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CAM - General Discussions

Started by RippleJet, May 01, 2007, 01:35:47 PM

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Oh ! I see :P
Sorry, I could not reply quickly cause It could not translate(for JPN) well $%Grinno$%
Yes, These numbers show the history(pasted). 


JMyers Plays the CAM – a report

I've been using a 3X3 grid - all large cities for my CAM test region (see below). There are mountainous areas, rolling hills, and relatively flat land. Seven cities are suitable for farming. I would normally go into the mountain cities and place farms along the valleys if I were playing for fun. Speed is important when testing so I am going to skip past the right hand upper and lower corners and move to my big city which is in the middle of it all. I've already played the middle city a while and have enough farmland to have been offered the State Fair reward. 

Good news for Sim Farmers. 

This is cool. Those who play rural country side will not be disappointed by the CAM. The most noticeable difference between the CAM and Rush Hour is the variety of farms. You'll recognize this Rush Hour scenario. Start a new region and some stage 1 farms grow. A small number of stage 2 farms will grow.  Then you get to a point where stage 3 farms will grow 70% of the time. I've dealt with this in the past by loading up my plugins with a lot of stage 3 farms for variety. The down side is that some farm buildings grow nicely at the beginning of the region then virtually disappear until you begin a new region. That was Rush Hour. The CAM makes all stage 1 through 3 farms grow equally. My country side has sooooo much variety. Plus some pesky farms grow reasonably. 

Secondly we now have some control of what grows where. Stage 1 through 3 farms will grow anywhere from the start. But one must provide water and have a small amount of easily achievable industrial capacity to grow a stage 4 farm. Water you say? Some of SimGoobers irrigation canal pieces provide water. This means that they now have purpose and are not just eye candy.  And I also dot my country side with Deadwoods wind mill water pumps in the hopes of growing stage 4 farms.

More control. I've done some bats (coming soon to the LEX) of some high tech hydroponic greenhouses. During this testing period I've made them grow as a stage 5 farm.  One must have a regional industrial demand over 5,000 and fire protection for a stage 5 farm to grow. I can now cluster some specialized farm buildings. This opens up the possibility of growing some oil fields on a flat piece of land over in a corner or near my small rural town? How about growing some Catfish ponds on a small spot of land near a stream or by the lake? All I need are the right conditions. That is some of the thinking on my part as I've been playing and testing.

I've not had a stage 6 farm to grow yet. I need more population and I'm not there yet in my region. Stage 6 farm land is specialized. Most likely woodland preserves.

There is still work to do. As we play we find things and Tage makes some tweaks. It is a long process. It took one week for me to develop the region you see below and I'm not done yet. I now need to build up my big city and then go back to see what affect that has on the smaller outlying rural towns. Ta.

Jim Myers  (5th member of SC4 Devotion)


that is one awesome region jmyers, this news on farming may turn me into a counrty boy... ive never liked farms before but this new modding sure does make them sound appealing....
NAM + CAM + RAM + SAM, that's how I roll....


Quote from: MAS71 on June 03, 2007, 05:30:47 PM
For a Beta test CAM.
At this stage, are there the points to observe in particular on the CAM?
What should I watch closely to CAM after this?
Give me some homework please ;)(lol)

Nice development, Masuda-san!

One request for you to check as homework! :D

Since CO$$$ seems to have grown pretty well, resulting in a negative demand of -6,000 at the moment, I would ask you to bulldoze several blocks of CO$$$ buildings in this city, providing at least 100,000 jobs (yes, I know, horrible thought, but you will not have to save the city afterwards). Try not to bulldoze any residential buildings.

In those empty areas I would ask you to zone large commercial blocks, sized 10×10.
Within each block I want you to zone four lots, each with the size 5×5.

Let the game run and watch the CO$$$ demand go up to +24,000.
That should hopefully trigger some WTC towers of stage 15 to appear...


Yes sir teacher!! :thumbsup: (LOL)

It is totally homework just like a "Japanese bad politician with wasteful habits". hehehe. $%Grinno$%
Ok, I'll do it for a justice of sims wtatch a Stage15 buildings !! :thumbsup:

##### Edited #####

Yes!! I got it !! ;D
I was able to see the building of the wish at last !! :thumbsup:

Do you able to see Co$$$-Stage15 "W.T.C by rubik3" on left and Cs$$$-Stage15 "Najd Tower by ks_JPN" on right. :D

At last, my long journey is finished. :-[
and my homework too ;D

My life might have changed greatly if I did homework hard like this time when I was a student. $%Grinno$%


Quote from: MAS71 on June 05, 2007, 08:41:40 AM
My life might have changed greatly if it did homework hard like this when it was a student. $%Grinno$%

Thank you Masuda-san!
This was one of the most critical tests. The WTC holds 19,287 CO$$$ workers and would never have grown without the CAM :thumbsup:


Congratulations MAS71.  &apls &apls I just knew you would grow it first.


@Ripplejet san
Quote from: RipplejetThe WTC holds 19,287 CO$$$ workers and would never have grown without the CAM
Without CAM?
Should I open this map(city) again after delete only a "ColossusAddonMod_Beta7.dat" in my Plugins ?
I'm sorry. It my big misreading,,,, :P

@shoreman905 san
Thank you for your warm word!! ;)
however,  Because I gave priority to only development of cities, so these ere very simple and became a very dull cities. :-[

I already could able to see these skyscrapers!!
so on next stage, I want to see(listen a voices) a pleased and surprised of many public SC4 users early!!  ;D


Jim, that screenshot speaks volumes. It looks like REAL farmland!  :o


Quote from: MAS71 on June 07, 2007, 03:36:28 AM
Without CAM?
Should I open this map(city) again after delete only a "ColossusAddonMod_Beta7.dat" in my Plugins ?

