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Why can't I demolish things in "zone" data view mode?

Started by Panda_Power, May 10, 2010, 08:26:25 PM

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I'm not sure if I've added content which is conflicting or if I need to add a plugin to solve this, but I'm having an annoying problem where I need to build new roads or upgrade streets to road and roads to avenues etc and it would be so easy to do it in "zone" data view mode but every time I try to build the new road it will come across a reserved tile which has a garden on it or something and my game won't let me demolish what's blocking the new road's path! I then have to switch back to normal view but then there'll be a skyscraper in front of the area and I can't see where I'm supposed to be demolishing!

Can anyone help me?

Thanks! :)


Welll have to agree with you on that, this is a pain.  :thumbsdown:

Not sure if theres anyway of changing this either. Believe it is hardcoded into the game and can't be fixed. Many times I have run into problems trying to redo roads, only to run into a a small 1x1 park ( the green ones are the worst to find  :angrymore:) in the way or a small fire station, or a bus stop, covering the spot, or even worse trying to plop down subway station entrances in a dencely populated city hoping I didn't place something accidently on the same spot earlier in the cities development or worse miss by 1 spot and demolish a high stage building, then having to exit the city without saving , reload and try again. :-\

Only thing you can do is rotate the city and try and find the spot, sometimes I find myself using the bulldozer over the street itself and buldozing alleyways blindly when confronted with things in the way you are unable to see. You can use the zone view to "?" the spot to find out what your trying to bulldoze, but your sort stuck with the city view trying to find it and bulldoze it.
Colossus X-rated


Quote from: Indisguise on May 10, 2010, 09:49:21 PM
Believe it is hardcoded into the game and can't be fixed.

This is unfortunately the case; this is the way the Zones view has always worked.  I just did a little tinkering with the Zones view to check; lots can't be demolished unless buildings are shown.  You can show everything except buildings, and even parks can't be demolished.  Too bad.  ()sad()


I have never had any problems finding those clear tiles in zoneview when I go back, but I was wondering, have you tried the *Info* tool yet? Maybe it works in zoneview and gives you at least a hint what that lot is. &mmm


....Uploading the MFP 1.... (.........Finishing the MFP1)


Thanks for the replies everyone......shame there is no good news on this! ()sad()

I've tried the info tool MrBison, but it just seems to give me info on the building in front and if it's a skyscraper it doesn't say what's behind.

@ Indisguise, this is gonna make me sound like a total newb, but you can rotate the map in SC4? How? I thought you could only move up, down, left & right. At least if I can rotate the map, I'll be able to see behind the buildings. Please share... :)


Far as I know up and down and spinning the city left and right are your only options. zooming in and out and rotating the city left to right sometimes, if your lucky you can find the right angle to see the thing your looking for, but it's pot luck.

Colossus X-rated


Quote from: Panda_Power on May 10, 2010, 11:31:21 PM
@ Indisguise, this is gonna make me sound like a total newb, but you can rotate the map in SC4? How? I thought you could only move up, down, left & right. At least if I can rotate the map, I'll be able to see behind the buildings. Please share... :)

Unless I'm misreading you, I think you want the Page Up and Page Down keys (also the curved arrows in the lower left corner of the screen).

Also, sometimes zooming in lets you see things that were hidden behind buildings at lower zooms.


Thanks for that...you weren't misreading me...I don't know how I missed that the page up & down keys rotated the map....doh!

In my defense, I haven't been playing SC4 for very long! :)