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SG Canal set

Started by FromTheAshes, April 28, 2007, 02:23:33 PM

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Mighty impressive work. However, I suggest that you replace those repetive trees with prop families 0xa0000077 (big trees) or 0xa0000078 (small ones).


Thanks. Yep, I have to do alot of LOTing on those canals.

EDIT: Here's another part of the diagonal LOTs, a transit from straight to diagonal:
Visit Vorsfelde.


nice diagonal lot!! Looking forward to more!


Sweet!  Diagonals!  Could you make them for regular SG canals too?   :thumbsup:


    I ask everyone even thinking about making canals to do that.   LOL    Those would be sweet, indeed.


They say that the memory is the second thing that goes....
...dang , I wish I could remember the first.
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Yes, diagonals are really needed. Great work so far.

However I second MIncroabl in sugesting the use of prop families.



Hey guys!
I'm without internet at the moment and up to 1-2 weeks. No problem to make some diagonals with the SG texture, just waiting to get internet again...
stay tuned
Visit Vorsfelde.


You should get callagrafx to give you his updated water and show you the mirror technique that makes it look like the walls are reflecting off the water. These would look tons better with his water.


Simnation i think fromtheashes has been busy with RL since he last posted back in May.... But i do agree it would be sweet to see the new textures on this and an update as well...

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I knew how to create the realistic water but I don't know if we really need that (my) set. Cal did a great job on his remastered SG canals and the deep canal set is a brilliant addition, too. I started up with a very different canal set but I don't want to finish it anymore. Here it is, possible you know it from another thread:
Visit Vorsfelde.


awwwwwwwwwwe FTA i hope you would finish but its up to you though...  You have done such a wonderful job on this, i do hope at least some one would pick up on the torch though... - pat

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Glad you like it... Do you have 3ds Max? If so you could try to finish it...
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