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SC4 Picture Competition

Started by Masochist, March 26, 2007, 01:44:04 PM

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NAM + CAM + RAM + SAM, that's how I roll....


I still like Pat's waterfall, but...

ejc, that's great! It needs specific skills (and of course a lot of work) to build a city piece by piece and make such realistic general view  :thumbsup:
(Although it's a bit smaller than real Essen...  ;))

New Horizons Productions
Berethor - beskhu3epnm - blade2k5 - dmscopio - dedgren - Emilin - Ennedi
jplumbley - moganite - M4346 - nichter85 - papab2000 - Shadow Assassin - Tarkus - wouanagaine



Wow. A little over 3 hours and we got a win already. That was fast.

Congratulation ejc. &apls


WoW that was a fast and good round i never knew i made it to the second round but my congratulations
to EJC and to Masochist that was a good round we had to the end... - Pat
&apls &apls &apls

Don't forget the SC4D Podcast is back and live on Saturdays @ 12 noon CST!! -- The Podcast soon to Return Here Linkie


I would love to challenge with this,

against ejc's picture

Robin   :thumbsup:

Call me Robin, please.



NAM + CAM + RAM + SAM, that's how I roll....



Again hard decision  :'(

Guys, you send too good pictures!  ;D

My vote goes to Ruhrgebiet, but Robin was very close

New Horizons Productions
Berethor - beskhu3epnm - blade2k5 - dmscopio - dedgren - Emilin - Ennedi
jplumbley - moganite - M4346 - nichter85 - papab2000 - Shadow Assassin - Tarkus - wouanagaine


Quotesebes, it's a Masochist city!

LOL I go with TCX' ... Masochist's...  EJC's city Essen this time...

3/2 for EJC

and bringing the pics over


EJC's Essen

Check my MD:               


I'll make it a tie by voting for Rooker1



Oh well can it get even harder than that.  :-[.. Both are looking really cool, but my vote stays still
for the Ruhrgebiet so,

4-3 in favour for EJC
Avatar: Atlantic Hotel Sail City- The new landmark of Bremerhaven


EJC's model of Essen Germany all the way. That looks like an incredible amount of work was put into it


War Kittens !?


EJC's got one vote from me to.

6-3 in EJC's favour.


Quote from: patfirefghtr on July 25, 2007, 09:21:17 AM
WoW that was a fast and good round i never knew i made it to the second round but my congratulations
to EJC and to Masochist that was a good round we had to the end... - Pat
&apls &apls &apls

Yeah, that was unbelievable!  I actually didn't think I stood a chance at the beginning, but it turned out rather exciting, didn't it?  Congratulations :thumbsup:!  Too bad I totally missed the next round...

Anyways...this is a hard choice.  There are things that I like about both...for rooker1, I love the detailing; for EJC, I love the time of day, and as Zaphod said, that looked like it took a good deal of time and effort.  I think...I think I'll give my vote to rooker1's picture, because it captures a scene, you know?  It has ambiance...atmosphere, you know?  And I'm really drawn to it.  So yeah...I'll give my vote to rooker1.

6-4 in favor of EJC

P. S. Be on the lookout for a tournament one day really, really soon.  It'll be a 2nd Chance tourney, because we haven't done one in a while and there are oh-so-many pictures that I would like to see given a second chance at it.  I just don't know when exactly it'll happen...but still, tell your friends. :thumbsup:

P. P. S. Feel free to make suggestions for tournament themes in the Suggestion Box thread (and thanks to those who have done so already!).  I may not reply directly to them, but I definitely do read them...;)
(Under Construction)


I think i'll give it to robin's pic. nice perspective, and the image is crystal clear (mine don't look that clear  :()

6-5  EJC


me im gonna be a stinker here and tie things up


Don't forget the SC4D Podcast is back and live on Saturdays @ 12 noon CST!! -- The Podcast soon to Return Here Linkie


I love EJC's picture.  It stretches what I thought was possible with the game in terms of making cities that look real.  7-6 to EJC

First things first, but not necessarily in that order.


Just Because im incomplete, doesn't mean i'm obsolete.
BAT Thread coming soon, possible MD even!