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RHW (RealHighway) - Development and Support

Started by Tarkus, April 13, 2007, 09:10:49 PM

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I don't think the wider RHWs are planned, are they?

Also, with the diagonal RHWs clipping into the ground, this happens at ANY height difference. Forget 12m, it seems to happen at 1cm of height difference. In theory, a slope mod designed to prevent this would make a RHW have to be the length of a default region just to go up or down 1m. Maybe a slope mod will fix it, but the last time I used one it insisted on putting unnecessary pits at the bottom of every ramp and refusing to drag if I put stubs there to stop it...
Pink horse, pink horse, she rides across the nation...


Quote from: Wiimeiser on July 30, 2018, 04:17:10 AM
Also, with the diagonal RHWs clipping into the ground, this happens at ANY height difference.
In my experience, RHW clipping is caused by uneven ground more than anything, but particularly with RHW-4, since the adjacent draw patterns for wider RHWs tends to smooth out neighboring hillocks.

So a very moderate slope mod, combined with sloping out the pathway on either side of the RHW, should eliminate most of the jaggedness. You can tweak the slope settings to your liking in the Reader; there's a guide lying around somewhere on Simtropolis. I have my RHW slope set rather loose and use a more restrictive network like monorail or El-rail to smooth the area out first, and in 99% of cases I have never had an issue with this method even on very steep slopes (well, steep for RHW with a slope mod).

And no, the 12s and 10c are not scheduled for release anytime in the next century as far as I can tell, not the least of which for the reason that they have limited usefulness aside from cosmetics and add a lot of extra weight to the Controller, not to mention complicating cross-link compatibility even further.
Experience is something you don't get until just after you need it.

My Mayor Diary San Diego: A Reinterpretation


Can't add any time frame into here but I think the "ultra-wide" question has been pretty definitively answered

Quote from: Tarkus on July 28, 2018, 02:16:53 AM
Quote from: Pythias900KMB on July 27, 2018, 07:34:06 PM
Vehicles egressing the interchange will find themselves on a six-lane carriageway; in the case of westbound McDermott Freeway, that is a seven lane carriageway.  What is your plan for that?

The P57 IID scheme does take "Ultra-Wide" RHWs into account . . .


Great to hear people expressing what feel like fever dreams of RHW hope here--keep it going but with ones that still at least might be "fever dreams"  :squirrel:

BTW, my remaining dreams are complex ramps around interchanges, for example diagonal RHW4->{left}FA MIS + diagonal (continued in same direction) MIS or {right} MIS. Also FARHW supporting exits and overpasses. [/dreams normally kept to self largely out of gratitude for all the amazing content that's been created that I'd often not dared to dream of or request]


Quote from: APSMS on July 30, 2018, 09:42:54 AM
And no, the 12s and 10c are not scheduled for release anytime in the next century as far as I can tell, not the least of which for the reason that they have limited usefulness aside from cosmetics and add a lot of extra weight to the Controller, not to mention complicating cross-link compatibility even further.

The initial reason the 12S and 10C got pulled from NAM 31 was that there had not been any ramp interfaces made for them of yet, which would have made them effectively useless for the time being.  The controller size issues following NAM 31, coupled with the lack of capacity differentiation put them on hold indefinitely.  The only real use they would have would be as a transitory network between the current top of the S and C lines (10S and 8C, respectively), and even wider networks (i.e. RHW-14S and RHW-12C) that do actually have a functional purpose.  The IID scheme for P57 does have spots allotted for four (possibly five) new widths beyond what's currently been seen.

If we were to make a chain of networks in which lane gains equal capacity gains in a smooth fashion, you'd get something like RHW-2 (1-tile) > RHW-3 (1-tile DIPped) > RHW-4 (2-tile) > RHW-6S (2-tile DIPped) > RHW-8C (3-tile) > RHW-10S (4-tile) > RHW-12C (5-tile) > RHW-14S (6-tile).  The 16C, IIRC, would still be a 5-tile-wide network, so 14S would be the logical top end from a capacity perspective.  DIPping stops working after reaching 3-tile width (crossover paths become required, which automatically DIP any network out of the gate), so there's no extra niches we can work out there.

And yes, the 12C and 14S are under consideration.  They're arguably a higher priority than the 12S and 10C, though unlike those two, they haven't yet been made into a prototype.  It'll depend a lot on how things go with P57-Mark IV and the resultant CPU load of the controller (the RUL2 file in the P57-MkIV test controller build is around 4.2 million lines).



Regarding the lack of 12S and 10C, while it probably doesn't exist IRL you could probably have both the inner and outer lanes terminate, though that's just speculation and would probably actually be harder to make...
Pink horse, pink horse, she rides across the nation...


Might not be the most useful piece out there, but should there be a piece that splits a RHW-6S into three separate MIS? Not sure what it could be used for, though... Pinavia interchanges?
Pink horse, pink horse, she rides across the nation...


Quote from: noahclem on July 31, 2018, 06:59:22 PM
BTW, my remaining dreams are complex ramps around interchanges, for example diagonal RHW4->{left}FA MIS + diagonal (continued in same direction) MIS or {right} MIS. Also FARHW supporting exits and overpasses. [/dreams normally kept to self largely out of gratitude for all the amazing content that's been created that I'd often not dared to dream of or request]

I share your FARHW dreams.


