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CAM - General Discussions

Started by RippleJet, May 01, 2007, 01:35:47 PM

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Hi folks...

You may be wondering where posts 402 on went.  I've got them, and I'll be reading them...

...vewwwy, vewwwwy carwwwfuwwwy...

...as my friend Elmer Fudd used to say.

Let's keep the discussion on the usual high plane until I get back to you, eh?


D. Edgren

Please call me David...

Three Rivers Region- A collaborative development of the SC4 community
The 3RR Quick Finder [linkie]

I aten't dead.  —  R.I.P. Granny Weatherwax

Skype: davidredgren


uhm, i had some cam related questions in my last post, which has since been deleted, perhaps by mistake? could you repost it for me dedgren or just add your thoughts if you know the answers.

MOD EDIT:  I was moving your original post back, jmdude, when you posted this comment.  Thanks for your questions.  -DE


Quote from: Bluebeard on July 31, 2007, 12:23:08 PM
Um RJ was that a yes or no?.
    I havn't got the Cleanitol to work so I would really like to skip it.My game has only patches and a few Peg Sky Farms.Thanx

Any special reason not to having Cleanitol working? I really would like to know. And please post your Cleanitol problem at that tool's support thread here in this forum. - http://sc4devotion.com/forums/index.php?topic=236.0


Quote from: jmdude1 on July 31, 2007, 02:17:54 PM
Ive just read through this topic from start to finish and i have also read the readme file.  this sounds like quiet an amazing project for all involved, as well as us click and download people. great work has been done by all. i do have a couple of general questions though, ive just started a new region with an intricate transportation system between some city maps (i use 1 city square for downtown with some high density res. and another city square for industry/res and the rest for res/low density com.) and i was wondering how this will effect the eternal commuters situation? my city connections arent gernerally close to the corners but there are a couple. also, my main downtown city with high density res. is already built up. i dont mind rezoning it all for this mod but is this advisable? maybe i could just let the empty city run for 5 yrs. to let the numbers reset themselves to zero?  i just dont want to lose my transport networks and other eye candy stuff such as seawalls and stuff which took a long time to place. thanks a lot for all your hard work and help!

Use the route query tool and see if you have any commuters passing around any city corners. If there are none or only very few, you should be safe. :thumbsup:


Hi all  :)

Congratulation !!
Wonderful modd the CAM opened to public today!!
It's a happy anniversary today!!

To the people who start the download CAM, CAMeLOT and lot of Dependencies files from today.
I made a LIST of these Dependencies on my site for Japanese CAM users.
(Amount of CAMeLOT open to the public by today. )

I think that the download of the dependence file becomes comparative ease when you see it. :thumbsup:
You can see it HERE
I'm appending it to this post.

I hope this little helps. ;)
Thank you !!

##### Edited 01/08/2007 #####
re-atached zip file.
##### Edited 07/08/2007 #####
re-atached zip file.


Mas71 I have a listing of all CAMeLots to date with lot sizes,type,name and stage coming out in the next few days ( with help from Sebes), would that help your community? Unfortunately, I would have to send it in English. PM so we can coordinate.


Holy moly, I started up one of my cities, and with the CAM, it just decided to explode with high-rises. My region didn't even break 800,000 yet and I've got skyscrapers all over the place.

Now I really have to be careful with zoning high-density.

Awesome job guys!  :thumbsup:


That's quite a list, Masuda-san! :thumbsup:
Maybe we should open a separate thread for the dependencies, combining your and Mightygoose's lists.

Quote from: shoreman905 on July 31, 2007, 04:50:44 PM
Mas71 I have a listing of all CAMeLots to date with lot sizes,type,name and stage coming out in the next few days ( with help from Sebes), would that help your community? Unfortunately, I would have to send it in English. PM so we can coordinate.

And that could be another thread! ::)

Sim Shady

 :satisfied: i see we got a user called slim shady; great minds think alike  :P

so i tried out the CAM, its awesome how much more diversified my farms are, normally i can only get one or two types of farm to grow, ive got all the farm fields out there now :)


@Shoreman905 san
Wow!! It's great !!
(Sorry,,,Though I looked at your post in BSC-Bord,  I did not notice the existence. :-[)
When you have free time, Please send it to me.
Thank you very much Shoreman905 san and Sebes san !!

@Ripplejet san
Oh my,,,I'm sorry.
I find Mightygoose's useful list post now.
It was my unnecessarily meddlesome. :-[


Quote from: MAS71 on July 31, 2007, 05:09:54 PM
Oh my,,,I'm sorry.
I find Mightygoose's useful list post now.
I have taken care even more. :-[

Don't be sorry for a good work!
It's always good to double-check certain things! :thumbsup:


i would be more than happy to co-operate on a list.
NAM + CAM + RAM + SAM, that's how I roll....


This is a awesome Mod and I'm sorry if I got out of line but when you step on a great group of people like SC4D I kinda get a little upset. ;)

Oh Tag One thanx for new cam lots there awesome. :thumbsup:


Quote from: mightygoose on July 31, 2007, 05:17:59 PM
i would be more than happy to co-operate on a list.

Thank you, mightygoose! :thumbsup:


I had a quick look on the LEX and found 6th and 7th stage farms, but not 4 and 5.  Are these available.  I'm about to expand my region, and would love some newer farms.


I have a couple of med style stage 4 and 5 farms to go and JMyers also has some stages 4 and 5. Two of the farms in my updated BLS Farms pack are stage 4. JMyers is working on his farms and I shall upload the med style ones soon.
Sorry, Diggis, you will just have to be patient.
Inside every old person is a young person wondering what happened. TP

Barbypedia: More alive than the original


Nooooo!  I can't wait, must have CAM farms.   $%Grinno$%

To be honest, my computer is crashing at the moment anyways so I'm waiting till that is fixed before I download and install CAM. 

My CJ region is still in baby stages so I figure installing CAM shouldn't be to big an issue, and will do wonders for it.


Just fired it up on a mostly empty region.

Went from about 6,000 to 20,000 in less than half an hour. Fastest 20,000 I've had ever. This is a standalone city at the moment, by the way.

The best part? I've gotten no dilapidation since implementing CAM thus far. None. Zero. Zip. Zilch. Nada. To be fair, half an hour isn't very long, but normally I would have demolished quite a few dilapidated buildings.


OK so i have read and do understand what cam does but am still scared honestly to install it...
Just a few of my thoughts or delima's..

  • Do i need to use the cleanitol File for sure?

  • Do i have to restructer my plugins, i dont wanna unzip cam if i have too...

  • Reading... i do the readme's, but the cam's is a little confussing i click on the links for Manual and nothing??

i know im seeming a bit paranoid but what im working on and have been has been real anti depression for me lol...
and i would just cry if anything gets losted....

Don't forget the SC4D Podcast is back and live on Saturdays @ 12 noon CST!! -- The Podcast soon to Return Here Linkie


Quote from: patfirefghtr on July 31, 2007, 11:40:55 PM
Reading... i do the readme's, but the cam's is a little confussing i click on the links for Manual and nothing??

The manual is available here (attached to the first post): http://sc4devotion.com/forums/index.php?topic=1877.0
Take your time reading it before installing it. ;)

Quote from: patfirefghtr on July 31, 2007, 11:40:55 PM
i know im seeming a bit paranoid but what im working on and have been has been real anti depression for me lol...
and i would just cry if anything gets losted....

Pat, be sure to make a backup copy of your region before trying out the CAM.