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Started by samerton, August 09, 2010, 11:26:59 AM

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I'll take a quiet life... A handshake of carbon monoxide.

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@ bat: Thankyou, Bat! =)
@ Tomas Neto: Thanks as always, Tomas  :)
@ RickD: Thanks! :)
@ Skimbo: Thankyou!
@ ricardomiranda: Thankyou!
@ art128: Thanks!

So.. where to start...

Oh, right!
It's been over a year since the first SimWorld update! 
I know I should really celebrate with more than just a smiley, but I won't.  &dance
Unless you call this return update as some sort of celebration..

Here's the first update since July (I'm really reliable) 

Just a small update I suppose, the bigger update will be coming next time.

Special thanks to TowerDude for reasons that he'll know   

We'll start off with two pictures I made back in June but they haven't appeared yet...

The weather in SimWorld varies from rain...

... to sun and droughts, just like Planet Earth

And here's a teaser for what is coming up next update (or, should be coming up next update)

Sam =)


As promised, here's the downtown mosaic. I've also thrown in a mosaic of a motorway junction. I've just completed it and I haven't finished the areas around it yet, so don't expect any nice surroundings.

The pictures are slightly bad quality, please excuse that, they are fine on my computer but when I uploaded them the quality dropped. I have tried reuploading but the problem continues.

The junction.

And the mosaic.

Sam =)


So, it's back. Hopefully now it's much better too. I've rebuilt my whole Plugins folder to make things run smoother and look nicer. I've chosen 3 regions to work on; the Omega region, Penzance and Cape York.
For now, the CJ will be following my progress as I build the regions. They're nowhere near completed, so there is a long way to go.

I'll kick off the new SimWorld with a nice 8MB mosaic in full 1080p resolution. It's quite big, so click at your own risk ;)

The area is from the CBD of the Cape york region. It's not complete, I just wanted to give you a taste of what's to come :)

If, for some reason, the above image isn't working, click me.



Never knew you had an MD. . . That mosaic is great. I'm gonna take a read through it now. ;)



But, I can see reflection on that building in downtown, but how!?


@ Swordmaster: Thanks for visiting Willy! It's been a long time since I've updated it, and I'll admit that the older updates are not of the best quality &mmm Hopefully this new reboot of the MD will be much better :)
@ j-dub: Good point, I've not noticed that before :D Magic, I suppose :P

Every couple of months I'll post another Region Views update. Hopefully each region update will show development throughout the three regions.

Click for full resolution. Warning, they are fairly large images.
Here's where I'm at so far:

Cape York



Thanks, should have a nice mosaic ready for the next update ;)


All the regions look nice Samerton. I take it that town on the Penzance one is Falmouth (or rather that would be where Falmouth is)? Love the steak place there and the Chinese isn't too bad either.

Anyway looking forward to seeing all the maps fill out.





@ 89James89: Thanks James, nice to see you here. The town may be in the location of Falmouth, but it's purely coincidence ;)

I have a nice mosaic ready today. It is from the Penzance region, and for the next update I should have some development pictures.

Click the images for full resolution :)

This CJ will be slightly roadgeeky, I can't resist.. :P

And the mosaic...

I am lacking in custom buildings for the Penzance region and the Cape York region at the moment, that's because I've just made a new plugins folder specifically for these regions. I'll get some more eventually ;)




@ Gugu3: Thankyou :)

Here's what I've been working over summer. Unfortunately things are getting busy again for me now, but hopefully this image explains the lack of updates recently.
Sorry for the poor image quality/resolution.

It's taken me quite a while for those 3 tiles.

Thanks, Sam.


It's a nice region view with these fields :)

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Dear writer,

first of all, congrats on your beautiful work here  &apls

Second, i`d like to ask you where you got this trainstation in the curve at the bottom of the picture:


Quote from: zwitser on November 13, 2013, 07:35:24 AM
Dear writer,

first of all, congrats on your beautiful work here  &apls

Second, i`d like to ask you where you got this trainstation in the curve at the bottom of the picture:

Thanks, you can download the station here: http://community.simtropolis.com/files/file/19862-ndex-its-brenntrail-set-nam-curve-station/

@ Kergelen and Gugu3: Thanks :)

I'll get a new update ready shortly ;)


nice work sam- lways loved your work though!!!!!!
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@ titanicbuff: Thanks ;)

I've made a mosaic showcasing what I've been working on lately. It's still very much a WIP, and the trumpet to the south isn't finished yet.
Just wanted to show what's coming up in the future :)

There's also a region city view:

Thanks, Sam.


Thanks for your awnser! Keep up the good work :thumbsup: