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RHW (RealHighway) - Development and Support

Started by Tarkus, April 13, 2007, 09:10:49 PM

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Oh my god, it's so crazy to see that in SimCity 4! This type of intersection is really impressive and imposing, I love a lot ... Even if I can not see where I can place them in my small European style cities! XD

Great job, I'm always surprised to see everything that can be done with SC4- Obviously it takes a lot of time, unlike CS where we can create this kind of exchanger more easily, but it worth it!

I can not wait to see the rest of the NAM! &apls &apls &apls


Thanks, Gugu, Akallan, and everyone for the kind words and support!

Quote from: Akallan on February 12, 2018, 02:03:00 PMObviously it takes a lot of time, unlike CS where we can create this kind of exchanger more easily, but it worth it!

This one's actually a full-on pre-fab, so at least on the user end, it won't be any more difficult.  If I weren't adding all the extra bells and whistles with all the new FTL setups and the like, these would be a 30-minute job.  Weirdly, I found C:S's road system to be extremely finicky, and was incredibly disappointed with it, especially after a bunch of people hyped it up to me.  The by-product is that it led me to fall in love with SC4 all over again.

In any case, I have some more to show here . . .

Slope tolerance--this is with the gnarly standard Maxis slope settings:

A revision on the Type 120 version . . . I tried setting it up more like the Type 230.

And finally, the piece de resistance:

Haven't gotten the pathing in place just yet, so that's why the signals remain green all around.  I'm also not sure about the arrow situation on the overpass portion.



Yabedabedu!!!!  :bnn: :bnn: &apls &apls &apls
We want more quick change express! RHW becomes popular!!!  :thumbsup:
I loves Sim City forever!


Pink horse, pink horse, she rides across the nation...


Ramona Brie

So good!

(Just remove the through arrows. Here it makes it look a lot less cluttered!)


Great work! But I have a little suggestion: maybe you could lengthen the turn lanes on the exit ramps. To me, they seem rather short and it looks like they could easily being lengthened by 1, 2 or even 3 tiles. At least where I live, those turn lanes are usually much longer to max out capacity. I guess in the US they would do the same on those types of high-capacity exits? I've attached an example of what I mean.

I also have a request: would it be possible to make an on-slope variant as well? Because in RL most highways are on-slope in stead of on a viaduct. I know in SC4 it's less easy to make compact on-slope setups, but maybe it is possible if you leave one blank tile in between the highway and the exit ramp?


regarding squizie3's comment: The on-slope variants would be totally cool, but I understand, they are simply waiting on the back of the line. Although longer exit ramps would resemble reality more accurately, I want to point out that Tarkus's approach has the advantage of beeing more compact since you can start using your Ave or RHW right after the hight-transition (e.g. for other FTL-transitions). It's the combination of a FTL and a hight-transition in one piece, instead of two, which saves space and fits nicely in crowded urban situations.


The elevated intersection for diamond interchanges is absolutely amazing, Alex!

Can't wait to see more in that vein (like for normal Avenues and/or roads)! :popcorn:
Experience is something you don't get until just after you need it.

My Mayor Diary San Diego: A Reinterpretation


Thanks, everyone, for the kind words and support!

Quote from: Tracker on February 15, 2018, 10:13:03 AM
(Just remove the through arrows. Here it makes it look a lot less cluttered!)

Indeed, I ended up referencing some Arizona examples . . . liking this cleaner look a lot more. :thumbsup:

Quote from: Squizie3 on February 16, 2018, 03:17:57 PM
Great work! But I have a little suggestion: maybe you could lengthen the turn lanes on the exit ramps. To me, they seem rather short and it looks like they could easily being lengthened by 1, 2 or even 3 tiles. At least where I live, those turn lanes are usually much longer to max out capacity. I guess in the US they would do the same on those types of high-capacity exits? I've attached an example of what I mean.

I also have a request: would it be possible to make an on-slope variant as well? Because in RL most highways are on-slope in stead of on a viaduct. I know in SC4 it's less easy to make compact on-slope setups, but maybe it is possible if you leave one blank tile in between the highway and the exit ramp?

Thanks, and to answer your questions, speaking generally, the QCXs are kind of at an interesting "market segment" of the userbase.  The intent was partly to "compete" with the Maxis Highways, providing an easy interchange solution that is as compact as possible without significant compromise, but with enough bells and whistles that they provide something the RHW faithful can enjoy, too. 

The idea on the length was to try to keep things compact and minimize the amount of modeling work (an area where the NAM Team has historically been rather resource-poor, since the process of doing transit network models is a whole different animal compared to BATing).  Moving the point where the ramp gains lanes back one tile, to the tile where the slope begins, would be a bit more complicated on the model end, and I'd have to investigate how it affects the override situation.  It's not out of the realm of possibility, however, and that would get the actual turn lane portion to 2 tiles in length, without actually lengthening the interchange itself.

