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Three Rivers Region

Started by dedgren, December 20, 2006, 07:57:49 PM

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great work tarkus and DE, what an amazing foot forward for SC4!

by the way, out of curisosity, is it possible to have alpha textures/pavement/grass-textures  ect underneath these new roads? i

EDITHey, my friend- Dan (dsrwhat316) has a great tutorial on doing just that sort of thing right here [linkie].  His MD, The Republic of Bevelle [linkie], is full of great examples of what you can do with this technique. -DE 

i should of mentioned that: would it be possible to modd it in reader,- the actuall texture- so that the textures would be wealth conforming? i realize they are models but would it be possible to do this?


Holy moley that is quite something.  :o
Lurker Extraordinaire


Quote from: JanYpe on May 07, 2008, 09:56:12 AM
Holy moley that is quite something.  :o
↑↑ understatement of the month...

This is phenomenal, more phenomenal than quite a large percent of everything else I have ever seen for SC4

Thank  you for sharing your oh so ingenious ideas

Copperminds and Cuddleswarms


Cheez, I love this game!

A trial today, a two day trial starts tomorrow.  Really busy, but the weekend's coming up.  Thanks so much for all the great comments...

...oh, those were for Alex...

Heh, and well-deserved, too.  The guy's a transpo-God.  I. am. not. worthy.



D. Edgren

Please call me David...

Three Rivers Region- A collaborative development of the SC4 community
The 3RR Quick Finder [linkie]

I aten't dead.  —  R.I.P. Granny Weatherwax

Skype: davidredgren


mmmm David those are just wonderful!!!!!  :thumbsup:

Don't forget the SC4D Podcast is back and live on Saturdays @ 12 noon CST!! -- The Podcast soon to Return Here Linkie


That's the most beautiful SC4 snow scene I've ever seen, David. The perfectly placed rocks, the deer--utterly stunning, my friend. You're a master!



DAVID!  What have you done!?

You're not allowed to break the grid!  The grid rules all in the world of SimCity...to go against the grid is like...is like bending reality!  The entire fabric of SimCity will be unraveled!  Cities will no longer be confined to only eight directions for streets!  Do you know what kind of chaos that will bring to transportation networks?  Do you know what cities will start to look like when 45 degrees becomes obsolete?  Do you know what kind of havoc you and Tarkus have wrought upon the simulated world!? :o
God bless you both! &apls

EDITHeh, Isaac-  chaos... it's no longer a theory! -DE
(Under Construction)


you are the chosen one.... tarkus!  ;D

photo from page 5, reply #95 -dedgren

just out of interest, is that a tin of assorted biscuts behind the shovel?



This is where I must step in out of Lurk Land.  3RR has truly won me over, since I also consider myself to be a roadgeek, and I love to build rural areas.  I am only on page 33, but I will catch up.  I must.  &apls
Find my power line BAT thread here.
Check out the Noro Cooperative.  What are you waiting for?  It even has electricity.
Want more? Try here.  For even more electrical goodies, look here.
Here are some rural power lines.


That is looking really beautiful! Wonderful work so far, David! :thumbsup:


Ow! My head hurts! My SC4 Universe has been shifted a few more degrees by you two! Great work guys...I'm willing to be the developers wouldn't even recognize the engine as SC4 with these new developments.



Quote from: BigSlark on May 08, 2008, 08:32:58 AMI'm willing to be the developers wouldn't even recognize the engine as SC4 with these new developments.

I'll say! I wonder if they ever come here and think "why didn't we think of that?!" ;)

David, that snow pic is amazing!


Quote from: BigSlark on May 08, 2008, 08:32:58 AM
Ow! My head hurts! My SC4 Universe has been shifted a few more degrees by you two! Great work guys...I'm willing to be the developers wouldn't even recognize the engine as SC4 with these new developments.


I was thinking that, too.. With the exception of the deer (I think), there's nothing in that picture but custom content. Just goes to show what folks with talent are capable of!


90% custom content here! awesome keep on!

btw that dirty road its a bit clean from snow  $%Grinno$% i mean just some snow over it would look in a 100% of realism  :thumbsup: keep on


Aw, shucks.

Thanks for all the kind words, everyone.  I still have to give David a lot of credit for his fine textures and for coming up with the idea, and I'm just glad I'm able to help get them in-game and functioning. :)



Go figure...  I just survived another winter in the Great White North, and here I am playing around in the snow again.







Of course, it's Silvio's (Rayden) quad, and he is the snow-meister!

* * *

I wound up deforesting long-finished quads like Pink-SW in order to start with a clean slate when I laid down the new SAM roads...

...yeah, yeah- I know- it's the STREET add-on mod...they're still roads to me...

I'm pretty glad I did- I'm on an experiment tear here in the last little bit, and I'm happy with what I'm seeing.

* * *

dave (bighead99999): Yes, that is a cookie tin.  I keep the hidden set of house keys in it, 'cos I'm constantly misplacing my regular set.  Now if anyone drops by while I'm gone, you'll know how to let yourself in.

* * *

If you like the rural stuff I'm doing here, click this [linkie] and see a real master, our friend Marisa (girlfromverona), at work.

* * *

A little birdie told me Alex (Tarkus) might be close to being done with our fractional angle roads (FAR).  We'll see.



D. Edgren

Please call me David...

Three Rivers Region- A collaborative development of the SC4 community
The 3RR Quick Finder [linkie]

I aten't dead.  —  R.I.P. Granny Weatherwax

Skype: davidredgren


I know I just commented, but after seeing those pics, I feel the need to comment again.   :o

You are really having a heyday there with the Dirt SAM textures there (and the diagonals in particular).  And the results are indescribably fantastic!  You really seem to have the Midas touch with this stuff, David.



now sc4 is becoming an art of the XXI century  ;D excellent work as usual  &apls


Just popping in by accident (normally I prepare myself before opening 3RR, for scrolling numerous pages in this MD for at least half an hour or so, have my coffee ready, and a thermos for a refill, chair in the upright position and table..well, I stop here...) .

And what do I see: snowy mountains with the best ever winding roads - streets whatever- ever, and a post by Tarkus that make me click one page back and fall from my chair...

What are you guys doing to us... my grid city pictures cannot be posted anymore soon! They will soon be as outdated as music on a tape...

But the game play...
&dance &dance &dance &dance &dance

Check my MD:               


I've been wondering the last couple of days whether it would be possible to do curved puzzle pieces for streets, too. Anyone have any idea? I'd be prepared to do textures but I wouldn't have a clue how to proceed from there...

(Btw, thanks for the praise, David - I'm grinning like a Cheshire Cat here. ;D )