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Take a Tour!- An MD of the Mid-Atlantic U.S.

Started by Travis, March 03, 2007, 09:02:52 AM

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 &apls Great shot you show us. Great effects too with the rain. very realism  :thumbsup:


That were 3 very cool updates Travis. The airport layout is very cool, and the shipping and manufacturing plants nearby are very realistic. The city layout is awesome, I love the railtrack layout, and the region is developping great, Silvershores being a very attractive area!. And finally, the update on David Island is very nicely made: the rain effect gives it a very very Europe 2007 feeling  ;)

Oh - and congratz on the well deserved medal - and 200+ posts  :thumbsup:
Check my MD:               


Great progress, very real.  For some reason, this city reminds me of Alexandria, VA.


Hello friends, it's time for an update...


@Pat, thanks Pat.  :) Believe me, I have a lot to learn about photoshop still, but I'm getting there.  ;)

@Kimcar, Thank you! And also a special thanks for hitting 200 posts- It's something I've been waiting for for a long time.

@sebes, Thanks sebes!  :) Glad you like the city layout, I put a lot of thought into it. Indeed, Silver Shores will be a nice area- when it's finished. :) Thanks for the congrats, although it looks more like a ribbon than a medal to me.  ;)

EDIT: Rushman, you seem to have caught me while I was updating.  :) Thanks! Indeed, I got quite a few inspirational ideas when I visited there,
including a certain large cemetery you may see soon.  ;) Thanks for commenting! 

On to the update...

Today, we're going to leave the city for a little while- and showcase some of the other areas of the region. We'll start at a small town,
the southernmost in the region so far- by the name of Cranberry Center. It's often referred to as a "one-horse town", with a few businesses,
some homes, and a train station, about 7 miles outside of Downtown Radston. It's located on the San Maureen River, and it's connected
by SR-72 running north through Mortonville to Radston, and by the Midlands Railroad. On to the pictures...

A small region pic, illustrating the town's location...

A town overview. The San Maureen River is seen at the lower right...

Another angle...

A look at the western side of town...

A close-up of Cranberry Center Station. Looks like we're just in time to catch the 5:00 Northbound train...

Small-town America at it's best...

A peaceful neighborhood...

The west end of town blends into the forest...

To the north of town between here and Mortonville, lies a lovely stretch of forest. Unfortunately, within two years,
they'll be nothing but development here, due to the region's rapid growth...

The banks of the river are lined with dense thickets of bamboo...

A night shot...

Last one for today...

That's all for now, folks. Hope to see you again with a new update in a day or two.  :)




 :thumbsup: travis looking real good... cant wait to see more - pat

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Ok, dude this is Uber buggin me.  I have looked, and looked, but where can I find those road underpasses?  Great town btw!


Are those people rioting at the railway station? ???

Lovely update. I really like the way you work with the coastlines and forested areas too. I would very much like to see more of that part of this fine journal. :thumbsup:

BlackwaterEmil's inn
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♦ Emilin ♦ Ennedi ♦ Heblem ♦ jplumbley ♦ moganite ♦ M4346 ♦
papab2000 ♦ Shadow Assassin ♦ Tarkus ♦ wouanagaine


Great new update, Travis! Nice pictures of that railway! :thumbsup:

Congrats on more than 200 posts! &apls


Small-town America at it's best...

You can say that again! Great work, Travis! The small-town feel is absolutely wonderful! I'll definitely be looking forward to seeing what you're going to do next!

And by the way, congratulations on surpassing 200 comments! Here's to 200 more!



@Thanks Pat!

@rushman, that's because they can't be found on any exchange.  $%Grinno$% Actually, you can get them here. Thanks for commenting!

@emilin, no, the town would look a lot worse if they were rioting. ;) Glad you like the way I work with coastlines and forests, I put a large amount of time into both. And believe me, there's plenty more to come of it too. Thanks for visiting!

@bat, as always, thanks bat!  :)

@Dustin, Thank you! Glad you like the small-town feel.  :) And a side note, as you still have my name in bold; my first name is Travis.  ;)
And indeed, I hope to still see you around when we hit 400 comments.  :thumbsup:

A quick teaser from me today, not quite done with next update's material. I do, however, have a pic to show...

That's right, folks. We're finally moving in to the suburban areas of the region; it's been a long time coming.  ()stsfd()

The update, depending on how fast I can finish that city, will be up either tomorrow or wednesday. I've got a whole medium city to cover in trees,
that'll take me a while. But rest assured, it will be worth the wait.  :thumbsup:



Man, I wish my neighborhood was half as nice as that! Great teaser, my friend! I'll be looking forward to see more!


travis that is nice really nice pic of the neighborhood

Don't forget the SC4D Podcast is back and live on Saturdays @ 12 noon CST!! -- The Podcast soon to Return Here Linkie


 :'( So sorry Travis , i forgot to mention that you hit the 200 comments. I`m apologise . Btw nice teaser and go for the 300 post  :thumbsup:


That is a wonderful looking teaser, Travis! Looking forward to that update! ;)


That last picture's quite good - just enough Photoshop detail to augment a nice suburban neighborhood.    It's great seeing this MD in the Special Interest category this month - it's always been deserving of that honor.



very nice impressions, I like the dense forest

great :thumbsup:

probably the best tropical forests Pat Riot
the jungle and the seaside resorts are looking spectacular kwakelaar
such stunning and natural tropical sceneries iamgoingtoeatyou
Walker's Island


Looks great.  :thumbsup:

What trees do you use? They're really nice.  :)


Awesome job &apls

Where can I get that rail underpass???


A few replies...

@Dustin, thanks! I do too.  :)

@pat, thanks!

@kimcar, thanks! Here's to 300 posts too.  :thumbsup:

@bat, thank you bat!

@Aaron, thanks! Indeed, I thought that photoshopping gave that pic a nice touch.  ;D

@David, thank you! Glad you like the forest.  ;D

@Slacker, thanks! I use a bunch of trees, but to name a few...
Hope that's what your looking for! 

@Thundercry, thanks and welcome to SC4D. That underpass you're looking for can be found here.  :)


QuoteHope to see you again with a new update in a day or two.

Guess not.  $%Grinno$% I underestimated things this time- no update yet. There will be an update in a few days, but I have another teaser
to tide you over with. I know, I've got to stop doing this...  ::)

Snowy February night, central Mortonville...



Great looking teaser! Looking forward to the update... ;)