No, if you play without the CAM, the WTC Tower would never grow ;)

Those garbage problems you had earlier, Mas-san, were all the result of lots made by Maxis PIM. They were unchanged for the CAMeLots made for the Beta testing.
Now, when Wouanagaine's PIM-X is almost finished, all those lots are being updated and prepared for public release, with all properties (occupancy, garbage pollution and water consumption in particular) being in line with those values Maxis originally intended to use, but which were not implemented correctly in their PIM.


ahahaha....I'm sorry to my misreading again $%Grinno$%
I don't kinow why I had reading like this... $%Grinno$%
I hate my misreading :bomb:

by the way.
I want to announce to Japanese BATers how to make CAMelot by Wouanagaine's PIM-X early ;)
Please guid and give me(us) a tutrial of it to public when a time will come ;)

Thank you Ripplejet san!


I will be honored to give a proper readme / tuto for PIM-X to you MAS san so the whole japanase community can produce CAMeLots. I just need to finish the tool and make the readme ( this is the hardest part of the job )

New Horizons Productions
Berethor ♦ beskhu3epnm ♦ blade2k5 ♦ dmscopio ♦ dedgren ♦ emilin ♦ Ennedi ♦ Heblem ♦ jplumbley
M4346 ♦ moganite ♦ Papab2000 ♦ Shadow Assassin ♦ Tarkus ♦ wouanagaine
Divide wouanagaine by zero and you will in fact get one...one bad-ass that is - Alek King of SC4


Thank you Wouanagaine san ;)

Quote from: WouanagaineI just need to finish the tool and make the readme ( this is the hardest part of the job )
I'm so sorry :-[

but these your effort and contribution will make us hapiness all of the world !! :D
Your this great tool PIM-X which included CAM, It's will be called "SimCity 4.9:thumbsup: &apls



Wow, this is some crazy stuff!!!  I can't wait for it.
-- James Mast, aka: rickmastfan67
Painter/Public Relations at: Masgrafx Racing.

Check out the 9/11/01 Car Set Checklist.

Take a look @ the JPG Compression tutorial.  A must read to help cut away unnecessary file size from 500k+ images to help dial-up users out.


Quote from: wouanagaine on June 07, 2007, 07:00:05 AM
I just need to finish the tool and make the readme ( this is the hardest part of the job )

Wou, if you write the text I'll put the readme together, save you some work.
The trouble with having an open mind, of course, is that people will insist on coming along and trying to put things in it


Well, time has run out for CAM7. Testing now moves on to version 8 and a brand new region. I close the region I have been working on since V6 and port this report.  Region population 2,015,114, which consists of 1 large tile (1/3 developed), 7 medium tiles (4 mixed C/I and 3 Ag) and 5 small tiles all service cities (Garbage R Us).
This has been an eyeopener. It takes constant gardening, pruning here, demolish there and frequent rezoning. The problem of solid waste production has been aired and is being addressed. There never were any traffic problems. The alteration of pedestrian traffic appeared reasonable and more realistic than was Maxis solution. I experianced a drop in CS demand as my large city approached 500,000, that is most likely my fault in zoning than CAMs. This did affect the entire region, CS demand disappeared in all my cities. The agricultural cities were great to work on (just don't make the same mistake and zone dense. See illustration). Before charts and screenies, a word about nightlighting. If you do not often use the feature, you will (or must)with CAM. CBDs at night are breathtaking. Also, it was a real treat to see a stage 15 grow. I had only 3, but it was as if I won the superbowl, I'm going to Disney World. I kept trying for WTC (way to go MAS71) or the Empire State building. Oh well, maybe in CAM8.
First the charts. The growth chart is large (10x10) so be prepared. The census was taken on the largest city, the last I played before closing the region.

Here is what I mean about dense zoning in Ag.

I did grow some historic farms. In this case two side by side.

An idea of what a medium tile looks like after CAM

My first stage 15. Cute isn't it. And since I had 3  &apls &apls &apls for me.

And finally amy largest city pop. 632,860

Now it's OnToCAM8


WOW!!This really i a big project isn't it??  :P Well lets just hope it gets realesed ;)
I'm back



This is a really impressive mod and I am following the topic with interest. 

I am curious though: there seems to be a problem with some cities when the population on well-developed large city tile gets quite significant and there is a fair amount of custom content.  What happens is that detail does not show up on some lots: there is no exact diagnosis (to the best of my knowledge), but the approximate situation (large pop., large tile, large plugins folder etc) is common to all who have encountered the problem.  Snorrelli started a topic (link) on this problem and I replied with a few links to others who have encountered the same.

I expect that this might show up in testing and in any case it may not be possible to answer this yet, but is it possible the CAM will exacerbate this problem?

I think what you are doing here is great - I thought it might be helpful to highlight a problem that you may encounter in the future and hopefully make a small contribution to a great project.

First things first, but not necessarily in that order.


Many of the CAMeLots were made quickly for testing the CAM and are simply buildings placed on a suitable size lot. There is nothing apart from a building and base textures so there is actually no detail to be lost. I have not noticed any loss of detail in my testing and the test lots for over stage 8/3 will be lotted and modded properly prior to release.
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