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Started by jahu, June 03, 2007, 10:15:49 AM

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Not sure what is going on, but I do notice the 10s override is not flowing through the FlexHeight pieces. Which means this setup won't work without starters on the overpass to override the RHW-2. This is making things super unstable and the only way i could get things working was with 10-S L2 starters on either side of the avenue. You may need to move the on-slopes on the side of the bridge one tile further from the avenue to make that happen.


It is not just 10S.  In fact, 10S definitely crossed over without the AVE4 underneath; however, once I draw the AVE4 through, thus happens.  I even tried 6S, 8S over and same result.  So, I tried passing under a road, or oneway road, or street, all same response. 

In the end, I gave up and lower to 7.5m and all worked with no problems.  Actually, only one thing, the bridge is to low for ships.   

Must be stability only at L2 (15m) like it did during NAM35. 


The issue is ultimately caused by the fact that the FLEX On-Slopes have an RHW-2 default, and automatically initiate an L1 or L2 RHW-2 override out the elevated end.  Even in moderately tight situations, the inclusion of the L1/L2 RHW-2 default override sometimes tends to interfere with the continuation of other overrides, causing the RHW-2 to make an unwelcome appearance, instead of the intended network.  This is especially prevalent when there's some sort of crossing in the area.

Placing a starter in the vicinity, as mgb mentioned, should help counteract the interrupting RHW-2.  Long term, if we were to solve this, there'd be several options:

(a) instruct users to place starters on both sides
(b) remove the automatic override to L1/L2 RHW-2 on the elevated end of the FLEX On-Slope
(c) add a few hundred thousand lines of adjacency stability

Option B is actually something I'm looking at long term with a lot of the FLEX pieces, as the interruption problem is at the root of most of the complaints with them.  The new FLEXFly implementation excluded support for L0 RHW-2 with this notion in mind.



If removing RHW-2 overrides means building interchanges with RHW-2 becomes unfeasible, I sure hope WRHW-2 can be made draggable to compensate. Wishful thinking, I know. You could also just use the C-median, which might mean stuff like this...
Pink horse, pink horse, she rides across the nation...


Makes we wonder, couldn't we remove the RHW-2 code and just compensate by adding a special RHW-2 only variant? Of course it's not as neat since it can't be upgraded, but I'd hate to see the RHW-2 functionality lost for on-slopes, I use them quite a bit.


Quote from: mgb204 on October 30, 2017, 12:59:18 AM
Makes we wonder, couldn't we remove the RHW-2 code and just compensate by adding a special RHW-2 only variant? Of course it's not as neat since it can't be upgraded, but I'd hate to see the RHW-2 functionality lost for on-slopes, I use them quite a bit.

That is the most likely scenario if Option B were to come to fruition.  The existing FLEX On-Slope pieces appear to have L1 and L2 RHW-2 starters on the end, so the compensatory piece already exists.  It would merely take removing the starter to create the new piece.  Trying to do so via the disconnector (at least with L2 just now) doesn't end up initiating an override at all on the elevated side with the RHW-10S, so there'd be some code needed there . . . but far, far less than Option C. 

Given plans to potentially rework the implementation of the ramp-style FLEX Height Transition, the likely solution there would be to leave the existing version in place for the base RHW-2 setups, and then use the revised variant for everything else.  There is also the case of other FLEX items as well, including the FLEXRamps/DRIs, which also initiate overrides out some parts that create interruptions to further overrides.   

Quote from: Wiimeiser on October 29, 2017, 09:27:54 PM
I sure hope WRHW-2 can be made draggable to compensate

The RHW-2 will be getting its own set of Type 110 FTLs, which will act similarly to the existing Road (and TLA-3/AVE-2/ARD-3) version.  That would entail creating a Type 110 Median setup, which would probably end up looking like a WRHW-2, though it likely wouldn't be built out as a full-on override network.

And, of course, WRHW-2 is not RHW-2.



Hi, sorry if this issue has already came up but I could not find anything about it.

I'm using a Flex Ramp Type D1 and it all seems to work, everything connects but it seems to be missing or invisible as shown in this pic

What could be wrong? Thanks!


The L1 and L2 RHW-8S do not support Type D1 ramps, because the overhang that exists on the L1/L2 RHW-6S collides with the parallel MIS, producing an undesirable result.  Along the same lines, L1-L4 RHW-6S does not support Type A1 ramps.  L1/L2 RHW-8S Type A2 and L1/L2 RHW-10S Type D2 would also be no-go situations, as the barrier collision on those is even worse, having a two-lane (RHW-4) ramp branch.



Quote from: Tarkus on October 30, 2017, 06:04:16 PM
The L1 and L2 RHW-8S do not support Type D1 ramps, because the overhang that exists on the L1/L2 RHW-6S collides with the parallel MIS, producing an undesirable result.  Along the same lines, L1-L4 RHW-6S does not support Type A1 ramps.  L1/L2 RHW-8S Type A2 and L1/L2 RHW-10S Type D2 would also be no-go situations, as the barrier collision on those is even worse, having a two-lane (RHW-4) ramp branch.


Well, I´m sorry to hear that ... thanks for answering so quickly.


Not sure if mentioned before but there seems to be a bug when dragging the ERW over 10S when there is a two tile median.


The section between the RHW is pretty small, which can make for instability. Try removing the RHW where the crossing will be and getting the ERRW stable before dragging the RHW back into place. Otherwise some clicking around will hopefully resolve the problem.


