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RHW (RealHighway) - Development and Support

Started by Tarkus, April 13, 2007, 09:10:49 PM

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Other than the NAM itself, of course the greatest transit Mod in the history of SC 4 for sure !!

All the hard work from especially Tarkus,  but many others as well who contributed thru the years, my many thanks can never suffice for what had been accomplished here..  :thumbsup:


Aye, I second that!  RHW truly is a blessing and keeps getting better and better breaking that annoying grid. &hlp


I loves Sim City forever!



on this piece here , which is the flex 180 transitional piece-

Which i think this is a relatively new piece,

I was having some trouble getting this piece to be bi - directional.. flipping the piece..

it seems to want to work only with one direction with a MIS...

thanks, brian


That one's been around since NAM 32, albeit unintentionally until one of the past couple releases (it was originally designed to be part of the QuickChange Parclo Loop setup).  There isn't a version of it where the lines are reversed, since it was designed to be an inner loop.

I am planning on revisiting the curved height transitions at some point in the near future, particularly as they're going to be an integral part of the future QuickChange Xpress system.




thanks for your posting here..As usual it was outstanding as you anticipated both parts of my next response here :)

QuoteThat one's been around since NAM 32, albeit unintentionally until one of the past couple releases (it was originally designed to be part of the QuickChange Parclo Loop setup).  There isn't a version of it where the lines are reversed, since it was designed to be an inner loop.

Yes, I was trying to give it a usage of course that it was not intended for.. Although perhaps a little bit  ;D,
As I was trying to use it for a quick change type transition ... I had just upgraded a level 1 RHW-4 to a RHW- 6S on my main highway, and so this precluded me from using my so reliable quick change.. However i did end up using a the new diagonal flex height transition to help me out in this situation   :thumbsup:

I just had to move the connecting road over a few tiles to free up some space.. and no doubt with most of  my RHW constructions there is of course a better way I am sure to engineer this  ::)

QuoteI am planning on revisiting the curved height transitions at some point in the near future, particularly as they're going to be an integral part of the future QuickChange Xpress system.

I think your right on the money here with this idea.. I assume other players (including myself), would greatly appreciate this . And it does seem the next logical progression to the height levels and extension of the highly popular quick change system  ;)


And so although I am both your friend + fellow NAM team member.. I will give you some input as a player building high density cities with usually a lot of RHW construction and planning needed. of course keeping in mind I am sill one players viewpoint and perspective  of a unique playing style, and would like to hear from other highway minded players on this..

But i would say one area of priority ( of many in the future RHW planning scheme ), would be the integration of NWM + RHW content . The reason I mention this is as in real life, the under + overpasses in SC4 tend to become congested earlier than most other highway networks and associated highway content. So clearly you would be taking advantage of the higher traffic capacity networks that the NWM affords you ie; in particular the mult - lanes ones like he OWR 4,5 .. the TLA 5,7, the Rd 4,6 and other networks.. Keeping in mind that the NAM has currently provided us with some existing higher content overpasses + FLUP options..
So call this a - Wish List item to be sure  $%Grinno$%

However I am going to assume , ( or else more would have been created by now), that this is -

1) a lot of work and time to put into place such integration of RHW + NWM networks ...
2) a lot of new RULS code + complexity of coding
3) 1 +2

On a positive note here i am hopeful i would be able to help you out with the pathing of such an endeavor , should your expertise feel i am capable of handing such pathing complexity  :)

Thanks for your prompt reply and wish you the best of all T-  Days tomorrow   :bnn:


Quote from: Tarkus on November 21, 2017, 10:52:18 PM
I am planning on revisiting the curved height transitions at some point in the near future, particularly as they're going to be an integral part of the future QuickChange Xpress system.

:thumbsup: (especially since I cannot let go the old puzzlepieced curved MIS 90° height transition. Although, the proliferation of L1 RHW in my city made it quite hard to use it. Therefore I have sweet dreams about curved height transitions matching the FlexFly curves...)


