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Tyberius (Heretic Projects) Lotting and Modding Experiments

Started by Tyberius06, August 09, 2016, 06:25:34 PM

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Thanks guys the help!  &apls &apls &apls &apls
Robin (mgb204/rsc204) sent me an excel sheet with a bunch of IIDs (I guess those are proper IIDs), it starts with F8D84004, so looks OK.   :bnn:

@Nick: thanks for the modifications, I sent back a PM with questions about the other issue what you found. Can you explain, because I don't understand... :D :D :D

- Tyberius
You may find updates about my ongoing projects into my development thread here at SimCity 4 Devotion: Tyberius Lotting Experiments
or over there on Simtropolis into the Tyberius (Heretic Projects) Lotting and Modding Experiments.
I'm also member of the STEX Custodian and working on different restoration projects on behalf of non-anymore-active custom content creators.
Current projects: WMP Restoration and SimCity Polska Restoration.
Member of the NAM Team and RTMT Team.


This will be a wonderful set! I always enjoyed constructing harbours very much and these additions will be highly appreciated. :thumbsup:


Hi everyone!

Well, it's been a while, since I made an status update. The Heretic SeaPort Expansion is not dead, it's just sleeping a little bit... :) However I have a new WIP LOT which actually fits to the SeaPort project. I've never found any ferry terminal among the PEG-CDK3-SP set, and I need one now in my new city. Thanks to MattB325 who made a very nice new modernlooking fery terminal I made a lot where the new terminal building stands on a Industrial Harbour style-ish enviroment. The idea was a lot, where the rail tracks go across on the lot and the access road to the terminal without any break.

p.s.: Since I lost most part of my back up files (which wouldn't be such a problem, bacause most of those files are in my several active plugin folders, but without readmes I can't just copy them again and again from each folder to an other to building new city folders) due to a memory card failiure, I spend a huge amount of my free time with recollecting and redownloading those thousands of files, what I had. Therefore I don't have much time to playing or LOTting (apart from smaller projects). And I'm the middle of seeking a new job, so my SC4 business is getting a bit slower in the future for a while...

- Tyberius
You may find updates about my ongoing projects into my development thread here at SimCity 4 Devotion: Tyberius Lotting Experiments
or over there on Simtropolis into the Tyberius (Heretic Projects) Lotting and Modding Experiments.
I'm also member of the STEX Custodian and working on different restoration projects on behalf of non-anymore-active custom content creators.
Current projects: WMP Restoration and SimCity Polska Restoration.
Member of the NAM Team and RTMT Team.


Tyberius, successes to you and patience.  ;)


Sorry to hear about you backup loss. It sucks!

Hope to see you in full form soon.



Hi everyone!
Thanks Nick and Alan_Waters! :)

As some of you may know I've recently been working on bringing some "lost" contents to the STEX as legacy uploads. In this process I've already uploaded two very nice files, they are running under the name of the original creators. They've got new readmes and also I kept the original ones as well, but I updated the dependency links.

So you may want to try Don Miguel's CSX Piere Mall
and Jason5871's Cruise Ship Port set (which were released originally onto the PLEX several years ago).

Well, I was able to playing a little bit and for this I've updated and finalized some of my upcoming lots for a new Heretic SeaPort set. I call them Industrial Harbour Docks (IHD) and Industrial Harbour Docks Rail (IHDR). where the rail tracks (Simmer2's NSB Overlay Set) are runing directly by the edge of the waterfront.

The first two pictures are about the IHD DTR-STR Gratiot Motors

The rest is about the IHDR-PEG-CDK3-SP Transitions with E-N Warehouses (from BriPizza) and SimGoober Long Textill Factory. The lotting on these is mostly ready, I may change some stat or so...

- Tyberius

EDIT: Restored broken image links.
You may find updates about my ongoing projects into my development thread here at SimCity 4 Devotion: Tyberius Lotting Experiments
or over there on Simtropolis into the Tyberius (Heretic Projects) Lotting and Modding Experiments.
I'm also member of the STEX Custodian and working on different restoration projects on behalf of non-anymore-active custom content creators.
Current projects: WMP Restoration and SimCity Polska Restoration.
Member of the NAM Team and RTMT Team.



