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RHW (RealHighway) - Development and Support

Started by Tarkus, April 13, 2007, 09:10:49 PM

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Quote from: Meastro444 on August 17, 2007, 04:30:45 AM
i am eagerly waiting,
maybe the topic title should be changed into NWM? ;)

Meastro444, The NWM is the modd that incorporates all of these NAM projects.  Inside the NWM, there is the RHW (which the abbreviation should stick because it rolls off the tongue so well.  I am all for changing the "Rural" to "Real" because it keeps the "R" in "RHW"), the TLA project, the MIS (for the RHW), wider One-way roads, and wider Avenues.

Having all these topics put all into one thread called the NWM would flood the thread because of all the projects in the NWM and would confuse the people browsing the pages.  So I think its best to leave this one for the RHW, and other NWM threads on their own to avoid this confusion and help keep things more organized.


So are we all for changing the name now? I also cant wait for it to come out, it will save me some trouble aswell

Copperminds and Cuddleswarms


Whats in a name?

It really does not matter what it is called as long as it is created.  This is really a waste of time debating whether the name should be changed.  I tried to end this by changing the discussion to the new Official Announcement of Network Widening Mod.  The RHW is called RHW, what ever that means to you it means to you, whether is "Rural Highway Mod" or "Real Highway Mod".  Who cares, the acronym is staying RHW and not changing and pretend it is whatever you want it to be.

For those who think the name of this thread should be named for the NWM.  I have to disagree.  This is and always where you will go for RHW.  The TLA thread will be and always be where you go for TLA, eventually OWR-5 will be given a new home here in this forum and Wider Avenues will aswell.

I hope this makes it clear.
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The name is somewhat irrelevant indeed. Quite often, the name of a project just sticks, like it happened with the GLR that is included in the NAM. I guess nobody in real-life says "ground light rail" to a tram system, but we all know what GLR is, since it became a handy acronym.


ok im sorry, didnt know you would want it the same, just thought it best to keep the name of the thread up to date

Copperminds and Cuddleswarms


guys relax,  it was a suggestion, not an attack on anyone!!!

i still like this project, no matter what it is called!!
Friend of the Certified Drama Queen :)

Emperor Stormont

All this just sounds fantastic, love the ideas of wider/medianless avenue and wider one-way roads.

Simply wonderful work indeed  &apls

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First of all, GREAT WORK on the NAM and the RHW. I am experiencing a problem though and was wondering if anyone can help. I cannot seem to get one of these highways working! Is there a help file or anything that I can read to help me learn how to build one of these beautiful things?? I am either too dumb to figure it out or I am just not doing something right...HELP!!  &hlp



Well, I have to agree here with jplumbley and Andreas.  The "RHW" has stuck, whether you interpret it as Rural Highway, Real Highway, Redesigned Highway, or Rabbit Hating Widget. :D  Perhaps if any thread name changing is necessary, I'm thinking perhaps removing "Rural Highway" from the title, just leaving it simply as "RHW".  I do understand where you're coming from, though, Meastro, and I'm thinking perhaps a locked sticky may be in order, linking to all the topics for the various NWM components.  How does that sound?

kalanc69, to answer your question, there is a readme included with the most recent version of the RHW (v13b, released on June 1st), and there's additional info in the NAM Readme and "Read First" documents.  From the sounds of it, either a) you may have installed the NAM Essentials file before installing the NAM, which would have overwritten the RUL files in the NAM_Controller.dat file to the default NAM ones, which don't include the RHW, or b) you have an older high-level transit mod (involving RUL modifications) that is conflicting with the new NAM and RHW.  I'd recommend uninstalling the NAM, running the NAM BSC Cleanitol definitions, and then reinstalling the NAM.  I posted a detailed step-by-step guide awhile ago as well, which can be found here.

Hope that helps!

I'll be back with some developments here quite soon. ;)

-Alex (Tarkus)


An alternate plan with regards to the threads may be to retain the separate threads until such time as the NWM is released. Since the NWM actually doesn't exist in the public domain yet, this may be a worthwhile option.

