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Fantozzi's Lotting Adventures

Started by fantozzi, March 01, 2018, 06:14:08 AM

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Great work on merging Paeng's parks with Diggis' work  &apls

Ever considered doing something similar with Murimk's waterfront sets?



It's all looking really cohesive and really useful. Often times in game, it is nice to plop some good-looking pre-assembled pieces, rather than scrolling through lots of different modular stuff   to achieve the same look


I fully agree with Matt's statement &apls



Indeed, while those modular items are a god-sent for "filling gaps" (I often use the SFBT park lots for oddly-shaped areas between residential developments), such pre-made lots are a "no-brainer", and we should use them a lot more often in our cities. Things are really coming together nicely here, and I like your attention to detail, such as the picnic area, and the landscaped park with nice flowering trees and bushes.


Hey - thank you all for the comments. "pre-assembled (mattb325) no-brainers (Andreas)" - yes, to me that matches the intention as each piece (even named ''east" or 'west' can be used as some kind of starter element to be completed/extended with Diggis puzzle pieces and/or paeng park pieces or - if you are as lazy as me - just put them next to each other.

On the other hand - those models by diggis are extremely flat and as puzzle pieces on smaller lots they are noticeable more slope tolerant instead of how I used them on bigger lots. Those pond lots will need very, very flat terrain or ground texture will pop through the water surface (you may even notice it on some of the pictures above).

To combine paeng parks with diggis water you most probably would only need the bridge lots, the lakes or ponds you could create with the puzzle pieces and mmps and it's simply time-saving to have prefab lots, especially on those days you are without creativity and need fast results.

But at this point I have to shed a word or two (= >2000?) ...

... regarding lot editor work vs. mmps. I like to work like a painter, composing with the props a certain picture, sometimes even with some kind of message (funny, serious, spiritual, abstract) and often I want to place props very exactly and overlapping like to mix colours on canvas. Often with mmps I can't achieve the same level of detail (other players can, I think, I saw wonderfull compositions by korver f.e.) - and removing, replacing, trying different combinations of bushes and trees until I got a certain temper/vibe (?) it's much easier for me in LE.

That's the main reason I prefer to create complete lots - to place mmps exactly as I want sometimes can drive me crazy.

For the lake I was inspired by the Neckar-Isle in Tübingen and the Neckar banks, to catch the atmosphere of the early spring days there, actually around eastern time, with the soft rose, the light yellow-green and the dark green brink along the water:

But, well, similar colours you could find in the gardens of Souzouh (China) too:

This - maybe: composing something, placing things exactly where I want them (often with the keyboard pixel by pixel) mostly is some kind of fun for me, I can't have the same fun by using mmps.  So I'm doing this not for usefullness of the lots but for the fun of creating a picture, a composition.

Actually, for me personally, after 10 years, LE work is as fun to me as playing the game. Could be, I only play the game to see all the custom content grow and florish - to be delighted by the artwork. To me the game became like some kind of documentary telling about batting, lotting and network art. Like you create super-complex intersections, not because sims really need them to find their way to work but just because you can do it and they look amazing. Basically it could be any game, I play, if it only runs sc4 custom content. I don't need custom content to run the game, I need the game to run the custom content.

So, in some sense, the fun of creating stuff and the fun of playing the game blended/melted into one. Or maybe: lotting or batting is a sort of playing - like an extension of playing the game.

Like Simgoober. He created so much stuff absolutely unnecessary for Sims. Adult shops. Animarted crime. But still - fun. And games are about fun. That's what they are made for. So at the end - you can't judge content only by usefullness (like on applications made for work/business) - at least on games a valid factor of custom content is the fun it creates, the delight (and this factor can exist for itself, apart from usefullness or 'quality' on everything that in generall is called 'entertainment'). Fun doesn't need to be sophisticated or clever to be fun. Fun can still exist when all serious things, all logic and usefullness are absent, thrown overboard. 

And therefore every serious game has a nude patch.

Except of SC4. Which has - as a workaround - a Fantozzi hanging around here and doing sometimes lots.

manga rivotra

Indeed, excellent work of "lotting" especially as the lots that juxtapose "puzzle way" are probably the most complicated to create!  &apls &apls &apls
I do not know if you are open to suggestions, but I see that you use for your flower beds props quite old (SimGoober I guess).
There are props in HD very recent and really beautiful in the same style made by Romualdillo (LEX) including hydrangeas and lavender that can be used in flower bed or "without base".
On the other hand, there are also wooden benches and HD lamps made by KrashSpeed in its Historic Harbor https://community.simtropolis.com/files/file/29880-historic-harbor/. This set is downloaded more than 13000 times but almost never used "in dependancy" by "lotters" while it includes props truly sublime and very useful (bench, lamps, sheds, fence, and others) and all in HD.


Every suggestion is welcome.

On the props I limited it to conform paengs park layout (benches, fences and lampposts by Murimk) and the props already used in the Big Paeng Theory (except for the water stuff, that wasn't present there).

I use old and and new props, HD and non-HD - these aren't categories I reflect much about when using them. I don't want to limit my creativity this way. I always think: why deciding 'this or that' if I can have both.

Like those discussions what is the best city builder game - if I can play all of them, why should I bother with this question? What is best this, what is best that. Leads to a thinking were you become limited to a few options instead of expanding your possibilities.

I guess - the same on props. Long, long dependency lists I get in return ...


Quote from: fantozzi on March 30, 2018, 02:08:54 AM
...I use old and and new props, HD and non-HD - these aren't categories I reflect much about when using them...
I like the way you think  ;)
Thanks for giving us some nice new content  :thumbsup:
Busier than a one legged man in an ass kicking contest
Me no coffee function without so good


My mother amongst magnolia trees ...

