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BAT Showcase

Started by mattb325, February 01, 2007, 04:07:43 PM

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This is a stunner! So awesome to see a hospital and a mega-sized one at that. SimNation has been desperately needing more suburban hospital variety! :thumbsup:

I dig the lot layout and love your mixed-seasonal approach!

A very, very minor thing but there's a single sorta low-definition tree prop near the 4-way junction on the bottom left of the first pic. Sticks out a bit compare to the rest of the trees. :P


Clichéd maybe, but that's exactly like a hospital looks like! We sorely miss a really big one for large cities, although the patients might miss a park with a few benches and resting spots rather than walking around in this (albeit pretty) parking lot. ;) There are some more unused spots on the roof that could have solar panels (not near the helicopter platform, obviously), and foreign language users might wish for a less notable English lettering on the wall, but I love all the details, such as the sun shades at the windows, the HUGE AC units and such on the roof, the utility wing with central heating system, garbage containers etc., the large ER driveway (not sure about the cop cars, though), café tables etc. Apparently, the lot is still under construction, I see some empty flower beds and such, but I'm eagerly waiting for the final result. Really great one for sure! :)


I knew it!

This just confirms my suspicion regarding the Quantum Time Bubble.

Amazing just does not cut it!!

Matt in his lair....



Wow ! Now I need to plan where to put it... its almost a perfect surburb-ey hospital. The profile reminds of a hospital in Toronto.
~ NAM Team Member


Quote from: mattb325 on April 27, 2018, 04:09:13 PM
Luckily I'm not asking you to believe in the implausible  :o


So to the nay-sayers..."believe....the power of <insert deity here> compels you".   ()flamdev()


("The machine man", Technoseum Mannheim)

I think the hospital can be lotted in many different ways, with park, without park, more green, less green and therefore can work in different environments, more rural, more urban. Looking at the pictures I'm convinced this will be a very versatile bat.


the hospital looks amazing, the only thing that i would add is a wind sleeve


OK, blink and you missed 2 great new BATs :D

The Level 2 station: Yes, another ugly 60's building: keep 'm coming :bnn:

The hospital: Finally a realistic sized hospital! :thumbsup:
It's mega-sized, but that's how big they are. One of the things that bugged me is the fact that hospitals in the game are waaaaay too small. The regional hospital in my town would be about 13x13 in-game (9x9 without the parking).
They're closing this hospital BTW, because it's too small and the new hospital in a nearby city would be 18x10 without parking garage.

Busier than a one legged man in an ass kicking contest
Me no coffee function without so good


woooaaaa is a big Hospital... great

Question, we will have the small version, I mean without parking?
It would be perfect for my city, but so big ... I would have to demolish some blocks


Nice to see a more normal-sized hospital. In reality I wouldn't even call it huge  :P. The complex that I live close to is (give or take some angles and stuff jutting out) would be about 38x24 tiles in the game, and that's without some of the addition doctors' offices built outwards from the existing medical center. It has it's own hotel, even.


Thanks everyone.

It's funny how  a hospital like this is large in SC4 but in reality would be considered a small to medium sized structure  :D Sadly cop cars are a feature of hospitals. Think criminal accidents, road accidents, patients under police guard, ice addicts, waiting for the coroner, etc.

I don't think I have ever seen a hospital without the police present. Sadly, it's not just births and straight forward appendectomies  :(

I also like the idea of a more urban version which takes up the minimum 7x6 lot, so I made it up.

I also added nite lites (as you can see from the picture). Both the more suburban and the urban lot can be used simultaneously.

Available here:



Nice building!would you like to try some skyscrapers?like shanghai center,Burj Khalifa Tower and so on


I hardly can imagine how much work this is - the detailed satellite dish on the roof, the antenna, the gangway to the helicopter, the superb night lights, the exquisite and accurate textures, the windows and pipes.

Where the back of the helicopter is (below the tail rotor), it seems from the pictures one of the yellow light bulbs on the floor is slightly misplaced?


really nice ... funny though I do have a spot in my region for a 25x32 diagonal hospital lot.
~ NAM Team Member


Wow, thanks for adding an urban version.
Now I can add as much parking as I want to make it the right size :thumbsup:

Quote from: fantozzi on May 04, 2018, 11:21:36 AM
Where the back of the helicopter is (below the tail rotor), it seems from the pictures one of the yellow light bulbs on the floor is slightly misplaced?
Yeah, they called the contractor that installed the lights.
He'll fix it "as soon as possible" :D
Busier than a one legged man in an ass kicking contest
Me no coffee function without so good


Love your hospital.

Quote from: mattb325 on April 27, 2018, 04:09:13 PM
Luckily I'm not asking you to believe in the implausible  :o

My comment wasn't made to put you down, but that help you get better.

It wasn't that a rail line went through a building, but more a matter of scale of the opening.
On an afther thought, mostly the height of the opening was a bit to low.

vortext: Have seen pictures of that building before.


Great!  I like both lots and I can definitely use them both.  Great job.

If I may ask, what kind of texture do you use on your windows?  When you turn the lights on they look so real.
Lighten up, just enjoy life,
smile more, laugh more,
and don't get so worked up
about things.


