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CAM - General Discussions

Started by RippleJet, May 01, 2007, 01:35:47 PM

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I did check. You are correct. I did dl it, but somehow in my install, doc, register, etc process I left that building off..  &cry2 .. When I ran it again, it did confirm that the last was present.. The title of it is "Astoria Plaza" if anyone cares.. :)

Thanks for the info on the other three..

However I have another one.. :) (am I the only person who runs these? LOL)
These are from RemoveListCAMModels.txt from download CleanitolCAMModels.zip

                    R E P O R T
MISSING : ITS_25_Bankstreet-0x5ad0e817_0x8152c94a_0x30000.SC4Model has not been found, you can download it : http://www.simtropolis.com/stex/index.cfm?id=17318
MISSING : Superstar's Citicbank Tower [Model]-0x5ad0e817_0x102a45d9_0xb0000.SC4Model has not been found, you can download it : http://www.simtropolis.com/stex/index.cfm?id=14112
MISSING : Superstar's Key Tower [Model]-0x5ad0e817_0x102a45d9_0x30000.SC4Model has not been found, you can download it : http://www.simtropolis.com/stex/index.cfm?id=13844
MISSING : SG_WareHousesSmall.dat has not been found, you can download it : http://www.simtropolis.com/stex/index.cfm?id=12859
MISSING : SG_HansonHosieryMills.dat has not been found, you can download it : http://www.simtropolis.com/stex/index.cfm?id=15015
MISSING : SG_AutoFactory.dat has not been found, you can download it : http://www.simtropolis.com/stex/index.cfm?id=12861
MISSING : SG_GooberGenLabs.dat has not been found, you can download it : http://www.simtropolis.com/stex/index.cfm?id=13927
MISSING : jes_HudsonGlass3-0x5ad0e817_0x12774cc5_0x30000.SC4Model has not been found, you can download it : http://sc4devotion.com/csxlex/lex_filedesc.php?lotGET=617
You seem to be missing some dependancies

I believe I have all of these files installed. I guess I have the same dumb questions on these that I had before. Can I give you more data? I made a quick check to see if these have been reported and don't find it. If I've missed it, I'm sorry.

AHHHHHHHHHHHHH! I find I have the "support files" for these. Is it possible I am installing the right files, then they are being removed by the Cleanitol process?

edit: Hmm well at least these:
Superstar's Key Tower [Model]-0x5ad0e817_0x102a45d9_0x30000.SC4Model
I show have been removed by cleanitol processes.. AHHHHHH! I'm chasing my tail! LOL.. where is that CAM for Dummies?? ;)  I know I have installed all of them in one form or another...  :'(

PS: I think I recall someone had a utility to check for duplicate files. I thought I read it somewhere in these CAM threads, but I can't find it now to save my life. Does anyone know how or have a link to one? .. Thx


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Totuna e dac-ai murit flăcău ori moş îngârbovit;
Dar nu-i totuna leu să mori ori câine-nlănţuit.


Quote from: SC4BOY on December 06, 2007, 02:41:21 PM
MISSING : Superstar's Key Tower [Model]-0x5ad0e817_0x102a45d9_0x30000.SC4Model has not been found, you can download it : http://www.simtropolis.com/stex/index.cfm?id=13844

Note that this one should be replaced by NDEX FIXED Key Tower by Superstar. :thumbsup:


Just a quick question.  I just downloaded the CAM last week and what seemed like 500 dependencies.  I notice the game seems to take A LOT longer to load up now.  This is not a problem in itself, but now that my first CAM city ever has reached about 150,000 people (which has been a lot of fun), the simulation is really slowing down...every time I move, it moves, and then has to render, whereas before it seemed mostly fluid.  I have also noticed a pretty significant lag when I try to check my traffic map of about 5 to 10 seconds, every other graph seems unaffected. 

Is it the CAM slowing it down?  Or have the over 1 GB of additional buildings and modifications been doing this? I am curious.

