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Three Rivers Region

Started by dedgren, December 20, 2006, 07:57:49 PM

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I'm not a big fan of billboards.Growing up in the mid-west we took many family road trips to Florida in the 1960s. If I never see another "See Rock City" billboard it will be fine with me. I would hate to see the beautiful 3RR landscape cluttered with billboards. On the otherhand, if you want to be realistic, you probably need to have some billboards.


Shadow Assassin

...and in the industrial areas, you definitely need some slightly naughty billboards. :P
New Horizons Productions
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See my uploads on the LEX!


I can't wait until you release your Rural Roads and Rural fencing add-ons. These will definitely be a must-have for rural areas! ;D


Can you say fractional angle road segments?

I've got the textures for these done, and I'm going to see if we can get them pathed as puzzle pieces ASAP.  The straight sections (3x2 gridsquares) may ultimately be draggable.



D. Edgren

Please call me David...

Three Rivers Region- A collaborative development of the SC4 community
The 3RR Quick Finder [linkie]

I aten't dead.  —  R.I.P. Granny Weatherwax

Skype: davidredgren


Now that is beyond amazing.  I'd love to help you with getting those puppies in-game, too.  Anything to overthrow the tyranny of the grid. :D

-Alex (Tarkus)


David daaaaaaaaaang that is great!!!!!


NB: 74112

Don't forget the SC4D Podcast is back and live on Saturdays @ 12 noon CST!! -- The Podcast soon to Return Here Linkie


I suppose I can take a moment from studying (seeing as two finals have now come and gone) to say that that is amazing. This on its own is a great step, but have you considered intersections and those other variations as well? Whatever the answer, great work.


Are you kidding me??? This day just keeps getting better and better!

Excellent work, David! Excellent work!



amazing, i was just thinking about this the other day. - the complexity of diagonal buildings that you could plop wow :)


ARE YOU NUTS!!!!!!!!!!!.... wow.... that is surely amazing... Thankyou soo very very much

Copperminds and Cuddleswarms

Ryan B.

This stuff is good - scary good!  What will y'all come up with next?


That's looking nice! Looking forward to more of your wonderful stuff! ;)


Quote from: dedgren on May 01, 2008, 06:42:20 PM
Can you say fractional angle road segments?
I'm going to see if we can get them pathed as puzzle pieces ASAP
may ultimately be draggable.

David, it was May 1st, not April 1st....

I cannot wait for that - do you know HOW often I've wishted something like that...
especially with Avenues...

Check my MD:               


To cite Billy Crystal....

Mahhhhhhvelous!   :satisfied:


If you have a closed mind, do the same with your mouth


That is sweet.
I would kill for those curves. (well maybe not kill, but you know what I mean :)


Sweet looking piece of network.  I know you are good, but this is incredible.

Robin  &apls

Three Canadians in a row.
Call me Robin, please.


Aww David you are a tease.  Do you feel the need to keep the NAM team occupied for long lengths of time?  :P


Yeah, I made them a little too dark...


But, other than that...






...you think?

These are on some dummied-up lots just to be able to show them.  I'm going to do a corresponding "long curve" and then send them over to Alex (Tarkus) to make into puzzle pieces, probably later today.



D. Edgren

Please call me David...

Three Rivers Region- A collaborative development of the SC4 community
The 3RR Quick Finder [linkie]

I aten't dead.  —  R.I.P. Granny Weatherwax

Skype: davidredgren


I...think...they...look amazing!



I'm thinking .....

Yep I like :thumbsup:

Yes I agree with you they are a little too dark but that is something that can be overcome.
But they do look sweet &apls


Kettle's on. Milk? Sugars?    ps I don't like Earl Grey  $%Grinno$%
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