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In Memory of Joan (Jmouse)

Started by Tarkus, July 25, 2017, 01:02:29 AM

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I just received unfortunate news that Joan (Jmouse) passed away peacefully at her home at the end of June.

Speaking as someone who had the privilege of knowing Joan for the past 10 years, working with her for many of those years as a staff colleague, it goes without saying that she was one of SC4D's kindest and most devoted members.  My first encounter with Joan here at SC4D was in the early days of my MD, when she often stopped by to offer encouragement and great feedback. 

She always made sure to give a warm welcome to our new members in the introduction thread, giving them very sound advice as they entered our community.  In addition, she made sure that the spammers that tried to siege our forum did not get a warm welcome, valiantly protecting the SC4D from hundreds, if not thousands of bots over the years.  Beyond that, back in 2008, along with Paul (paroch) and Dave (tooheys), she was one of the founding members of the NUTs--the "No-one Under Thirty Squad" (briefly the "No-one Under Twenty-eight Squad" when Shaun (Diggis) joined)--a venerable institution which continues on to this day.

Joan's presence, her dedication, and her kindness will be sorely missed here at SC4 Devotion, in the community, and the world as a whole.



This is sad news, you will transmit our support to his family.

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Wow I am really saddened by this news  :crytissue:

My deepest condolences to Joan! She was such a welcoming person of the forums.

I... Really don't know what to say?



It's a really sad news. &cry2
She was a very kind and nice person, not only on this site, but even on Simtropolis and Citybuilder.

Heaven has got a new angel. :wings:
We will miss a lot.

Rest in peace, dear Joan (Jmouse). :crytissue:
My creation at CityBuilders.

SimCity 5 is here with the NAM Creations!!


My condolences to her family. She was a great help over the years. She will be missed.
I'll take a quiet life... A handshake of carbon monoxide.

Props & Texture Catalog


So sorry to hear this sad news. She helped me a few times in the short period since I joined and she indeed was a kind soul.

Rest in peace dear Joan.

My sincere condolences to the family.



Her dedication, drive, and infectious sense of humor were real powerhouses when it came to everything she did for this site. Beyond that, though, she was a great person to chat with, and ride the waves of life with (both in the NUTs, and offline). My thoughts go out to her family who have to deal with this news. I'm glad that she lived as long and as well as she did, with a positive outlook on it all, taking it as it came. She will be missed.

JP Schriefer

That's really sad, rest in piece, Joan.


I was shocked to hear this. Another one gone; she will be missed. Rest in peace, JMouse.

My condolences to her family as well.
Experience is something you don't get until just after you need it.

My Mayor Diary San Diego: A Reinterpretation




I was devastated to hear that Joan had passed on.  I knew that her health had been poor over the past couple of years, but in that we were friends on Facebook I was reassured by the occasional post appearing there on her newsfeed that nothing was really amiss.  I feel terrible to know that we never had a chance to have just one more extended conversation about this or that.  Joan was a force behind the scenes at 3RR, helping me in a number of ways as I tried to keep what seemed to be an increasing number of balls in the air.  She was a bright light here at SC4D, holding her own among a bunch of alpha personality folks while remaining always patient with newcomers and those just needing a little bit of extra help.  RIP Jmouse, a good friend to us all.

D. Edgren

Please call me David...

Three Rivers Region- A collaborative development of the SC4 community
The 3RR Quick Finder [linkie]

I aten't dead.  —  R.I.P. Granny Weatherwax

Skype: davidredgren


This is a really sad news. RIP Joan


I am kind of shocked by this news. I did not really know Joan, but she indeed was always friendly, always helpful and very patient...
So sorry to hear this.

My condoleances to her family and beloved.


As I joined the staff late I had only few interactions with Joan, however, they were always very pleasant. Really sad we lost another founding figure, so to speak, and she'll be missed in our community. My condolence to her family and friends. 
time flies like a bird
fruit flies like a banana


Wait, what? Oh come on, this can't be real! I remember her, she was such a nice person. That's so sad ()sad()
"The wisest men follow their own direction" Euripides
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Simtropolis Moderator here. Can I help? Oh, and you can call me Elias (my real name) if you wish.


This is very sad news indeed. Joan was a lovely presence on these forums and her work in documenting prop packs was invaluable. She will be missed. My heartfelt condolences to her friends and family.



This is a very sad news. I remember her well supporting my Sims 3 experiment, and now one of the kindest and friendliest persons is gone forever. Rest in peace, Joan! My condolences to her familiy and friends.


Although I have not been very active on Sc4Devotion for a while - my sincerest condolences go out to Joan's loved ones.

I know I certainly appreciated her kindness always. She was one of the first members to interact with me and it was always pleasant. She will be missed around these parts.
Call me Warren.