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Superb, as usual. I love your Heretic Seaport Sets


Love it  ::)

By the way Tyberius, would you like to get my puzzle factory pieces right now ? I think you said once you'd like to work with them. Modding isn't finished, I don't know when I would be able to do it but knowing that it only exists on a single, fallible hard drive, makes me nervous  :'( I'd like to get an external hard drive but to be honest I'm really poor for the moment so I have to wait to get a job  &mmm


If I wasn't bored by the game atm, I would be impatient to try all your lots in my harbour  :D

I really like your job on the last pictures. That's the kind of docks you could find in the oldest part of harbours, close to the city centre and with sometimes old houses on the other side of the street!

A bit like that:


This is my first visit to the Lotting thread here,
and I must say this is an honor for me Tibi  :thumbsup:

I have attached the full upload of the El- Rail station to the bottom of the post...
Please let me know if you run into any issues with the functionality of the station and I will see what I can do if
this is an issue for you ?



Thank you very much! It's awesome!  :bnn: :bnn:

It's working as an El-Rail, so as I see finally we have the original model file, and this LOT version is Gitbi's modified version.

I guess you don't have the original lot file from Tonkso which was modded as rail transport and needed to use the elevated rail viaduct pieces to make it work.
I attach the picture what I found at the first time about the original LOT.

Thanks again!

- Tyberius/Tibi
You may find updates about my ongoing projects into my development thread here at SimCity 4 Devotion: Tyberius Lotting Experiments
or over there on Simtropolis into the Tyberius (Heretic Projects) Lotting and Modding Experiments.
I'm also member of the STEX Custodian and working on different restoration projects on behalf of non-anymore-active custom content creators.
Current projects: WMP Restoration and SimCity Polska Restoration.
Member of the NAM Team and RTMT Team.



No Sorry,  i do not recall ever using that version for Rail Viaduct,

but i really like it  :thumbsup:

I can check around my plugins folder just to be sure i do not have it..

But I am also helping out with testing NAM 36 Alpha 3 tonight, so be patient with me  ;D


Hi everyone!

Not much happenning recently with the seaports, I'm lack of motivation, but more likely lack of time, and at this point rather playing with the game, than playing with PIM-X. Since that one is more time consuming project, and recently not developing anything near to the harbours, rather urban development is going on with plazas and etc... I made and revisited a few plazas of mine, because I needed them.

Since tariely recently spoil us some pretty nice park stuff, I decided to revisit a few of my oldest relots (some early experiments, from the time, when a relotting meant to me to "save as..." an existing lot with a few changes in Lot Editor, and everyting will be just fine - of course    ), I was about to make plazas anyway to enchance my cities.
On of my favourite plaza pack is io_bg's EBLT Plaza pack, but what I missed from that pack was to put the pieces together simultaniously, so I made a few "ReDirected" plaza (mirrored the routes on the plazas so they can fit next to each other now). You can see those 2x2 plazas, the 2x4 plazas were made just for fun. I showed the new 3x4 plaza previously and the 2 other pavement plaza with and without bushes were part of my original relots. Since they got totally new building examplar, I need to replace the old ones in all of my cities. That will be fun, I can tell! :D :D

I'm not sure if I ever will release these plazas, they are not that good, I guess. :) edit: It will have been released a few months later :D :D :
Heretic-Tariel Various Plaza Lots
Heretic-Tariel EBLT Plaza Expansion (Mirror Pieces)

- Tyberius
You may find updates about my ongoing projects into my development thread here at SimCity 4 Devotion: Tyberius Lotting Experiments
or over there on Simtropolis into the Tyberius (Heretic Projects) Lotting and Modding Experiments.
I'm also member of the STEX Custodian and working on different restoration projects on behalf of non-anymore-active custom content creators.
Current projects: WMP Restoration and SimCity Polska Restoration.
Member of the NAM Team and RTMT Team.


Hi everyone!

I need some help (maybe I open up a new topic for this). So I started to cleaning up that mess what i made the first times when I started to relot stuffs just for personal use. I used to made relots with Lot Editor modifying the original one and then hit the "save as..." and give a new name it. And then I changed the dimensions of it for example and put other texture or props (now I'm talking about the first relot) and hit the "save as..." again with a different name (I got like this a second relot) and kept going like this...
I made some extra paeng canal stuff like this way, but now I started to make new updated versions of them, and when I saw the original relots into the Reader or into PIM-X (pictures from PIM-X), I got confused, because I don't know how relevant those datas. I want the same stats for the newest version as the original relot version, but I'm not sure what I'm supposed to copy from it.

1. In Reader (what are those datas under the two red lines)

2. In Pim-X (what are those datas - I guess the same as it can be read in the Reader, but more highlightened - with the yellow-ish background)

If anyone could explain what are those datas, and how relevant they are?