Quote from: Tarkus on August 01, 2016, 05:18:35 PM
I'd like to show another handy aspect of the new FLEX-WTs--slope tolerance.  Many of the old static puzzle piece-based width transitions had starters on them, which made them rather difficult to use around any sort of slope, even a slight incline.  The FLEX-WTs, however, are extremely slope tolerant, as this rather ridiculous test I put together with a very steep ridge and no slope mod shows:


ähem... I am aware of "thou shall not nudge a dev!", but the curiosity nibbles away my patience  ::) :

How's the patient, Dr Tarkus. Is he going to make it?


Thanks to everyone for their well wishes on the RHW's birthday!  There will be some interesting developments coming down the line here soon.

Quote from: b22rian on November 22, 2017, 03:16:30 AM
But i would say one area of priority ( of many in the future RHW planning scheme ), would be the integration of NWM + RHW content .

Thanks, Brian! :thumbsup:  There is support for NWM OxO crossings under the elevated RHW networks presently (albeit not the most stable in some adjacency situations).  Going the other way--NWM over an RHW--will require the NWM's viaducts to be in place.  Those have been on the list since the beginning for the NWM, but are probably still a few releases away.

Quote from: Seaman on November 28, 2017, 10:46:56 AM
ähem... I am aware of "thou shall not nudge a dev!", but the curiosity nibbles away my patience  ::) :

How's the patient, Dr Tarkus. Is he going to make it?

We're still working on the best course of treatment for that patient, which most likely won't be part of NAM 37.  The same thing we were looking at doing with the FLEX Height Transitions--removing any instantiation of override networks out of the base configuration--also needs to be done with the FLEX Width Transitions, and that should solve many of the lingering issues that were left on that front.



QuoteThere is support for NWM OxO crossings under the elevated RHW networks presently (albeit not the most stable in some adjacency situations).


thanks so much for the heads up here  :thumbsup:

I had no idea that this was supported so I went to my city and I try to build a  RWH-2 X  Rd-6 ( level -1), and i was pleased that everything seemed functional here  even with the nearby adjacent MIS X RD-6..

I think what i will try to do for you is create more of these types of overpasses and give you input with further functionality and stability of them  :thumbsup:


Just a follow up on :

RHW X NWM Integration testing...

I am trying to stay relevant here to the upcoming REW release so staying with the OWR's for now,,

I decided to push the barriers here a bit in terms of coding stability -

I was pleased everything still turned out fully functional with this new set up  :thumbsup:

Main test areas :

1) RHW 8S ( L1) X OWR-5 -                      PASSED

2) RHW-4- L1 ( Onslope trans) X OWR-5 -  PASSED

3) MIS X OWR-5 ( At- Grade crossing) -     PASSED


Having an issue with RHW5S L1 over ARD3.  Seems to invert the direction even though I have starters on both sides for ARD3.


That's actually the 10S (a 5S would be an RHW-4 on one side and a 6S on the other).  In any case, unfortunately, the ARD-3 has always been somewhat of a hot mess, so I'm not surprised to see it invert.  It's a virtual certainty the other RHW crossings over ARD-3 have similar issues (since the code is ported).  It's likely going to entail a complete re-write of the ARD-3 to fix.



Thank you for the reply and correction of identification of RHW network. 

I can tell you that RHW4 and 6S work fine. 

I have not tested with RHW6C/8C or 8S.  I just assumed that Sims could still use the road only one lane and inverting is a Highway Dept screw up until funds become available for a fix.

From my experience, I have noticed RHW10S appears to be acting out and refuses to work.  Not sure why and I love the RHW10S bridge and would love to have a 8S bridge the same.


Now, for something fun . . . don't know when this will be coming, but stay tuned . . .



This is incredible work here , Alex !

and looks fantastic also :)  :thumbsup:  :thumbsup:


Okay, I have to know how that even works. Is it just dragging a MIS-FTL + intersection next to a height transition?
Pink horse, pink horse, she rides across the nation...


... to nitpick why are the cars not allowed to turn right from the road ? :)
~ NAM Team Member