Just an idea.  :)


I would hate to echo the previous comments Alex and Plumbey stated but as Plumbey has mentioned the threads will be as they are for no reason is there to change it....

as momma always sed "If it isnt as broke then it aint isnt as worth fixin'"  ;)
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Thanks for your help, I really appreciate it. I am starting over because I had to reformat my drive, so the only thing I have on my SC4 right now are the nam and rhw files. One interesting thing I am encountering is when I try to make an avenue an rhw style road...The portion that I am connecting the rhw to disappears, unless I put a highway over it..then it appears, until I try to delete the highway then it disappears again...Any suggestions???  ()what()


Quote from: kalanc69 on August 18, 2007, 03:25:21 AM

Thanks for your help, I really appreciate it. I am starting over because I had to reformat my drive, so the only thing I have on my SC4 right now are the nam and rhw files. One interesting thing I am encountering is when I try to make an avenue an rhw style road...The portion that I am connecting the rhw to disappears, unless I put a highway over it..then it appears, until I try to delete the highway then it disappears again...Any suggestions???  ()what()

Do you have a screenshot of this?
-- James Mast, aka: rickmastfan67
Painter/Public Relations at: Masgrafx Racing.

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Quote from: kalanc69 on August 18, 2007, 03:25:21 AM

Thanks for your help, I really appreciate it. I am starting over because I had to reformat my drive, so the only thing I have on my SC4 right now are the nam and rhw files. One interesting thing I am encountering is when I try to make an avenue an rhw style road...The portion that I am connecting the rhw to disappears, unless I put a highway over it..then it appears, until I try to delete the highway then it disappears again...Any suggestions???  ()what()


I had the same problem myself and the reason was that there are 2 NAM locations on this site, for a while the one accessible from the landing page was the old version even after the new one was released. I had the exact same problem. Basically redownload the NAM from the LEX NOT the landing page and it will work for you. For more information read the following thread as it outlines the problem I had but also the solution...


Hope that helps!




Thanks for your response! I was able to get everything to work (at least I think so) by re-downloading the NAM. I am not sure where I got the first one, but the second one seems to be doing the trick...Now I just need to get used to using it


Now Released!!!!  The updated RHW-4 textures that you've seen in this thread.  They are uploaded right now @ the LEX under the "NAM Team" banner.

Enjoy everybody!!!!!!!!!! :thumbsup:

-- James Mast, aka: rickmastfan67
Painter/Public Relations at: Masgrafx Racing.

Check out the 9/11/01 Car Set Checklist.

Take a look @ the JPG Compression tutorial.  A must read to help cut away unnecessary file size from 500k+ images to help dial-up users out.

Shadow Assassin

Speaking of which, does anyone have a copy of the RHW-2?
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Quote from: Shadow Assassin on August 19, 2007, 06:13:06 PM
Speaking of which, does anyone have a copy of the RHW-2?

Talk to Tarkus. ;) **HINT, HINT**
-- James Mast, aka: rickmastfan67
Painter/Public Relations at: Masgrafx Racing.

Check out the 9/11/01 Car Set Checklist.

Take a look @ the JPG Compression tutorial.  A must read to help cut away unnecessary file size from 500k+ images to help dial-up users out.


Speaking of the RHW 2 - which I truly love by the way...  I have a quick question - and please forgive me if I missed the answer somewhere else.  Is there a bridge puzzle piece that allows a Road to cross the RHW 2?  ...Or am I just missing it?  I have already used the one that allows a Road to cross the RHW 4. 

Beyond that, keep up the great work, and thanks for your patience with my question.   :)



Quote from: riponite on August 19, 2007, 06:43:46 PM
Speaking of the RHW 2 - which I truly love by the way...  I have a quick question - and please forgive me if I missed the answer somewhere else.  Is there a bridge puzzle piece that allows a Road to cross the RHW 2?  ...Or am I just missing it?  I have already used the one that allows a Road to cross the RHW 4. 

Beyond that, keep up the great work, and thanks for your patience with my question.   :)


No, there isn't a puzzle piece at this time for the Road to cross the RHW-2.  Hopefully when the next RHW comes out, there will be.
-- James Mast, aka: rickmastfan67
Painter/Public Relations at: Masgrafx Racing.

Check out the 9/11/01 Car Set Checklist.

Take a look @ the JPG Compression tutorial.  A must read to help cut away unnecessary file size from 500k+ images to help dial-up users out.