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SAM - Street Addon Mod

Started by jplumbley, June 25, 2007, 11:05:11 AM

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@Glenni   Those fences are great!  I really like them.  If you would like to add more "random" things.  I can make a small list:

Garbage bags
Garbage cans (Variations with 1 or 2 cans)
Recycling boxes

Public Waste Bins
Newspaper Stands

As for those textures.  They look very nice.  Unfortunately, I have very limited texturing skills.  I cannot make new sets, I can only complete exsisting sets if I have a base set of:

Straight Piece
End Piece
90 Turn
4way Intersection

If I dont have these 5 pieces I cannot complete the set as I am just not talented enough with textures.
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Berethor ♦ beskhu3epnm ♦ blade2k5 ♦ dmscopio jplumbley ♦ moganite ♦ M4346 ♦ Dedgren ♦ Ennedi Shadow Assassin ♦  Tarkus ♦ wouanagaine
Street Addon Mod - SAM


Those fences look great, Glenni! I can't wait to see them in-game. Keep up the fantastic work here, guys!


I might be able to do something with those texutres if you need.  As I said in the PM, I have some decent Photoshopping skills, and access to the latest version at work.  But I think it's probably best we finish what you have.  $%Grinno$%


Mjig made a turn, and t-intersection of it so far, as for props, no problem, i can  do that. ;)


OK everyone.  I know it has been a few days since I have last posted here.  I have been struck by the RLS bug and SC4 work has ceased to a halt for me.  I thank everyone who has offered their services.

Glenni, those props are awesome, I hope that you will keep up the good work and I will put those props to good use when RLS dies down a bit.

Diggis, I will be sending you a PM with some textures and details of what I need done.  So, your help is greatly appreciated.  Take your time with them.

Tarkus, if I send you all the straight textures, can you finish up the puzzle piece starters for me?  I have 5 or 6 sets created at the moment, including the one you've already created.

Swamper, thanks for all the behind the scenes help so far.  When I get back, I plan to start working on the T21 exemplars for the network pieces.  I think I am going to have alot of fun with these  ::).  I want to make this one of the best looking street mods out there.

So, it seems I am going to be quite busy with school work for the last 3 weeks of the summer term.  I have 2 major assignments to work on.  We will get it done though, and I will come back after school is done.

I will leave you guys with a surprise I recieved today.  Hableurg, contacted me a few weeks ago about creating some textures for the SAM.  My response was if you make the textures I will include them.  Well he made a set of textures for me for Asphalt Streets.  I hope you guys like what he's done:

"You learn something new everyday."

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Berethor ♦ beskhu3epnm ♦ blade2k5 ♦ dmscopio jplumbley ♦ moganite ♦ M4346 ♦ Dedgren ♦ Ennedi Shadow Assassin ♦  Tarkus ♦ wouanagaine
Street Addon Mod - SAM


hey they look good.  I've always disliked the textures on the streets.  The light grey seems like concrete to me, not ashphalt.  Hopefully this will fix that.  Yay.


Excellent, that particular street has deffintly been requested and wanted for a long time!
Your signature was TOO BIG and TOO BULKY ... System ADMIN


jplumbley, I'd be more than happy to do the starter pieces for the rest of the SAM textures. 

And HabLeUrG, those are some very nice asphalt Street textures there! 

-Alex (Tarkus)


Finally, asphalt streets. All we need now is potholed, poorly maintained, gutterless street textures.  :P

Might be a good idea to do a version for us ERTM users as well. And don't forget the diagonals! Otherwise things will look... um, odd for folks with the NAM.  :D


Hmm, wasn't someone working on asphalt streets over at ST a while ago? I haven't heard from him since a while, but the screenshots he posted were looking very promising. I hope he didn't drop the project entirely due to whatever reasons. In any case, someone should contact him (maybe via e-mail), so we don't waste our time in creating new textures that were already made.


Cammo, Diagonals are not being considered due to the huge work load they would require.  It may be possible in the future to expand the set, should someone be willing to prepare the textures, and write the RUL's, but for the time being no.


Quote from: Andreas on August 01, 2007, 05:06:26 AM
Hmm, wasn't someone working on asphalt streets over at ST a while ago? I haven't heard from him since a while, but the screenshots he posted were looking very promising. I hope he didn't drop the project entirely due to whatever reasons. In any case, someone should contact him (maybe via e-mail), so we don't waste our time in creating new textures that were already made.

