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Game Crashes during load

Started by Avatarass, September 02, 2010, 07:57:15 PM

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Hy, the game crashes while im trying to load a city. I'm using windows 7, the game works yet usually crashes into desktop. Now the game crashed and I cant load the city, I spent 5 days on it. Help anyone? Is there any way to recover it?


Have you added anything to your plugins folder lately? Does this happen to other cities or only this one? Did you happen to have airports/seaports in that city? Try renaming your plugins folder and try loading the city again.


A few possible solutions:

Usually you should download the patches and updates for the game, as these can help trememdously. I know this site has them, however I forgot where they are.

Poor disk maintenance may also be a culprit. Try defragmenting your drives (or at least the one SC4 is installed to), and see if that helps. Also running Disk Cleanup could help, considering that the game leaves behind plenty of TEMP files (temporary files)

Now if it happens while loading cities, my first thought is "terrain mod". If you have two terrain mods, remove one of them, since that is exactly what happens when you try and mix 2 mods. Also read some of your readmes for your plugins and see if any of them conflict.


One of the most common reason for crashing when a city is loading is the game has a plopable building that was placed in the city and  is now part of the cities save game file, then a mod or lot (or you have personelly changed the lot stats manually yourself with something like the ireader)  is added to your plugins folder that changes  the stats of that plopable building. Which sounds like what your problem is, and to find out if this is true for you is to  open a new city in a new region and see if the game does not crash., if so 99% chance this is your problem.

When the game loads the save file of a city it looks for the lot with the original stats as they were when it was placed in your city when you last saved the city, but it can not find this particular lot as you added a plugin that changed it. This causes a conflict in the game and it gets confused the game crashes to the desk top.

Now the only way you can save this city, is to find the plugin that has changed or modified  the lot in question and remove it from your plugins folder or return the lot to the exact same stats it had when you saved the city. Once this is done this will allow you to open the city.

If you wish to play this city in the future with the new modified version plugin. You must go through the city and demolish any and all buildings the plugin affects. save and exit the game completely, then add the plugin to your game  and restart your game then open the city and replop the lot in question.

Now the trick is finding the lot in question as it can be any mod or lot that changes the stats of any plopable building. this can be multiplied if you add several mods or lot that change several differnt types of plopable building. eg adding a lot that changes the original fire station, or school or police station, even adding funtion landmarks mod or toracos opera house fix are common types of lots or mods that can do this to your game.
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