the sidewalk installed in plugin folder). I am far from understanting the full process but our friend Vortext could help  ;)

I totally agree with this idea ! The thing is, that in the LE is to take a Maxis default sidewalk texture already replaced by the new sidewalk texture ? I don't know if I'm understandable...
L'atelier d'architecture
* * * * * Longwy * * * * *