Quote from: Wiimeiser on August 17, 2018, 08:46:05 PM
Might not be the most useful piece out there, but should there be a piece that splits a RHW-6S into three separate MIS? Not sure what it could be used for, though... Pinavia interchanges?

You can try this instead. Not too shabby.


So, it looks like a certain something is back on the menu . . . and expanding, to boot.

Still playing around with the overhangs, to see if I can satisfy the concerns regarding narrow sidewalks.  The main difficulty is that overhanging networks and at-grade intersections do not make a particularly good mix.



Neato, this'll be much better than what I'm doing now, I might have to reboot my regions again.

Multi-tile networks should probably get contraflow options eventually.
Pink horse, pink horse, she rides across the nation...


Looks great!

I don't mind the narrow path. That is actually fairly common place. Each of those little maxis squares = 1.6m (you look to have 1.5 of them at the narrowest point) which is better than many of the US minimum regulations of 1.5-2m wide sidewalks measured from the curb....plenty of room for sims to walk from no-where to no-where and avoid the many traffic accidents along the way :D


Thanks, Wiimeiser and Matt, for the kind words and feedback--and thanks to all who hit "Like" as well! :thumbsup:

For comparison on the sidewalks, this is what happens without the overhang:

The overhang setup I used in my last post was based off the L1 RHW-3 models, which overhang by 2.25m on each side--pretty close to Matt's estimate.  Based on regulations, it looks like the L1 RHW-3 result meets and exceeds standards, and I think I have some ideas as to how to get the ramp termini intersections to meet up cleanly with the overhangs.

And in other news:

All three of the QCX diamond setups now have the option of RHW-over-surface or surface-over-RHW.  I've also changed the implementation on the FTL transitions, from my initial "exploratory" method of using the surface x ramp intersections to initiate the transitions, to actually having dedicated starters for the transitions at the other end.  This was ultimately necessary to fully support future modular use of these components in various settings, as well as some other potential surprises.

Quote from: Wiimeiser on December 07, 2018, 04:39:38 AM
Multi-tile networks should probably get contraflow options eventually.

The Diverging Diamond (DDI) setup is something I'm considering as a future option, once the DDI connectors get converted to a FLEX setup.  It may end up taking up a slightly longer footprint if set up similar to these, unless one of my surprises ends up being particularly successful.  With the FlexSPUI-V2 spec being planned for NAM 37 inclusion, however, it does appear there will definitely be SPUI QCXs in the nearer term, and I'm looking at some other things that can be done without much additional effort.



Here's hoping we get more options with the new FleSPUI, like that U-turn version someone requested.
Pink horse, pink horse, she rides across the nation...


Looks great and happy to finally see Right hand turning lanes/arrows.


Thanks, Wiimeiser, dyoungyn, and everyone! :thumbsup:

Quote from: Wiimeiser on December 07, 2018, 04:51:16 PM
Here's hoping we get more options with the new FleSPUI, like that U-turn version someone requested.

The U-turn request--if it's the one I think you're referencing--is more of a general thing that isn't specifically tied to SPUIs, but is common in Texas.  If you are able to dig up the FlexSPUI-V2 development that's been shown here, you'll find there are some new turn lane configurations for the standard 4-way setup.  Things like Partial SPUIs and the "frontage SPUIs" like they have on I-17 in Phoenix may happen at some point, but they're not the main priority at the moment.

Quote from: dyoungyn on December 07, 2018, 08:49:27 PM
Looks great and happy to finally see Right hand turning lanes/arrows.

You'll be seeing quite a few more on the FTL side in the not-too-distant future, too.  It's easier to do them on a ramp like this . . . the intersection geometry has been the killer issue for the normal surface street ones (as evidenced by the discussion about Type 111 footprints not too long ago on the FTL thread).

In any case, here's the latest QCX development . . . there's something else very new here as well (which is still getting refined at the moment), as well as a little glitch I just noticed on one arrow on the undercrossing:



Oh, well, it looks pretty amazing so far! :) I love these QCX features. Nice work, Alex!  &apls &apls

- Tyberius

EDIT: oh, and thanks for the karma for the DMScopio files. I do appreciate it! :)
You may find updates about my ongoing projects into my development thread here at SimCity 4 Devotion: Tyberius Lotting Experiments
or over there on Simtropolis into the Tyberius (Heretic Projects) Lotting and Modding Experiments.
I'm also member of the STEX Custodian and working on different restoration projects on behalf of non-anymore-active custom content creators.
Current projects: WMP Restoration and SimCity Polska Restoration.
Member of the NAM Team and RTMT Team.



Very sexy indeed.  I was wondering about wider network for QCX interchanges.  The only thing missing is traffic lights.  This is TOTALLY AWESOME and I have a need NOW in my downtown areas.

BTW, on another note, has the issue with Flex L2 cliff extender (proper name slips my mind) been fixed;  L1 works GREAT each and every time.  L2 seems to be quirky and have never been able to make it work.