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True Earth

Started by korver, May 04, 2016, 08:05:18 PM

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Wonderful, I love the roads you have made for the Red Fort, and without forgetting this impressive viaduct railway, great work ... It is breathtaking, the tea is superb also. You always make us dream korver, thank you! &apls


Can't get enough of those tableaux, bravo  &apls &apls


Fantastic! Made me want a cuppa %BUd%

The MMPs are just mindblowing


Well I think parts of asia that mostly seen in SC4 are from East asia and Middle Eastern (if that count). You already done these "SC4 rare themed" area before (Central Asia and Southeast Asia) which reminds how great your works are!  :thumbsup:
cant wait to see the rest!

oh also, view this entry with civ 5 asian backsongs (pick indians) give much more atmosphere in it as I try to feel it.

manga rivotra

Unbelievable !!!  :o Only 2 pics and i fall from may chair.  :D
The tea plantation seems to be a very good shot of a real photographer. This is amazing.  :thumbsup:



- UPDATE 19: South Asia -

Our journey to South Asia begins with a trip to the countryside - and the timeless rural beauty of the many tea plantations that dot the Sri Lankan countryside. The ones near Kandy are perhaps the most well-known - they've been making the famed Ceylon Tea ever since the British first colonized this area back in the 1800s. As the hillsides climb higher and higher, the strength of the tea leaves increases accordingly - making this one of the strongest teas in all of South Asia. No trip is complete without having a cup first - so make sure you make a stop over at the Ceylon Tea Museum first.

The Indian Ocean is one of the most beautiful places on the planet - and it doesn't get much better than the thatched roof resorts of the Maldives. This island country south of India is world-renowned for its sunny weather, pristine beaches, and stunning resorts - from the diving, snorkeling, and windsurfing, there's always something exciting to try out.

We now move into India, and our first destination is the famous Ganges River in Varanasi. This is the most sacred river to the Hindus, who make up 80% of India's population - and by cleansing in it, they wash away their sins. All sorts of religious ceremonies and festivals are held here - and for any Hindu, it's a lifelong ambition to make it here at least once. Sadly though, modern times have been tough on the river - pollution levels have reached staggering heights, and it's now one of the most polluted waterways in the world. An ambitious cleanup project is planned in the upcoming years - but little progress has been made thus far.

We move north to the capital of New Delhi - where you'll find some of the most stunning buildings in all of India. Our next stop is one of the most unique structures in all of India - the Lotus Temple. This flower shaped Baha'i House of Worship has become quite a famous attraction - with over 70 million tourists visiting since it was first opened back in 1986. Under Baha'i law, all religions and faiths are welcome here - making it a popular social event place in the city.

Wanting a centerpiece for his new capital, Indian king Shah Jahan had the particularly impressive Red Fort built in Delhi from 1639 - 1648, which contains a massive complex surrounded by towering red walls. This grand fort holds pavilions, offices, workshops, mansions, expansive gardens, and just about anything else a king could ever need - no wonder he inscribed the words "If there is a paradise on Earth, this is it" inside.

(full size link here)

Our last stop is the most iconic landmark in all of India - none other than the world famous Taj Mahal. Wanting a grand tomb for his wife, Indian emperor Shah Jahan built the Taj Mahal in Agra from 1631 - 1648 and covered it with gleaming white marble - and to this day it remains one of the most marvelous buildings on the face of the planet. Starting in 2004, tourists have been able to view it at night - making for one of the most magical experiences imaginable.




reddonquixote: Thank you! I use a variety of different methods - mainly custom lotting, MMPing, BATing, making custom props, bringing in custom models, etc in my scenes and the key is to find a way to tie everything together perfectly. Sometimes I may not have a whole lot to work with - but trying to stretch what I do have as far as it can go is vital.

vester: Thank you very much for the comment, appreciate it :)

kelis: Thank you! The slums were a bit tricky, as I had to balance out getting just enough variation while also choosing the slums that had a certain Indian styled element to them. I think they turned out quite nicely :)

Akallan: Thank you for the comment! Those roads took quite a while to make, I'm glad you liked it :thumbsup:

Simmer2: Thank you! Appreciate it :)

mattb325: Thank you for the kind words! :)

Nanami: Thanks for the comment! I think I may have to take you up on your suggestion ;)

manga rivotra: Thanks for the comment! Glad you liked it :)



Another fantastic update right here, I enjoy alot with these pictures, I try to look as close as I can to see all the details. Fantastic job once again  &apls &apls

                                                                                     || Benelux Team || Windows on the World || My Photos on Flickr || Kelis BNL Projects ||


I agree that wonderful realistic job displaying India in it's true nature.  The beach scene with huts on the docks are spectacular.  If this is a BAT, the you must share :) 

Again, wonderful job and looking forward to more.   On the topic of South Asia, would love to see some of Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia.


I think the Ganges scene is one of my favourites ever. I'm instantly reminded of the Deep Forest Sweet Lullaby video. You could make a really cool video with a montage of all your scenes. The world is an amazing place  ;)
Pay heed to the tales of old wives. It may well be that they alone keep in memory what it was once needful for the wise to know.


Is this simcity or is this a view in another universum ? Impressive.  :o


Those scenes look amazing. The first picture looks almost like a different game!  &apls And picture with Taj Mahal looks splendid  &apls &apls &apls Great work  :thumbsup:

tiankafei067 tiankafei067

Quote from: korver on May 04, 2016, 08:05:18 PM

Hello and welcome to my MD: True Earth. My main objective is simple, I try to recreate places across the globe that are generally unseen and unique to the world of SimCity 4. With an eye for detail and realism, I hope to really bring these places alive - and through my storytelling I want to make this MD a truly memorable experience.

Click on any banner below to go directly to the post that update is located on :)
Note: For some reason, occasionally some of the banners don't show up immediately - refresh and they should all show up.













And again, this is unreal beauty!!!  &apls &apls &apls

And damn Photobucket - someday I'll leave him
It's a dirty creature



- UPDATE 20: Ancient Ruins (Preview) -

So, as you may have seen in the past.. one of my favorite scenes to make in SC4 are ancient ruins. So I figured.. why not create an entire update (or two) devoted to just that? Right now, I'm creating a variety of scenes covering some of the world's greatest civilizations.. Azetc, Mayan, Incan, Roman, and maybe even a few that you haven't heard of ;) I hope to get a full update out soon so stay tuned - but in the meantime, here's a little taste of what's to come:

Former home of the great Mayan empire, located deep in the Yucatán rainforest... Chichén Itzá.




Alan_Waters: Thank you ;D

kelis: Thanks for the comment and kind words! I should mention that many, many years ago - your incredibly detailed Berlin recreation was one of the CJs that got me really interested in SC4 - so it's always an honor to hear that coming from you :thumbsup:

dyoungyn: Thanks for the comment! It is indeed a BAT (I don't photoshop BATs in) - its a model I downloaded off of 3d warehouse. I'd like to get the author's permission first before I send any of those models to people though - I actually already asked the author of the BAT if that would be okay since I already got someone asking about it over on ST). Hopefully if he agrees I'll be able to send it to you.

reddonquixote: Thank you for the comment :) That's a great idea in regards to the video, I should give that some serious consideration down the road ;)

Dantes: Thanks, glad you enjoyed it :thumbsup:

seraf: Thanks! Glad you enjoyed the Taj, it's surprising how good some of those Maxis models can be haha.

Simmer2: Thank you for the kind words! :)

Silur: Thanks for the comment!




Love your detail of work. 

I also loved your detailed job on famous sites and cities in the Southern Pacific. 

Being on several U.S. Naval ships I have seen pretty much every country in the Pacific and can relate.

If you get the permission to share the beach/sea huts, would love them :thumbsup:


As always, photographic accuracy.  &apls &apls &apls
Have you received any offers from National Geographics? ;D ;)

manga rivotra

The use of MMPs here is in perfect harmony with the ground texture and the result is stunning !  :o
I can not imagine better result!  Wonderful work as always ! &apls &apls &apls