Thanks in advance

- Tyberius
You may find updates about my ongoing projects into my development thread here at SimCity 4 Devotion: Tyberius Lotting Experiments
or over there on Simtropolis into the Tyberius (Heretic Projects) Lotting and Modding Experiments.
I'm also member of the STEX Custodian and working on different restoration projects on behalf of non-anymore-active custom content creators.
Current projects: WMP Restoration and SimCity Polska Restoration.
Member of the NAM Team and RTMT Team.


What you have are Parent Cohorts, probably inherited from the original lots when you copied them.

So usually the properties of a Buildings Exemplar are all contained within the building exemplar itself. But, lets imagine you have 20 lots, all of which will use the same property or group of properties. You can create a template set of properties (a parent cohort), which is linked via the Parent Cohort property at the very top of the buildings exemplar. The game will find this Parent Cohort exemplar and use all of it's values for any building linking it, even overriding the same properties if they are present.

Actually it can get more complex than that, since a Parent Cohort itself can also have a Parent Cohort. So you can link multiple Cohorts together for commonly used properties, this is very much how Maxis made their content work.

If you want rid of it, simple null the Parent Cohort value, i.e. enter 0x0,0x0,0x0 in that field. But be warned, some of the linked properties may be required for the item to work as intended. In which case they need to be manually added in Reader, although you can copy/paste them. However, assuming your are linking to Paeng's original pack as a dependency, keeping the cohorts is not a problem. In essence both Reader and PIM-X are able to find the linked properties and display them. The only difference is the properties are not directly in the file, but elsewhere in the Cohort.


Thanks mgb204 for the explanation. More or less I understand what you're saying, and it sounds interesting, however in the future I might ask further assistance for better understanding, but for know it's OK. :)

A little investigation showed me that Paeng used the original PEG Ponds Lots (1x1 straight piece etc) to create his Urban Canal lots, so actually the URCs are connecting with the PEG ones.
Well I made a clean virgin lot each of my Paeng URC extra lots and copied the relevant information from the originals under each of them.
I guess it won't harm anything.

Still dusting and revisited my older stuffs, some of them will get a release eventually, mostly park and recreational stuffs what I'm in right now.

- Tyberius
You may find updates about my ongoing projects into my development thread here at SimCity 4 Devotion: Tyberius Lotting Experiments
or over there on Simtropolis into the Tyberius (Heretic Projects) Lotting and Modding Experiments.
I'm also member of the STEX Custodian and working on different restoration projects on behalf of non-anymore-active custom content creators.
Current projects: WMP Restoration and SimCity Polska Restoration.
Member of the NAM Team and RTMT Team.


Hi everyone!

Over at Simptropolis I already showed what I'm working on recently. I started to work a bunch of plazas with different dimensions and Tariely was so kind to help me out with night lights (since I'm not playing with Night mode I don't really care about lights etc...).

Since the original images are lost, you can see the fulll collection under this post

The other project of mine is a little expansion for paeng's Urban Recreation Canal set. Which is may not available at this moment either on STEX or Lex, but it's defenetly on CBEX and I haven't forgot my plan to help @catty-cb to clear those Paeng files and bring them  to the STEX. So the Urban Canal Set probably will come sooner.
So would like to show some pictures from the upcoming URC expansion set, and you will see some WIP plazas as well.

Since the original images are lost, you can see the fulll collection under this post

With the plazas a kind of expansion will come to the io_bg's original EBLT plaza set.

Since the original images are lost, you can see the fulll collection under this post

- Tyberius

edit: 25.08.2018 I'm not able to restore the pictures because they were deleted from my HDD.
You may find updates about my ongoing projects into my development thread here at SimCity 4 Devotion: Tyberius Lotting Experiments
or over there on Simtropolis into the Tyberius (Heretic Projects) Lotting and Modding Experiments.
I'm also member of the STEX Custodian and working on different restoration projects on behalf of non-anymore-active custom content creators.
Current projects: WMP Restoration and SimCity Polska Restoration.
Member of the NAM Team and RTMT Team.


Quite an interesting development alright! Some of those are rather unique, and we can't have enough expansions of popular sets that add new possibilities to the game. :)

However, you really should have an eye on the file size. Those images are a whopping 16 MB in total; for those people with slow DSL or limited mobile connections, it's quite an impact.


Very good!  :thumbsup:
But, as always, there are not enough diagonal lots.  &ops