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Southern Smalltown Depot Project

Started by Frankie, September 01, 2007, 10:52:09 AM

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Thanks for converting the pictures.

The page loading time is so much quicker.


Pat: I like the layout of the lot, however I believe that your lot would match the second version of this depot. (the renovated version that is now a CofC). This particular one is more suited for heavy duty service, while the other for aesthetics. I believe your lot would fit well in to a small downtown that uses the depot for offices, or like Eufaula a Chamber of Commerce.

BigSlark: I like the more hardcore industrial look of these - well suited for industrial or warehouse districts of smaller towns. The trucks and props you chose fit well and complement the building. Especially those oil barrels and tank on the end of the lot.

Vester: Thanks for stopping by  :thumbsup:

Well, I realized that I forgot to make the radio antenna pole that was common on these depots. During the 80's railroads used them quite frequently. Remember that during this period (1981 and Before) things were a bit different. This was before the huge "mega-mergers" that make the railroads we have today. (CSX, NS, BNSF, etc.) So they relied on cheaper equipment and more efficient practices. (since every penny counted on this smaller railroads).

I will finish this pole and attach it after I make sure it looks right. It is now attached.

I also began BATting the Enterprise depot late last night...I didn't get that far, but I will get some pictures later.


OK sweet Frankie... I cant wait to get ahold of the second version so i can update the lot then... Hey Kevin could i get your lot pease lol....

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I have to say that, in addition to the great looking BATs, the way they look on different lots is really good. I almost think you should combine the multiple lots together for more variety (I know it is possible to do it later in the LE, but to have the diversity of selection from the get-go would be a great touch. The start of the new station too looks promising. For whatever reason, the roof texture of the Eufaula station looks a bit flat from higher zooms (though is quite nice, and realistic to scale when seen close up). I don't know if you plan to re-texture, but perhaps a slightly larger shingle would give the roof a bit more dynamic look. If not, it still turned out quite nice.


All right Southern Small Town Depot followers, here's my much updated lot for the Eufaula Freight Depot:

What do you all think? I like feedback!

Also, I ran it through SC4Tool's dependency checker and it seems the curbs are from an source, so I have taken them out and will put something else there.


PS-I was too lazy to run clip2pic tonight...so in game camera it is.


Frankie wow that is starting to look real good and kevin dang i like that lot alot.....

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-kevin (bigslark)
In my comments, I'm referencing the last pic:
-Overall it seems very well done.
-The grassy area at the bottom seems to end too abruptly on the left where the textrue on the side of the road appear to be blank. I would suggest either expanding the grass to the edge, or adding a defined barrier that would give it a reason to be cut off so cleanly.
-The curved path to/from the side (main?) door seems a bit awkward. For a station, you would expect people to take the most direct route in (perhaps a straight path along the side of the building), but I can see where the curve might occur: if that car is usualy parked there. However (and this may not be worth going through the process of changing it) the path still seems to swing wide in front of the car coming in from the parking lot. Perhaps think about decreasing the gap between the car and the start of the path.

If any of these suggestions seem unclear, please let me know and I will clarify them. But as I said earlier, it looks great overall.


I get the feeling htat your elements are just a bit too big.. windows, doors are too wide and probably too tall as well. It is qute ovbvious when you see cars next to them in game...


Quote from: threestooges on September 04, 2007, 10:49:28 PM
-The curved path to/from the side (main?) door seems a bit awkward. For a station, you would expect people to take the most direct route in (perhaps a straight path along the side of the building)

I'd like to point out that this depot was not intended for passengers. Eufaula's passengers were served by a second depot a couple of blocks away.

BigSlark: The only complaint that I have is the yellow truck has no space to pull out. Other than a base texture tweaking, I do not believe the lot needs anything else. Great job  :thumbsup:

marcszar:  Thanks for the advice, I know the roof is pretty bad, but I couldn't find an appropriate texture, and I have no artistic ability or know how when it comes to photoshop. I have no idea why my windows messed up. I assure you there are no black elements to the model. I used a transparent with a gray piece behind it. It rendered in a rather ugly way I guess...

Pat: Thanks again!

