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A Compendium of Interchanges....

Started by mightygoose, June 02, 2007, 12:36:02 PM

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Quote from: sneekypetepuma on September 20, 2007, 06:13:23 PM
Imagine that... It took less than 2 minutes for you to respond to that ... and my last message sat there for month, so excuse me if I sound "bold and rash". 

Please hold your unnecessary comments, as they are not welcome here. Both of your comments were completely unnecessary and do not contribute to this topic in any way. If you have a problem, or a question, there is a separate board for such questions. Smart mouthing people will get you no where, and do not expect a good response from a negative attitude.


You know what ... Filasimo..... my initial question regarding a "flyover ramp over a elevated highway" in a thread called "A Compendium of Interchanges" doesn't seem that far fetched to me... I would think that anyone of mightygoose or your intelligence could .. ya know, visualize something so common as that... but  don't let me be the one to deny you a pic...  If you click on the pic.. there is a long ramp that "flies' over the elevated freeway .... All I wanted to know if it was possible to make that... seeing how I haven't ever run across one before.... but now that you've turned this into "just another newbie in the wrong thread asking the wrong questions at the wrong time", I'm sure the response I get will have nothing to do with the question that I asked. but I digress... I did move this question somewhere else... and before I forget.....  I apologize to Filasimo if I insulted you... and to Mightygoose if I have put my question where it does not go...



OK, sneekypetepuma. Enough, now. Your question, which may have been legitimate, has been diluted by your attitude and behavior, and it is unacceptable.


Now, now boys play nice.  This is a "Show us your thread..." not a lets get down and dirty thread.  Sneekypetepuma (Chocolate City from ST) if you expected an answer it would have been better to post it in a more frequented thread by those who have the answers.

Your answer is it is not as simple as you may think it is to make a "fly over ramp".  Modding wise in game that is considered an "Interchange".  If you have noticed in the almost 5 years of SC there have been a very limited number of interchanges made, the reason for this is for the amount of work that goes into them.  It is not just a simple model it, render it plop it ingame.  The modding for these things is quite complex and it takes months of 3 to 4 people with different expertise to get one interchange created, hence the reason so many have been started and abandoned.  

There are very few people that have the expertise to answer your question and I guarentee you that most of those members do not frequent this thread at all.  The chances of you getting an answer in this thread alone were slim to none and your comment was out of place.  Please, next time learn some patience and instead of getting mad look for a more appropriate place to post your questions.  This is a thread that MG has made to showcase different possibilities he has found with the existing game and MODs, he has done a great job, now please can we stay on topic?
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Berethor ♦ beskhu3epnm ♦ blade2k5 ♦ dmscopio jplumbley ♦ moganite ♦ M4346 ♦ Dedgren ♦ Ennedi Shadow Assassin ♦  Tarkus ♦ wouanagaine
Street Addon Mod - SAM


&apls :thumbsup: right on Jp what better way to say it....

Quote from: sneekypetepuma on September 20, 2007, 08:15:41 PM
I don't respond to Confederates...

Whats the purpose of that comment all you could have said sneeky is that "frankie ok thank you"
One thing i do know and understand you can screw up and recover if you ask for some forgivness just a wee though.... with that said im doing the same myself.... - pat

Don't forget the SC4D Podcast is back and live on Saturdays @ 12 noon CST!! -- The Podcast soon to Return Here Linkie


Jplumbley--- I thank you for response...and I apologize,  once again, because I'm sure I had a hand in this getting so far off track...  But I do have one last comment for patfirefghtr..... If, frankie, whoever he or she is, wants to wave around his or her confederate flag , he or she has every right to do so.. just as I have every right to voice my displeasure at having to have to look at it.   


true you do...... but there is a better way of saying it....  like i said and frankie i know he would much appreciate it as well i would too cause this is a friendly site.... 

Don't forget the SC4D Podcast is back and live on Saturdays @ 12 noon CST!! -- The Podcast soon to Return Here Linkie


@ Sneekypetepuma ... Try and imagine this ... I am reading your stuff and I see your aggressive attitude ... now I am wondering ... should I let you go on or should I stop you ... Well I am giving you the choice and do not test the limits of my good nature ;)

No let's go off-topic while you consider the picture ... and ask yourself if you think I would rather be there or here dealing with you.

