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SC4 Picture Competition

Started by Masochist, March 26, 2007, 01:44:04 PM

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I like the juxtaposition of the coal plants and the trees, but I still think I'll go with tooheys.
tooheys 8
nardo 2


Dave is heading for the Hall of Fame...

9-2 to tooheys! :thumbsup:


And one more for Tooheys, for the win.

10-2 Toohey


Which puts him in the Hall of Fame, I do believe &apls &apls

We need 2 more, then...
(Under Construction)


Well, I'll offer one of mine up: The harbor in the morning


I'll Challenge with this one .. a library



WooHoo, I just got home from work and saw the result. Thanks for all who voted.

Bad luck Bernhard (Nardo69), but it was great to come up against someone of your calibre in the last round.

Seems to have been a theme started here. Threestooges for me.



No problem Dave, congratulation for moving into the Hall of Fame!  &apls

Anyway I am sure there will be a next time ... Oh, and methinks you really did leave the apprentice status behind you finally  :D  ;)

Two nice pics but I don't like the red plaster for the streets - never did. The standard grey street would have fit better IMHO.

tkirch combined a spectacular BAT with the new night mod, so I think I go with his pic which makes it

2-1 in favour of tkirch


Open books library is one of my favourite lots.

3-1 tkirch


4-1 tkirch

I dont know why, but I really like that picture. Simple, yet perfect...

The complete history of Evergem ->My Mayor Diary <-
Come and visit Paroch Plein!


alas, finally a picture that uses Gizmos new night mod that is worth voting for.

5-1 Tkirch
Jim Myers  (5th member of SC4 Devotion)


I also vote for Tkirch's picture,

6-1, Tkirch


I vote for threestooges

6-2 in tkirch

Bringing the pictures over:



Visit Vorsfelde.

Toichus Maximus


I'm liking Threestooges' picture more

6-5 Tkirch leads
Current project: Movies 14

You may have meant to search for Houdini. (result of searching for XiahouDun on SC4D)


I vote for threestooges.

6/6 Tie

&apls &apls

Robin   :thumbsup:
Call me Robin, please.


Tkirch: an interesting idea, great BAT, nice frame. I like original ideas.
But something is not good (for me of course) in this composition. I think the main object is too big and there is no balance at this picture.

Threestoges picture is very nice, I'm not a fan of the red brick texture surrounded by grey concrete textures, but in this light it doesn't look bad at all :). The cruiser ship looks a bit artificial in the daylight, but here it looks much more natural.

My vote goes to threestoges, 7-6 threestoges
New Horizons Productions
Berethor - beskhu3epnm - blade2k5 - dmscopio - dedgren - Emilin - Ennedi
jplumbley - moganite - M4346 - nichter85 - papab2000 - Shadow Assassin - Tarkus - wouanagaine


I also prefer the harbour ...

8/6 Threestoges
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