SimFox: Well, during the time period in which these types of depots were built, oversize windows and doors were very common - I attempted to recreate this effect in my model. I have stood next to the Enterprise depot personally to get an idea of the height..the windows were quite large compared to me, and I'm 5'11''. I could scale it down a little bit when I finish, but like I have said, nothing is set in stone..yet.

Anyway, I hope to finish up the Enterprise depot later this evening, I have only one more wall, the roof, and the semaphore to BAT.


Hello all,

First, watch this space for the "final" lot in the next few hours. I just finished putting on the finishing touches and checking the Transit Switches.

I made the path the way I did as I figure that the boss and motorcyclist like to park in the same place every day, so any truck drivers would pull up and walk around. That and I have every texture pack under the sun installed (well, not every one, but it feels like it when I'm searching for something) and there isn't a path to fit that spot. Maybe I should make one...

I changed the driveway so there's a loading bay for 48 ft. trucks and transit enabled it. I also removed a vehicle that came from who-knows-where and replaced the concrete curbs with old railroad ties, which I thought was fitting for a freight depot.

In case anyone is curious, I read a post made by Cerulean or Simgoober a couple of years ago that recommended that props are meant to tell the story of the building. I have attempted to follow that philosophy in making this lot and hopefully others if Frankie (or anyone else) would like assistance.

I'm looking forward to something "pretty" to lot with the Enterprise passenger station, Frankie.



Quote from: BigSlark on September 05, 2007, 05:57:52 PM
Hello all,

First, watch this space for the "final" lot in the next few hours. I just finished putting on the finishing touches and checking the Transit Switches.

I made the path the way I did as I figure that the boss and motorcyclist like to park in the same place every day, so any truck drivers would pull up and walk around. That and I have every texture pack under the sun installed (well, not every one, but it feels like it when I'm searching for something) and there isn't a path to fit that spot. Maybe I should make one...

I changed the driveway so there's a loading bay for 48 ft. trucks and transit enabled it. I also removed a vehicle that came from who-knows-where and replaced the concrete curbs with old railroad ties, which I thought was fitting for a freight depot.

In case anyone is curious, I read a post made by Cerulean or Simgoober a couple of years ago that recommended that props are meant to tell the story of the building. I have attempted to follow that philosophy in making this lot and hopefully others if Frankie (or anyone else) would like assistance.

I'm looking forward to something "pretty" to lot with the Enterprise passenger station, Frankie.


I like the idea of using railroad ties instead of a curb. And I'm glad you are putting such effort in to this, I personally would not think up the little details, and like I said I do not lot well when it comes to depots.

Also, I did some work on the Enterprise depot, took me quite a bit longer than I expected. (I was distracted..had to work, etc) Anyway enough excuses. I plan to re-texture pretty much everything you see here, so don't get used to the textures:


first forums inhabitant from Uruguay..   first forums citizen from Uruguay..  first forums councilman from Uruguay..   first forums mayor from Uruguay..  first forums governor from Uruguay..
...i'm still the only one from Uruguay!



are you thinking a darker roof texture or even maybe a tin roof style?

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Quote from: patfirefghtr on September 05, 2007, 07:44:08 PM
are you thinking a darker roof texture or even maybe a tin roof style?

Well if you mean the Eufaula depot i plan to put a better roof texture, no tin though. As for the Enterprise depot, it has no texture yet...still working on that.


I know what you mean about texture hunting. I have nowhere near the number you likely have but still, it's tough to find just what you are looking for. It looks fine as it is though so I wouldn't worry too much about it. Perhaps move the car closer to the start of the path so that it is the reason the path starts where it does. I agree about that statement about props telling the story of the lot, and you tell it well.
Thanks for the information about the Eufaula passenger depot. I would be interested to see what it looks like, and what you can do with it in the BAT. The Enterprise station looks like it is coming along nicely.


No no frankie i was meaning about enterprise roof.... dont you dare change Eufaula roof i love it as is

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That building is looking wonderful (so far), Frankie!


ohh heres a bit of a teaser shot what ive done with Eufaula.....

a special thanks goes out to Filasimo for helping me out in instructing me step by step
with a pic to do that wicked spur lol.....

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that looks really good pat some suggestions i may add....in NCDs spur pack theres a really good asphalt texture u should replace the black asphalt with it has a weathered look on it and also make sure to add track switches as well..its coming along real good and i cant wait til u show the finished product
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