Ems.... Not sure if someone posted it already but, anyone have problems with the SAM??
I place the starters and drag or place them over an already created street and nothing happens, just a blank space and one with the moded street, but nothing else.

Im doing something wrong??  &Thk/(


Sounds like an RUL issue, which is the code needed to make these networks properly work. Re-run the NAM installer, choose a custom install and make sure "Run Cleanitol and the Station Updater" is checked. Also check that the SAM networks are all selected too. This should remove any conflicting data from a previous NAM install and ensure the correct code is there.


Thank you, Ill try and let you know as soon as I do.

Update: I reinstalled the NAM and now it works perfect  :P


Hi guys,

I didn't see an specific area for the DBE so I'll post this here. I was just trying to use it in my city but was having a hard time getting the bridge models to show up properly--took a lot of clicking around as if the T21 mod controlling it doesn't work properly anymore or something else is conflicting with it. Furthermore, I noticed that connectivity was limited between the bridges after making them so that the diagonal road couldn't be extended further unless it already went a few tiles from the bridge "starter piece". Additionally, I was unable to do things like use diagonal street crossings or roundabouts in the vicinity of the bridges. Brian checked the problem and confirmed the same but was able to get around to diagonal street problem by using the puzzle pieces. Here's an example of trouble I ran into with the T21s all "clicked into place" but showing diagonal intersection trouble remaining:

On a smaller note, I noticed the placement guide pieces for RD-to-NRD4 are reversed but that they work fine once placed.

An additional note that can't be considered an error but would be nice: it would be great if ARD3/TLA or NRD4 could cross OWR3 surrounding GLR for the wider style "TIA"s I like to use and wish I could sell more people on ,9

Finally, not a problem but a confusion, what are the NRD4 transitions that exist but are only draggable? I wish there was a convenient place to check.

EDIT: Corrected first situation, Brian was able to get around the problem with the diagonal puzzle pieces.


The streets not working is not related to the DBE, there simply isn't enough of a gap between intersections to keep the diagonal street stable. Usually a minimum of four tiles is necessary, otherwise use of the puzzle pieces will work around it.

The DBE is a finicky thing, you must use a very precise order to get things to work. I built one of those road bridges only a few days ago, it all works fine with NAM36. The problem most people have is they place both starters, then try to fill in the bridge between, this is fraught with issues. What you should do is place only one of them, click on the bridge to bring the override to the other side (completing the bridge), then lock it it with the second starter, to break the override after the bridge. Do it that way, you'll find it very smooth sailing. For more complete instructions, check out the DBE guide on the NAM Documentation Wiki, I updated that a while back.

Quoteit would be great if ARD3/TLA or NRD4 could cross OWR3 surrounding GLR for the wider style "TIA"s I like to use and wish I could sell more people on

That'll probably just require a few lines of adjacency code to handle, since it's simple OxO stuff, I'll see what I can do for you.

Quotewhat are the NRD4 transitions that exist but are only draggable?

Couldn't give you a list off the top of my head, but most single tile NWM networks, Ave / TLA-5 should be supported now, check out this video too.


Quote from: noahclem on December 04, 2017, 06:01:52 PM
Finally, not a problem but a confusion, what are the NRD4 transitions that exist but are only draggable? I wish there was a convenient place to check.

The new NWM feature guide from NAM 36 has a table showing the possibilities.  Road, ARD-3, RD-4, Avenue, and TLA-5 are all supported.



Small Update, added some new code:

Now El-Rail/GLR/Rural GLR will remain stable in the median. I'll port the code for all single-tile NWM networks. This way El-Rail/GLR in the median of either OWR-1/3 will work with all single-tile NWM intersections. I'll probably chuck in support for Monorail whilst I'm at it, since this isn't a lot of code.

Alberto García Pastor

I am Spanish, I apologize for my english.
I´m using NAM 36 and I have a problem with the R1 curves on RHW-6S.
NAM readme says the following:

"R1 curves, also known as" Mini-Curves ", are constructed by draggable means, and can be easily constructed with a simple additional motion when building the default network curves, simply drag in a straight, orthogonal motion through the entire default curve. Afterward, a smoother curve will appear. Alternatively, one can simply try to drag the curve to the diagonal one tile before an end stub, which will also trigger the R1 curve. "

"Note that with the RHW-6S, due to the overhang, a "bite" may appear to be missing from some curve setups. Simply click in the area of the missing "bite" with the RealHighway network tool to fill it."

The bite appears when the shoulder is in the inside of the curve.
Then, i click in the area of the missing "bite" with the RealHighway network tool to fill it, but the game the game generates a red tile with the message: "inappropriated area to build the network"

Is this a NAm's bug or am I doing something wrong?

Once again, I apologize for my English.
Thank you very much.


¿Podrías poner una captura de pantalla de lo que estás encontrando? No entendí muy bien si estás intentando hacer una mini-curva de 45° o de 90°, porque hasta donde entiendo, solo la primera es posible con RHW-6 (de hecho, solo se pueden hacer mini curvas de 90° en 2x2 cuadros con las pistas MIS).


And for reference, in English too:

Could you add a screenshot of what you've found? I didn't understand clearly if you're trying to make a 45° or 90° mini-curve, and up to what I know, only the first one is possible with the RHW-6 (in fact, only MIS lanes allow for 90° 2x2 tiles' mini-curves).

"Lets be scientists and as such, remember always that the purpose of politics is not freedom, nor authority, nor is any principle of abstract character,
but it is to meet the social needs of man and the development of the society"

— Valentín Letelier, 1895