Of course, the plan with these "bells and whistles" at some point after their introduction in the QCX system is to also provide "a la carte" versions of them, such that the more advanced users can go wild with them, and manually build the turn lanes as long as they'd like.

As far as the On-Slopes go, that is something I've thought about, and it's probably best suited for that manual "a la carte" situation.  Including the On-Slopes in a QCX might end up proliferating a bunch of novice users awkwardly trying to use them in place of the "ramp style" setup currently in place.  The current setup is pretty close to what the original Maxis Highway interchanges did, albeit at a more realistic scale.  (The "a la carte" option would allow the surface street turn lanes to be extended as well.)

In theory, right now, with some additional RUL2 code, appropriation of the existing On-Slope models, and the use of the Disconnector on the user's end, it'd be possible to demolish the ramp style transitions and manually place the On-Slopes if desired.  That RUL2 code may not be added right out of the gate, however.  Another option would be for a third-party creator to design some decorative lots, to cover the underneath bits and make it look as if it is all earthen.

Quote from: APSMS on February 16, 2018, 09:39:40 PM
Can't wait to see more in that vein (like for normal Avenues and/or roads)! :popcorn:

The Road and Avenue ones shown earlier with the RHW passing overhead will indeed be getting "reverse" versions soon as well.



Outstanding work  &apls

I do have one hope or suggestion though: It would be really nice to see the sidewalks on the overpass wide enough to be passable for pedestrians, ideally with a somewhat similar width to the others. Given that the lanes for the 3-tile NWMs are the widest I'm aware of, perhaps narrowing them at the turning lane area to something more along the lines of the 3-tile RHWs or other NWMs would leave a bit of room for the pedestrians? Just a thought and things overall are looking great  :)


Thanks, Noah! :thumbsup:  And to answer your question, I agree it looks a bit tight with the sidewalk right now.  I'm actually looking at doing a slight overhang here to extend the sidewalk, as it's unlikely that anyone will have anything right in the way of an overpass like this, and the lanes can stay at their present width.  (Fun fact: the underlying textures for the Dual Type 230 are actually built off of a theoretical "RD-10" network.  Don't know if the RD-10 will ever be made, but the models will be ready for its viaducts.)



I was actually thinking overhang could be a good way to go--don't see any disadvantage of it, so long as ped paths fit, and my track record with persuading larger lanes' widths to be reduced is...nut so good  :squirrel: ;)  Certainly something to be said for keeping standardization that's been spec in those networks.

I've actually jokingly made a RD10 or my retexturing project because the geometry of TLA7 doesn't really cooperate with even the roughly standardized lane widths I've used and is only really applicable if I'm going North American style. Think I even put a tiny median in the center and still ended up with sidewalks wide enough to consider leaving a bike/parking/shoulder area ;) Would just be a cosmetic change though and with pretty limited uses. An actual RD10 could be pretty cool  ;)


Hi there!

What happened with the RHW-2 over GHSR crossing what you showed back in 2012 in this post?


I've tried to make just the ortho version and it doesn't work, so I guess it hasn't been implemented, but here on that pic it looks quite OK to me.

Thanks in advance!

- Tyberius
You may find updates about my ongoing projects into my development thread here at SimCity 4 Devotion: Tyberius Lotting Experiments
or over there on Simtropolis into the Tyberius (Heretic Projects) Lotting and Modding Experiments.
I'm also member of the STEX Custodian and working on different restoration projects on behalf of non-anymore-active custom content creators.
Current projects: WMP Restoration and SimCity Polska Restoration.
Member of the NAM Team and RTMT Team.


There were quite a few things I was showing from 2012 that didn't make it in, or may have even been accidentally removed.  That would have been during the NAM 31 development cycle, which had the whole release date debacle, followed by the controller size crisis.  Looking at the code base I have at present, I can confirm there is no base code in place there for the OxD, although, strangely, some of the adjacency stability cases are still in place.  The DxD seems to still be there, however.

The whole base network part of the RHW's RUL2 code is in need of a re-write.  I started on one awhile ago, but it's a big undertaking, and not one I've returned to yet, between my other NAM projects and RL.



Quote from: dyoungyn on November 17, 2017, 09:44:19 AM
Aye, I second that!  RHW truly is a blessing and keeps getting better and better breaking that annoying grid. &hlp

Indeed. Every time I turn around I see another feature that breaks the grid! Gotta love it.


How do I drag the RHW-2 D1 Folded ramp?


Back at it . . .

QCX stuff hit an inexplicable snag, then RL hit, and I've now started revisiting some other RHW-related things, with encouraging results.  Some rather crazy stuff is on the horizon, including some unfinished work of memo's that I've salvaged.