My System:
2.8 Ghz
1.5 GB RAM
256 MB 400 mhz video accelerator


Quote from: pkremer on December 07, 2007, 12:01:10 PM
Is it the CAM slowing it down?  Or have the over 1 GB of additional buildings and modifications been doing this? I am curious.

The size of your plugins is most probably the cause of your lag.

You do not have to install ALL CAMeLots that are available...
Nobody playing RH would download and install everything available either.

Did you remove any of your existing buildings and lots when installing the CAMeLots?
You should at least have removed all old skyscrapers of stage 8.


Quote from: RippleJet on December 07, 2007, 12:08:36 PM
The size of your plugins is most probably the cause of your lag.

You do not have to install ALL CAMeLots that are available...
Nobody playing RH would download and install everything available either.

Did you remove any of your existing buildings and lots when installing the CAMeLots?
You should at least have removed all old skyscrapers of stage 8.

Yeah, I guess I got greedy.  It was only a few weeks ago I discovered this site, along with Simtropolis, and was blown away by how great the custom buildings were.  Then I picked up my new video card and SC4 ran like lightning.  I think the problem was I found SO much great stuff I wasn't careful, I just downloaded everything I liked.  I may need to go through and clean house, and pull out the stuff I don't really love. 

Once I saw how the video card made my game run, I just figured I could do whatever I wanted...guess I was wrong!  :D 

By the way, Thanks so much for the CAM addon! I have always been a W2W player, trying to cram as many people onto my squares as I possibly could, and got a little bored because of just how painfully difficult it was to get those massive buildings to grow on their own in ordinary RH.  With CAM, I have 150,000 people and I've got some massive buildings popping up everywhere.  I am really having a great time!  :thumbsup:


Quote from: pkremer on December 07, 2007, 12:16:59 PM
I am really having a great time!  :thumbsup:

It's a great pleasure to hear that! :)


All right, I clipped out quite a few buildings I didn't love, but there's still a ton of content in there.  I took all the prop packages, texture packages, etc, and put them in the main folder instead of all the subdirectories they got installed to, and even found 1 duplicate prop pack that was in there twice... &ops

It still boots slower than it used to, but it seemed to pick up, and the game moves faster while simulating now.  Just clean it up a bit more, and it should move smooth again! Thanks!


I have a question, but this one has more to deal with copyright-ish issues.
Hunting the dependencies for the CAM starter packs is time consuming, specially for people who didn't have ANY of the dependencies, what do you think of packing the CAM, the starter packs and the dependencies in one .zip file and releasing it as a torrent? I think many people would be glad to download everything in one go, and it doesn't cost badnwidth to the site.


Quote from: gml_josea on December 07, 2007, 01:30:48 PM
but this one has more to deal with copyright-ish issues.

Exactly, and that's the main reason we can't do it.


Hi, I downloaded the CAM and started a new region with it. It seems great! Growth is a lot more realistic. However i 

had one problem... no CO$$$ development at all.  I downloaded the repository facility and it says CO$$$ stage cap is

0%, with drive as 19341 and demand as +23999. The CO$$ stage cap is 13% (off the top of my head) with ~60 000

jobs by way of contrast. Is there a bug or something preventing CO$$$ stage growth? Im pretty sure its not due to

low desirability as there are commercial areas with low crime, garbage, and high land value, covered by police and fire

and parks, and CS$$$, is growing normally.


Could you post a snapshot of the Census Repository Query window, just to be certain before I try to guess what might be wrong. ::)

The only thing that normally could be blocking CO$$$ would be some kind of a Maxis blocker...


