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CAM - General Discussions

Started by RippleJet, May 01, 2007, 01:35:47 PM

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RippleJet thank you... i will do for sure - pat

Edit i did get the chance to read manual and finaly i think i got better grasp of CAM
but one further question in reguards to the connections of citys... I understand A-B-C-D-A
is bad w/current cities but say new region no citys period, so you can connect almost to the
same order A-B-C-D as long as D-A dont happen and then no A-C am i following that right???

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Quote from: patfirefghtr on August 01, 2007, 12:14:22 AM
I understand A-B-C-D-A is bad w/current cities but say new region no citys period, so you can connect almost to the
same order A-B-C-D as long as D-A dont happen and then no A-C am i following that right???

A-B-C-D is definitely better than A-B-C-D-A.
However, there is a risk if you're playing only cities B and C for some time.
Commuters from A, B and C might start commuting to D and once you get to playing city D, you might have quite a number of commuters entering the city, with too few jobs available for them.

Since commuters only increase in numbers and never decrease, they will always influence the balance in the region.


OK awesome ty RippleJet again you are awesome thank you very much... I got a real good grasp and i think i got all needed files woohoo I'm excited to try this out on a new map i made... ( Castia )

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How will this affect my current plugins? Will my stage 8 buildings library be extremely huge or will they balance out?


Questions like that is answer over in the CAM - General Discussions thead.


Quote from: vester on August 01, 2007, 06:43:09 AM
Questions like that is answer over in the CAM - General Discussions thead.

Posts moved over here. ;)

Quote from: crushedcar on August 01, 2007, 06:35:02 AM
How will this affect my current plugins? Will my stage 8 buildings library be extremely huge or will they balance out?

I would recommend reading the manual first of all. :thumbsup:
If you do not keep your current stage 8 buildings, and download the existing CAMeLots off LEX, you will have a balanced distribution from stage 8 to stage 15. ;)


Just a thought, are we able to run models of lots we have downloaded through the x-tool and get them to the CAM stages? 


Installed the CAM, ran the cleanitol, installed many camelot files, and fired up an existing region (Teton).
Very interesting results. Obviously the demands changed significantly,
mostly lower (although not all) as this region has a very small population right now.
It will be fun to play in new ways to meet the demand challenges.
And I am really looking forward to creating some new farming areas.

Very impressive job, I am really enjoying the CAM.
Thank you to the team for all the work you have put into it, (and excellent readme!)


Quote from: Diggis on August 01, 2007, 08:26:22 AM
Just a thought, are we able to run models of lots we have downloaded through the x-tool and get them to the CAM stages? 

Send the model(s) to me or Barby and we will make a descriptor file and a very basic lot (with only Maxis textures, nothing else).
The occupancy and all other properties will be according to the settings for CAM (as set by the "X Tool") and the stage will be according to CAM.

This offer is valid for everyone wanting to make CAMeLots and CAMpatible lots as long as Wouanagain'e "X Tool" is not available. ;)


Sorry, ripplejet, this was more of a question of when the X-Tool is available, will I be able to take a lot I downloaded ages ago, and update the model using the tool so I can keep using it?


The X-Tool will be released soon, once wouanagaine has fixed a couple of bugs that have been discovered recently. Due to RL on wouanagaine's side, this might take a while, though. Once it's released, you should be able to make your own CAMpatible lots, though.


Yes, the "X Tool" is the only tool available (whenever it will be available) to make proper building exemplars (descriptor files) and CAMeLots. ;)

And yes, it can also be used to open existing buildings and recompute all properties according to CAM/"X Tool" standards. ;)


Excellent, as this means I don't have to remove a lot of files that I downloaded, I can just fix them.  Thank you guys.


hi took up the invitation last night to come over here and get the CAM anyhow i am a rarety in the simcity comunity since i run on linux...
run sc4 in cedega... anyhow the CAM runs under the cedega enviroment  :D  ;D   :thumbsup:


Welcome aboard, 1ajs! :thumbsup:

Good to hear about Linux being CAMpatible (or was it the other way around). ::)


its UNBELIEVABLE!!!! Started a new region and made my mouth dropped!! ;D ;D ;D ;D I've seen no traffic elsewhere, not even a single no job zot and abandon buildings anywhere!!!  ;D ;D ;D

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Quote from: RippleJet on August 01, 2007, 12:09:26 PM
Welcome aboard, 1ajs! :thumbsup:

Good to hear about Linux being CAMpatible (or was it the other way around). ::)

txs for the welcome.... to bad my crazy city tdk's plug ins folder won't work though....


I have to say, CAM has seriously affected demand in my largest region (with a population of 2.5 million, which was developed before CAM was even hypothesized) leading to an odd anomaly where the demand bars for Residential and Commercial (except for CO$$$) have busted past 16000 and are literally off the charts, which led to a boom in my two commercial cities, leading to very dense areas in the cities involved, but oddly enough, no CAM Commercial buildings have actually grown yet. But on the upside, a few Stage 8 Residential CAM buildings have grown.


It will take a game month for the charts to settle for the new range (the upper range will change from 6,000 to 24,000).
After that you will still probably experience a bumpy ride, until the supply and demand comes into balance again.
You might even see the demand jump from positive to negative and v/v without any reason to it.

In your plugins you probably have quite a number of pre-CAM stage 8 buildings with too high capacities.
With the increased demand range, they will grow, but they will also block stage 9 and higher buildings, at least for a while.


I just wanna say that I have just taken the CAM for a spin, and by God....demand is INTENSE! Awesome work, here, 'n hope to see a WHOLE lot more in the future! But, unfortunately, the game is REALLY laggin all of a sudden. I have the Super Demand Ordinance from the STEX; a while now, it's been used, 'n I just wanna know if that affects this mod. I also just checked the manual 'yall have, and the Super Demand Ordinance is just not in it. So....tell me, is somethin' wrong, here? Am I missin' somethin'? Do I have somethin' extra?

Note that my Simcity 4 Rush Hour game is now runnin' even slower than usual, even since bein' loaded right after gettin' the CAM installed 'n all the dependencies. Well, all that's missin' is the Industrials, will add them later on. But, for the major point, I'm talkin' 'bout' those logos, by EA GAMES, and Maxis, plus the Rush Hour theme, yep...they ran a little slow 'n blocky for the first time. I don't get it. Help me?  ()what() :-[