Work, the annoying period between bike trips.
Come see CSX Play


Don't worry all, I will try to make a solution for Sneekypetepuma
I think the main reason of this situation is misunderstanding, and it can be easy improved. It happened to me a few times to ask about something, even in the right but not often visited place. When I didn't receive an answer, I was looking for a more popular place, made a link for my question and everythig was OK :)
Make a nice trip, Colyn  :thumbsup:

PS: That's a great and very useful collection of interchanges, Mightygoose!
New Horizons Productions
Berethor - beskhu3epnm - blade2k5 - dmscopio - dedgren - Emilin - Ennedi
jplumbley - moganite - M4346 - nichter85 - papab2000 - Shadow Assassin - Tarkus - wouanagaine


sneekypetepuma, if you were concerned about getting a reply, I personally would have searched around for another appropriate place to re-ask your question (politely) after a few days, just as Ennedi suggested.  You could have gotten an answer much sooner. 

Now, to answer your question, if you've been following the RHW project and its Modular Interchange System (MIS), in the works, will include flyover ramps when it is released (there's no set release date--we NAMites like to surprise people ;)).  See the RHW thread for more details.

Back on-topic--MG, this is some really nice stuff here interchange-wise, fine roadgeekery.  Looking forward to seeing more of your innovative solutions, when you get around to it. :)

-Alex (Tarkus)


woah, ok neglect my ownthread... and the american civil war kicks off again... lol, update coming this weekend.
NAM + CAM + RAM + SAM, that's how I roll....


cant wait for the mis so i can create some crazy interesections and mabye post them here. :p
This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature and help him gain world domination.


Alright.  Its time I showed some of my best here.

I'm new at posting images here, so they might not all show up or something. 

Here it goes.  They are 1440x900 images.  I am not sure how to resize them.  If I can figure this out, I will resize them to a 1024px width.

QuoteYou can post any dimension image and video files. However the files must be hosted off site. Direct file upload to this site is severely restricted. Also a maximum width of 1024 pixels is highly recommended ( but not mandatory) to keep a balanced monitor view in most of the members' computers.

A large interchange showing the main stack, collector lanes tunneling underneath, and connecting ramps.

two parallel highways combine and transfer together to form the collector/express system.

A full stack interchange in the middle of the airport!

An urban sunken/ground interchange.  Don't ask me how I got it to work!

An interchange with a dual highway.

A dual highway/multi highway connector with off/on ramps and grade seperation featuring no weaving!

A very compact diamond interchange with the multi highway before development of the area kicks in!

Multi highway diamond

Development had to be demolished for this interchange

Orth/Diag interchange with a major highway in the core of the city.

A newly constructed inner "partial-Y" interchange. inside of a highway.  **Also featuring the Multi-RHW network.**

A very congested Parclo "A4" type interchange.

elevated colverleaf interchange in the centre of the city.

A highway interchange with itself, allowing a transfer between lanes.

Multi-RHW formation

Multi-RHW termination

Sunken and Mult-RHW

Thats it!  $%Grinno$%

MOD EDIT: I have resized the pics for you, just take a look at the img tags to see how I did it. It would look better if you resized them using an image editing program like IrfanView or something similar. - Fred


WoW haljackey that is some nutsiod interchanges wow......

Don't forget the SC4D Podcast is back and live on Saturdays @ 12 noon CST!! -- The Podcast soon to Return Here Linkie


Those are some pretty crazy networks, Haljackey.  I had to look at some of them a couple of times.


Robin   :thumbsup:
Call me Robin, please.


Update 7a

To all thanks, plus any peeps having trouble with a junction and traffic in their cities feel free to shout... Give me a pic and a tell me what the traffic is doing.... I'll see what I can do.

Tarkus, I cannot wait to play with the MIS just to see what I can do with it, if you include some subway transitions I think i will actually feint. Maybe also an elevated flyover, I remember it being possible as I once saw elevated rail over elevated rail... maybe jplumbey can tell us more about this.

Haljackey, your interchange shots are always appreciated. Maybe you could try and produce some new ones....