159946 inhabitants
Residential Capacity    Cap    City     3 months        1 yr       drive    demand      region      projected
R$                            100    83k      -2k              4k           93k      0                                240k
R$$                            72     62k       -1k            -2.5k       91k    -636                            135k
R$$$                          20     13k        839            514        17.5k   -2242                           23k

90% commercial
CO$$                          11     62k      191              509         25k     -5k                            121k   
CO$$$                         0        6         0                 1          19k       23999                         89k
cs$                                      5k        0                -143      16306
CS$$                                   15k       -109            -126      21k       
CS$$$                                 9k         -7               182        3498
IH                              1%     10k      -33               285       23k       -5k


Thank you for sending me your Census Repository Report over email, DVR! :thumbsup:

I'm posting it here so that others can take part of it as well (you have to host your images off site and link to them):

Then, to your question... and that's where I don't have an answer, at least not right away... %confuso
Obviously something is indeed blocking CO§§§, but it's rather difficult to pinpoint what it could be...

I would need to know what other mods you might have in your plugins folders...
Could you first confirm that you do not have any of the known inCAMpatible Mods installed?
There is a Cleanitol file to help you with that, attached to the end of the post I linked you to. ;)

I would also ask you to specifically search your plugins for any of the following files:
     NMBM Co$$$*.dat

Do you have any ordinances enacted in your city?

What is your CO§§§ tax?
Can you post a snapshot of your desirability dataview (map) for CO§§§?

Is the situation exactly the same in your neighbouring cities?

If nothing of the above resolves anything, then the task becomes more difficult.
Basically I would in that case need a list of all files in your plugins to see if anything suspecious could be found.

In the end, the error might also be in the saved game file.
And if that is the case, there is very little chance of rectifying the situation.

But we're not there yet! :)


its the same in all cities.
No imcampatible mods i know of....i have NAM transport mod and roadtop mod, hole digger lots, and no car lots (though this doesnt work and i dont use it)
0.0% tax on CO$$$-was trying to get them to grow
Could not find no_CO$$$.DAT
                   NMBM Co$$$*.dat
Desirability dataview is mostly green
BTW i tried playing some of my previous regions: CO$$ and CO$$$ demand (and all other commercials) were huge and residential demand negative...think this is because of different residential/commercial balances in rush hour vs CAM. anyway there was a lot of stage 8 CO$$ development (in terms of rush hour, not sure of corresponding cam stages), but very little CO$$$ development, none at stage 8. Found this surprising as id deleted all the stage 8 downloaded skyscrapers from the cities, leaving only the simcity lots, so there was a large gap to fill.
THanks a lot for ur time!


Quote from: DVR on December 15, 2007, 03:21:08 PM
Found this surprising as id deleted all the stage 8 downloaded skyscrapers from the cities, leaving only the simcity lots, so there was a large gap to fill.

Did you delete a number of stage 8 CO§§§ skyscrapers in this city/region as well before installing CAM?


I had a couple of small cities in the region before i put on CAM. I doubt they had any stage 8 commercial as they were pretty small...but i deleted them all and started the region again after downloading CAM
BTW i meant i deleted only skyscrapers id downloaded, not the naturally occuring ones in simcity


:S ok i was playing that city, and "west and co.", high wealth commerical office (526 jobs) suddenly grew, Desirability is maximum green in that area, but it is in most commercial areas and that was in a bit of commercial id mixed in my residential areas rather than the downtown. I guess theres nothing stopping the growht of CO$$$ then, but im pretty sure they are being restricted.


The demand simulators might become rather wacky if you bulldoze lots of buildings in a short time frame, that's why I was asking. We did experience that during testing when trying to increase commercial demand by bulldozing a CBD. Instead of seeing an increased CO demand, we experienced a massively negative residential demand with mass abandonment as a result. ;)

It would be interesting to hear if you do get CO§§§ to grow now... please let us now! :)

Otherwise it does sound like a problem in your saved game file though.
The easiest way to confirm that would be to start with a new region, one that you have never even had open ever before and run it from scratch with CAM and see if the same problems would appear in that case as well.
If CO§§§ wouldn't grow in such a region either, then there must be some mod that's restricting them... &Thk/(