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DAMN Development Thread (formerly known as "Custom Submenus")

Started by daeley, November 12, 2007, 02:28:25 PM

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oooh, just found this thread, and this is the MOST intruiging thing i have ever found....

it even beats the X-Tool (sorry Wou, but it does)


Quote from: daeley on November 29, 2007, 02:35:19 PM
And to answer another question, lots are not automatically detected by this mod, however the process of adding lots to the menu system is not very complicated. Once the internals are finalised (and I'm almost there), we will start adding some existing sets to this system (probably replacing some MML's in the process).

This looks like a job for.... well, me maybe..  :P



Daeley This is such wonderful news!!!

LoL Diggis it seems as you are not out of a job yet heheehehe  :D

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What is that menu browser for anyways? Just stumbled across this project.

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to answer as best as i know Starman it will essentially replace the MML and be as a selection in a menu form instead... So you can have all BSC parks in one scrolling menu the close that menu to go into anther menu such as NDEX towers and so forth... Of course this is my take on it and if I'm wrong someone please correct me thank you - pat

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Close Pat,  it's not a scrolling browser but a clicking through menus, and as you can from the pics ont he previous page it makes use of the advisors bar.


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For some reason I think you've probably already thought of this daeley but I'll mention it just in case. Is I possible to add the little picture icons into the menu? Sometimes the names can be a bit misleading.

Amazing work so far though.

GoaSkin I just found your older thread at ST and read though it. I hope your making headway with the assembler code. Would love to help but I'd need to learn C++ (or whatever SC4 is) and while I'm good at teaching myself, in this I don't even have a clue as to where I'd need to start.


holy freaking crap....

just found this thread.   :thumbsup: always glad to see such improvements in the game. looking forward to seeing this in action.
a big round of applause for all involved..... &apls
thanx daeley

City Builder

Wow, did this come to a screeching halt or what?  I think the building icon menus are one of SC4's very very few shortcomings and would love to see anything that would help to alleviate the super duper long scrolling menus that are the original menus.  I don't know why it is but it seems that SC4 hates my mouse so I scroll the mouse wheel to scroll the menus but find it doesn't always "catch" right away and I could have to scroll multiple attempts before the menus start to scroll.  So anything like what is proposed if it's at all possible would be a huge benefit.

I'll subscribe to this thread for now to see if it's died or just waiting a further update by the OP.
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The system has been tested and works well BUT we are now at the tedious stage of needing to make the files for each of the sets that we want to use it with. It is a case of getting all the IIDs logged and images for each lot then putting it all into the LUA file.
Inside every old person is a young person wondering what happened. TP

Barbypedia: More alive than the original

City Builder

Quote from: BarbyW on January 13, 2008, 05:54:37 AM
The system has been tested and works well BUT we are now at the tedious stage of needing to make the files for each of the sets that we want to use it with. It is a case of getting all the IIDs logged and images for each lot then putting it all into the LUA file.

Well that indeed sounds like very good news.  I do know what tedius is like, I've often had to create web applications that were long drawn out categorial databases and and and.... Uh oh, I think I just blew a gasket again.
When your tired of games of destruction, come to CityBuilderGames.com to discuss games of Construction!
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Well I hope its not too difficult, those images can be kinda tricky when your not playing the game its even more difficult finding stuff. For a while I've been using building plop menu, it seems to load a lot faster than the regular icon menu, the downside to this though is unfortanetly there will be the same dat names, rather than lot names and no icons, its nice to see there is a new option. Good job.  :thumbsup:


Wondering: will we be able to edit the LUA file to include plugins that Daeley "missed"? And if so, will you post a guide to doing so so that we don't screw up?


Quote from: dragonshardz on January 13, 2008, 10:10:25 AM
Wondering: will we be able to edit the LUA file to include plugins that Daeley "missed"? And if so, will you post a guide to doing so so that we don't screw up?

This system is modular and with certain reservations can be made similar to the MML system with separate dats for different sets. It is, as I said, a tedious job to get a set done but eventually they will start to appear on the LEX.
Inside every old person is a young person wondering what happened. TP

Barbypedia: More alive than the original


I was asking if it would be possible for the users to add to the LUA file for this to add custom sets in, ie, a rare Japanese aquaculture set.


sweet so this is coming to head with good strides i take it then?

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Dragonshardz, at the moment, it's in testing. And the only way to test it is to make a few. At the point that it's ready for public release, once all the kinks get worked out, I'm sure there will be a fairly thorough tutorial included.


I hate MML's... a real pain. I'll have to rebuild my plugins maybe to accomodate this  :-[. But I will have my hole diggers, rail caps, and retaining walls in their own menu.

I saw this thread and nearly soiled myself.  :D

As I see it, this will be a super modded query and easily customizable?
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