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texture to prop

Started by gazac, January 28, 2007, 08:18:14 PM

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Hope someone can help
can a texture be made into a prop?
if so how?

I want to use some textures under Highways


I don't understand the question. Do you mean a Bat texture or a Lot Texture for example?

But no, textures and props are very different game files and can't be converted into each other.

If you had a nice texture in gmax you could apply it to a very flat prism. But then you would be restricted to a very flat lot, ie it wouldn't work on slopes, and there are all sorts of visual tricks and tweaks that would need to be done to make it look right. Simgoober's water is an example of this kind of lot.

Also I'm not sure what you mean when you say you want to use them under highways? Do you mean like flora props?


Nah I think he/she's after overhanging lots to go under the highways and cover the empty area.


Quote from: Diggis on January 29, 2007, 12:03:54 AM
Nah I think he/she's after overhanging lots to go under the highways and cover the empty area.

That right on,  I want to use overhang lots using Texture, 'railway grass' & 'some other grass'


You won't be able to overhang textures on lots. You will need to make an overhanging prop and texture it in the BAT. Don't forget to account for the BAT colour shifts if you are trying to match game textures.


Yeah, it's possible
If you don't want a pixelated texture, don't export the texture with BAT. Take a 16x16 rectangular piece (from the NAM i.e.) and apply your FSH texture to the piece, change the IDS and point the prop exemplar to your 3D piece.
Back to europe ;D


Indeed it works, but then you'll need some experiences with reader :)

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