Onward, no sc4 shots today....

I thought I would talk to you abit more about interchanges in general in RL.

This gem is the Helicoil interchange design, In the original 1960s design for an elevated I-10 Papago Freeway, the Arizona Highway Department proposed a new interchange design called a "helicoil" that would require traffic to take a 270-degree loop to the ground. The elevated freeway and helicoil interchanges were abandoned in favor of construction below ground with a deck carrying the Margaret T. Hance Park linking the communities on either side of the highway. I think it is a real shame this interchange design was neglected, it has to be one of the most compact designs I have ever seen. It basically takes a turbine and compresses it until the four arcs are part of the same helix. The only downside is the extra 180 degrees of turn on each arc.

This is probably the large interchange I will recreate in 7b, it is the springfield interchange, or the mixing bowl as it is known, that picture is how the junction stood in 1964 after construction. Since then it has become unrecogniseable. (*As a side note this blog has an interesting article about heat mapping for various things on Google maps [linkie]*)
In the 1970's however over 150 000 commuters were using the interchange daily, three times its designed capacity so major improvements were made.....

Unfortunately I can't find a better picture but you get the idea, this is when it gained its name the mixing bowl. But still traffic increased, nearly tripling again by the early nineties to 430 000 users. So in 1997 a new project was set about lasting 10 years to rebuild, restructure and improve the interchange. I cant seem to find any decent overview shots for now but I will try to find some for the second half, thats all for now folks, see you in a day or two...

NAM + CAM + RAM + SAM, that's how I roll....


Quote from: mightygoose on November 04, 2007, 07:37:46 PM
Update 7a
Tarkus, I cannot wait to play with the MIS just to see what I can do with it, if you include some subway transitions I think i will actually feint. Maybe also an elevated flyover, I remember it being possible as I once saw elevated rail over elevated rail... maybe jplumbey can tell us more about this.

Wrrior and I have been doing some experimenting in regards to underground highways  ::).  Obviously, since we havent been public with it there is much testing still needed (experimental).  It seems as though we are able to add a 2nd path type to the subway system, with a different speed than the normal subway paths.  We can make it the same speed as highway speed and make it so that the road and subway traffic are held separate from each other and prevent Subway Traffic from using Boston Big Dig Lots and Road Traffic from leaving through a subway station.

There has been one issue that has arisen from testing so far.  The Traffic cant determine whether it is below or above ground, meaning if the Road Traffic travelling on the subway is running underneath a Road Network, it can jump from underground to above ground and then continue travelling on the Road Surface and take a "shortcut".  It may be able to avoid this by turning the Road Traffic into Highway speed Rail or Monorail traffic instead.  I would choose Monorail Traffic because Monorail is above surface level and may prevent the "jumping" from occuring, but if your subway goes under a Monorail Station you may encounter a jump.  Im not entirely sure.

With a little bit more developement Warrior and I may have an ALPHA ready, but that wont be until after Christmas Holidays, too much other stuff to work on first.

As for Fly-overs... if you want two separate ramps in the same tile flying over the main throughfare you will require puzzle pieces or full blown interchanges.  It is possible to have "elevated" ramps made draggable, in fact eventually I intend to get the NAM Elevated Road Series made draggable, eventually.  El-MIS would be very similar.
"You learn something new everyday."

Bringing the new horizons closer to reality.

Berethor ♦ beskhu3epnm ♦ blade2k5 ♦ dmscopio jplumbley ♦ moganite ♦ M4346 ♦ Dedgren ♦ Ennedi Shadow Assassin ♦  Tarkus ♦ wouanagaine
Street Addon Mod - SAM


mightygoose, excellent update here, with some really interesting background info.  That helicoil interchange is very, very cool, and I'm also a bit saddened it hasn't caught on. 

As far as flyovers go, if you're wondering about single-ramp flyovers, they are definitely going to be possible--that test interchange I showed had one, with an El-MIS going over an RHW-4.  It'll be possible to go under or over, or have an El-MIS going over an MIS, too eventually.

I, too, can't wait to see what you're able to create with the MIS.  I'm thinking I may need to look into making these helicoils possible after seeing this update. :D

-Alex (Tarkus)