Thanks for the comments & likes  :)

A guess a few points to answer:

@PaPa-J. I use a number of different techniques for glass depending on the look I want. For nite-glass I just grab textures of buildings at night from the internet and I usually stitch them together, I even often leave the 'alamy stock photo' or 'getty images' watermark on them as it actually gives nice highlights at SC4 Scale. I rarely use Omni lights (etc) unless there is something that specifically calls for it. The train stations used omnis under glass areas of the platforms for instance.
The glass technique used in this hospital was just the basic 'glass (thin geometry)' setting in 3ds Arch and Design rollout; I increased the IOR from 1.5 to 1.8 and then I applied a wavy bump map at 30% and made sure that I had a decent ground plane to reflect.  For the ground plane, I tend to use images from my favourite SC4 MDs and CJs as the ground plane rather than real-life images. At night, I make this ground planes a self-illuminating bokeh image (again from the internet) and that adds lots of little red/blue/green blurry lighting effects on the more darkened glass areas).

The other technique I use is very old school when I want the Bat to blend in more with the games' palette, and is just a standard blinn material (not 3ds Arch and Design) with the Maxis glass texture that was shipped with the Bat applied in the diffuse slot and then set to an opacity of between 0% and 40% with glossiness and selectivity turned up to 999.

I use many other techniques as well, but I guess this covers the basic 'go-to' style that appear on many Bats.

@Kitsune....I don't think my machine would handle a bat that size  :D


Quote from: vester on May 04, 2018, 02:36:00 PM
.....but that help you get better.

I see. I suggest you read my thoughts on comments like that, here: https://community.simtropolis.com/forums/topic/73340-stex-rating-rules/?tab=comments#comment-1666714.
Take my advice on this: if I am trying to help someone 'get better', I will at least attempt to structure my thoughts before dribbling out vague critique and walking away from the carnage inflicted upon that person's creative process. If I find myself in an unfortunate position that I can only offer unformed, unsubstantiated thoughts and one word criticisms, I will refrain from commenting, as I realise that such public postings reflect far more poorly on me than the person I am trying to 'get better'.

So the reason I chose 3 buildings from the high-line for the very reason that you indicated above. In each image, there are doors (height = either 2.04m or 2.07m) and people (ave height = 1.7m) so that you can use these known quantities as a reference to see the height of the rail opening. This, you can easily deduce is not more than 4m which means that using the accepted SC4 scale (133%) that the opening could be as little as 5.3m.

Each of these stations has a height of 8m. How do I know this? I made them. If you had doubts, all you had to do was ask.

Not say that all of my stations were 'unbelievable' and then walk away. But please, don't take my word for it: a picture is far more telling.

I would expect that if you have the audacity to make such a comment (which implies that by helping me to 'get better', that you have decided you are better at this than me), that you would first have tested these in game. Believe me, I have done more than enough testing of these stations. Here is one of the stations using your own automata:

I assume that you believe your own models to be correctly scaled. So you tell me what you see in the image.

Now none of this means that I am closed to criticism on my work - far from it.

Look at the hospital for instance, based on the comments I received on the hospital, I, 1) made an urban version,  2) I removed the low-res tree on the suburban version and 3) added more benches. I didn't add the wind-sleve as I had already exported the model, but it was a nice suggestion none-the-less. The point being, that each of those criticisms was specific and therefore addressable.

This leads nicely to the next comment:

@Fantozzi, the light is a deliberate 'error'. You are the first person to notice in almost 15 years of my batting  $%Grinno$%. In 90% of my Bats I make at least one deliberate error where for instance, railings aren't perfectly spaced, or one or two window mullions aren't centered, etc. Consider it a signature or a makers mark. But I'm glad someone finally noticed  ;)


Quote from: mattb325 on May 05, 2018, 03:50:42 PM

@Fantozzi, the light is a deliberate 'error'. You are the first person to notice in almost 15 years of my batting  $%Grinno$%. In 90% of my Bats I make at least one deliberate error where for instance, railings aren't perfectly spaced, or one or two window mullions aren't centered, etc. Consider it a signature or a makers mark. But I'm glad someone finally noticed  ;)

I have noticed this for a long time ... just never had the gall to post anything about it because your so damn good  :D
~ NAM Team Member


Thanks Kitsune.

I made this little model just for me a while ago. Very close to home....it's a restaurant near my house on Sydney harbour  (I have made some changes to the foundation, but the rest is fairly faithful). It's another one of those crazy buildings with no straight lines and odd angels everywhere.

It can be used with your favorite sea-walls as shown or can even be used on the side of a cliff, or even ploppable water. It has jobs. I made it as an over-hanging to give as much flexibility, but that means it doesn't have night-lights (as nite-lites don't work with such extreme overhangs)

Any interest for this sort of thing?


Are you kiding?
This looks really nice and unique, the night light not a problem for me :) I like the concept!
Thanks for making things like this! :)

- Tyberius
You may find updates about my ongoing projects into my development thread here at SimCity 4 Devotion: Tyberius Lotting Experiments
or over there on Simtropolis into the Tyberius (Heretic Projects) Lotting and Modding Experiments.
I'm also member of the STEX Custodian and working on different restoration projects on behalf of non-anymore-active custom content creators.
Current projects: WMP Restoration and SimCity Polska Restoration.
Member of the NAM Team and RTMT Team.