I have the textures set if you need those for SC4, also I can make for diagonals too but i will need another street textures of diagonals  ;)


it's not an issue of textures for the diagonals it the issue of RUL's.  I've just started helping Jason on this, and if I learn enough and can be bothered I might look at doing some diagonals, but that will be a wee way off yet.  Jason has stated that he will NOT be doing diagonals, which is fair enough given what he IS doing.


Quote from: cammo2003 on August 01, 2007, 04:44:57 AM
Finally, asphalt streets. All we need now is potholed, poorly maintained, gutterless street textures.  :P

Might be a good idea to do a version for us ERTM users as well. And don't forget the diagonals! Otherwise things will look... um, odd for folks with the NAM.  :D

Why would it look funny if I "forget" the diagonals?  The original MAXIS street textures never had diagonals.  It will be a huge pain in the arse to RUL out the diagonals and not to mention the fact that you cant even draw diagonals with streets.

I dont plan to do diagonal streets, you are very welcome to do the work on the diagonals.  I have enough work as it is to do when it comes to the orthogonals.  For each orthogonal set of textures for the streets I already have well over 300 lines of RULs.  For better stability and things like rounadabouts, avenue intersections and one way road intersections this number will come much closer to 600 lines when I am done.  That gives me a total of over 5000 lines of RULs by the time I have the 9 sets I have right now for the SAM.  Diagonals alone seem like they will be atlesat twice as many lines of RULs meaning if I were to do diagonals there would be in the range of 15000 lines of RULs.

I am also giving Alex help with re-writing the RHW RULs.  It is getting totally re-organized in the RULs and the RHW will have the 2,4,6,8 and 10 lane versions all compatible when we are done that.  But again these are probably going to be in the range of thousands of lines of RULs.  Then after that there is the NWM with TLA-3,5,7, OWR-5, AVE-6,8 another few thousand lines.  And I bet you will like to see Northcountrydude's Rail textures made functional and draggable.  Meaning you will be able to drag train yards along your rail system.  What else would you like? (Please dont answer that)  This is what I plan to do, but it is going to take me quite a while to do it between school, work and other RLS.

I hope this gives you some insight into what is happening in my end of the SC4 world and how much there is left to do.  Again, I thank all the people have given me help in getting to where I am.  Id like to thank Alex for allowing me to work alongside him and giving me the chance to learn from him.  I am still learning every time I open the Reader and writing RULs although frustrating sometimes (when they dont work) are rewarding for me when I finally figure them out.
"You learn something new everyday."

Bringing the new horizons closer to reality.

Berethor ♦ beskhu3epnm ♦ blade2k5 ♦ dmscopio jplumbley ♦ moganite ♦ M4346 ♦ Dedgren ♦ Ennedi Shadow Assassin ♦  Tarkus ♦ wouanagaine
Street Addon Mod - SAM


Don't get the impresssion that I'm trying to rush that at all. I'd personally be happy to see that two years from now. I'm just throwing the idea out there. CHILL.  :D I'd much rather see things done well than rushed and things done wrong. I didn't realise diagonals were THAT much more work though...  :o

The main reason I make so many suggestions is because that's about all I'm good for, unfortunately. I can't texture to save my life.  :D :D :D

The NWM is where I'm really getting enthusiastic, though, and that's what I'm really really looking forward to. Again, though, don't rush things, take your time, do the modding right, and I'll certainly be posting thanks whenever that particular addon is released, much as I already have for the CAM.

Seriously though, keep up the great work, and things will be released when they are released. And the first comment in my other post was tongue firmly planted in cheek. 'Twas a poke at the poor standard of some of the roads around here, don't mind that.  :D


Just to update you all on where we are at.  Jason has give me the textures to mess with.  I have spent a couple of hours on the bricks and got everything matching.  Now onto the wealth levels for them, and the asphalt textures.

Jason is busy with College, so hopefully when he finishes up there I will have textures finished for him.  I'm tempted not to send him anything till he's finished for the year, as I'm sure he would work on this over studying.  :P


Diggis said:
QuoteJason is busy with College, so hopefully when he finishes up there I will have textures finished for him.  I'm tempted not to send him anything till he's finished for the year, as I'm sure he would work on this over studying.

That is probably a good idea.   I remember when I was in college I could get distracted by almost anything.    :D

  &dance  &dance  &dance  &dance  &dance  &dance  &dance  &dance    Oooooo pretty... 
...What were we talking about...


They say that the memory is the second thing that goes....
...dang , I wish I could remember the first.
WooHoo made Councilman - 05 FEB 07 Yipee made Mayor - 13 MAR 07 Hip Hip Hooray made Governor - 04 AUG 07 Rock On made Senator - 15 MAR 09


LoL Gaston you are a riot lol  :D

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