My neighbourhood:

The house of the blue sheeps:

The former german ABB headquarter and now the "jobcenter" in Heidelberg:

A metal shop:

A sanitary shop (left) and a shop for windows and doors (right):

A hay cart:

Actually weather is too fine to sit at home. But please don't worry - while I'm driving around with my bycicle I'm still collecting idears. SC4 forverver, you know.


This one also cought my attention: DEHOUST. It's a manufacturer of all kind of plastic and metal tanks, silos etc ..

Maybe I could lot this, using this BAT: https://community.simtropolis.com/files/file/31902-dot-printing/ ?

:thumbsup: :thumbsdown: ?


The Dot printing building is absolutely crying out for a re-lot. I used it to make something for myself, but I would love to see what you come up with  :)


Quote from: mattb325 on June 27, 2018, 11:40:28 PM
The Dot printing building is absolutely crying out for a re-lot. I used it to make something for myself, but I would love to see what you come up with  :)

To be honest....me too

....Uploading the MFP 1.... (.........Finishing the MFP1)


Okay, being so impressed and inspired by MattB325 and Simmer2, I'll finish my summer break from SC4.

Next two lotting projects I'd like to do are "Via Appia" and "Dehoust". "Via Appia" ist the code name ( :o) for a more advanced Version of my
"Mass Tourism Idea" ( https://community.simtropolis.com/files/file/31171-mass-tourism/) making use of nos17 superb textures ( https://community.simtropolis.com/files/file/30114-nos17-essentials/ ).

Basically it will be a mix of parking and park lots for building (a) a two tile wide meridian between two one way roads and (b) one tile wide roadside parking/park on the outer side - so, in summ, to create really big an majestic and monumental avenues and boulevards like you may knoew from Paris and Rome - were streets are more than for running traffic but being public spaces of multiple function. Once I did even see a car repair in Rome filling the meridian auf the Via Appia Nova close to Piazza Re di Roma.

If you look on the next picture (view down Via Appia Nuova in direction of Piazza Re di Roma in Rome) you may notice that the large boulevards in Rome look very different form SC4, because of the big meridian with trees they look more like green lines between the houses, not black or grey lines.

So I try to make set of lots to build the same but also usable as bus parking an to create touristic zones.

There isn't much jet, I'm experimenting with props and textures, still learning an trying to find a concept, a masterplan.



It sounds interesting. I have a spot where an innercity highway goes underground but before that it leaves two OWR3 on surface to reach shops and streets... It would be usefull for me on that spot.
I'm about the reuse and regroup JENX and Porkie parisian houses, making new lots with building families etc...
Well keep up the good work! :)

- Tyberius
You may find updates about my ongoing projects into my development thread here at SimCity 4 Devotion: Tyberius Lotting Experiments
or over there on Simtropolis into the Tyberius (Heretic Projects) Lotting and Modding Experiments.
I'm also member of the STEX Custodian and working on different restoration projects on behalf of non-anymore-active custom content creators.
Current projects: WMP Restoration and SimCity Polska Restoration.
Member of the NAM Team and RTMT Team.


 :D Funny thing - I placed the lot upside down. If you have a look at the picture, the busses never could leave the parking without becoming wrong-way drivers  :D


Oh, yepp. :)

I made a Mirrored version of the original parking lots from nos.17 to give a better support for OWRs... Although I never released or shared those lots. I think I used them once before I went on full lotting and prepping mode (first my Essential with the timed props, than the rail and GLR stations)...
I think for that median you need to make a "mirrored" version as well - I mean mirroring the diagonal parking lines.

By the way, what are those "new" bus props? I can recognize the other types which are Motokloss's creations, but I can't recall the light-blue-ish double decker.
You may find updates about my ongoing projects into my development thread here at SimCity 4 Devotion: Tyberius Lotting Experiments
or over there on Simtropolis into the Tyberius (Heretic Projects) Lotting and Modding Experiments.
I'm also member of the STEX Custodian and working on different restoration projects on behalf of non-anymore-active custom content creators.
Current projects: WMP Restoration and SimCity Polska Restoration.
Member of the NAM Team and RTMT Team.



QUESTION: The ground textures should match always the sidewalk textures and should be overwritten by mods that change the sidewalk texture. Do you know the texture ID of the ground texture I should use to achieve this?



It's the 0x258f2000 IID.
You may find updates about my ongoing projects into my development thread here at SimCity 4 Devotion: Tyberius Lotting Experiments
or over there on Simtropolis into the Tyberius (Heretic Projects) Lotting and Modding Experiments.
I'm also member of the STEX Custodian and working on different restoration projects on behalf of non-anymore-active custom content creators.
Current projects: WMP Restoration and SimCity Polska Restoration.
Member of the NAM Team and RTMT Team.


Quote from: Tyberius06 on October 05, 2018, 10:06:04 AM
By the way, what are those "new" bus props? I can recognize the other types which are Motokloss's creations, but I can't recall the light-blue-ish double decker.

I'll take the opportunity and include a few new car and bus props – what would be mass tourism without those convertible cars in between the busses and people with sun glasses doing the line in front of the restroom facilities? Those thinking, they do individual tourism and doing the same as everybody else. It's a much too early stage to say what will be the final content. But from my imagination it should fit indeed very beautifully with those european w2w sets.


Oh, the synchronicities! I saw your new post under the thread name, and the first thing I thought was "Fantozzi would make some superb touristic bus terminals, I'll suggest that"; then BAM! You are doing exactly that!  &apls

"Lets be scientists and as such, remember always that the purpose of politics is not freedom, nor authority, nor is any principle of abstract character,
but it is to meet the social needs of man and the development of the society"

— Valentín Letelier, 1895