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CAM - General Discussions

Started by RippleJet, May 01, 2007, 01:35:47 PM

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Quote from: RippleJet on August 17, 2007, 04:53:03 PM
The Sidfeldt Tower was a so called TIOLI (Take It Or Leave It) by NDEX.
It is very badly modded, being a stage 6 skyscraper, growing on medium- and high-density zones.

With 4,250 CO§§ jobs it is definitely your largest stage 6 CO§§ office in your plugins folder, and it will grow like a weed (as long as the demand is high).

I would recommend looking for the following files and permanently deleting them:

Yeah thats what it was, fixed a few others too, apparently doing this at 4am caused me to miss a few things.....  :-[
~ NAM Team Member

Shadow Assassin

A big thumbs-up for the CAM!  :thumbsup:

Now, it's getting to the point where I simply can't keep up with agricultural demand. :D
New Horizons Productions
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emilin ♦ Heblem ♦ jplumbley ♦ moganite ♦ M4346 ♦ papab2000
Shadow Assassin ♦ Tarkus ♦ wouanagaine
See my uploads on the LEX!


OK back on pg 28 i had noted a few of personal observations on CAM and if you click that you will see
what i have found now as of today that i think has caused my problems... Todate I have
locted in my plugins some troubling files that i belive caused some problems with more that i
had installed for CAM and all the files associated with it....

  • Plugin_080_ParkingFines: - I belive i gotten this from ST mods section
  • Purification Park 1_4ca17820: - I think this is one of the orginal first files I dl'ed from SimCity Exchange
  • speedmod: - Anther offender from ST mod section
  • Prevent_I-r_Lots: - Cant remeber where this one came from, but im betting ST Mods again
  • Rich persons park_ad055a28: - Anther one i dl'ed in the beging from SimCity Exchange
  • x900 booster Res$$$_8c2e1332: - This one i know for sure i gotten from SimCity Exchange back in the day

So with those outta my plugins folder along with a few others i had gotten from SimCity Exchange that was no information availble i deleted them so just a heads up... I will be retrying CAM here soon when i get the energy to
reinstall everything LoL....

One other thing i did also was to go threw my plugins and orginze them a bit better to hopefully see if that
was the problem IE all bsc lots to gether but still in seprate folders and all the prop packs and mega pack's
together in one folder and all textures together as well...

So yes i've been pretty busy reorginize my folder before i put CAM back in and of course to save some
heart ache i dl'ed the all current dependceny's off the list MG provided..... I hope this helps out anyone..


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I have problems downloading the buildings can any one help me?  :-[


perfectdark you only need to ask for help in one area.... see anther area where i answerd you lol

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its allllllll good.... Just dont do it again lol  :D

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Quote from: patfirefghtr on August 19, 2007, 05:32:36 PM

  • Plugin_080_ParkingFines: - I belive i gotten this from ST mods section
  • Purification Park 1_4ca17820: - I think this is one of the orginal first files I dl'ed from SimCity Exchange
  • speedmod: - Anther offender from ST mod section
  • Prevent_I-r_Lots: - Cant remeber where this one came from, but im betting ST Mods again
  • Rich persons park_ad055a28: - Anther one i dl'ed in the beging from SimCity Exchange
  • x900 booster Res$$$_8c2e1332: - This one i know for sure i gotten from SimCity Exchange back in the day

Thanks Patrick, I will have to go through that list later on...

Like all ordinance mods, the Parking Fine Ordinance is CAMpatible.
GrampaAl's Prevent IR Lots is actually included in the BSC No Maxis mod and is CAMpatible if loaded after CAM.


Ahh ok kewl Rj, those was the ones i found i couldnt remeber but guess what??? I still saved what i dl'ed from cam last time and well after removing those for mentioned files i was able to play with out any problems except now i cant farms to grow at all.... I think that might be related to dat packing... I datpacked all the CAM files then repacked them into one file... I bet that is my problem... I do however if you want those files have them set aside i can email them to you and see if one of the others a the offending file???

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Sorry if this is in wrong area but It is a CAM problem.
   MY R$ Tax Line is "Blinking". &hlp


Quote from: Bluebeard on August 20, 2007, 12:20:21 PM
Sorry if this is in wrong area but It is a CAM problem.

And this is the CAM area! :thumbsup:

Quote from: Bluebeard on August 20, 2007, 12:20:21 PM
MY R$ Tax Line is "Blinking". &hlp
However, I'm not so sure that CAM is the reason for that... :-\
Don't suppose you could take a picture of it either...
Does it still blink if you save your city, exit the game and re-enter?


Sorry no Pic and Yes when I save then re-enter the problem is still there.
    It's either CAM or another Vista issue.Thanx


Quote from: Bluebeard on August 20, 2007, 01:00:57 PM
Sorry no Pic and Yes when I save then re-enter the problem is still there.
    It's either CAM or another Vista issue.Thanx

I'd guess it's either Vista or possibly a video card issue. Probably Vista though, lol.

Shadow Assassin

What do you mean by "it's blinking"? I can't really figure out what's causing it if there isn't enough detail. :P
New Horizons Productions
Berethor ♦ beskhu3epnm ♦ blade2k5 ♦ dedgren ♦ dmscopio ♦ Ennedi
emilin ♦ Heblem ♦ jplumbley ♦ moganite ♦ M4346 ♦ papab2000
Shadow Assassin ♦ Tarkus ♦ wouanagaine
See my uploads on the LEX!


Im still not getting any farm growth and my city has been going now for 7 yrs, also industry has taken a dive, But im getting CAMeLots in industry ie carch and sg floppers stoppers....  Residentals has no further growth, and com is also no growth except all or most custom content i had prior to cam but no cam lots are popping up... hellllllllllllp

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Generally, farming gets killed by education and traffic.
However, I would need quite some more information in order to be able to give you a better answer, Patrick!

Preferably I would want to see the query window of the Census Repository Facility, version 2.
Are you playing in an existing region that developed before installing the CAM? How many neighbours do you have?

If you start a new city in the region, and won't provide any education in it, you should get farms growing if you zone for them.


OK ty Rj i dl'ed the Census Repository v2 and Ninja's model.  i have a total of 5 citys in the region and i have them lined up like a L shape with citys A and B the bottom part of the L and then c to d to e is the connection order... this region im playing is the same one i had the CTD issue with, but since i removed all those files i said earlier i havent had a CTD but this new issue lol... OK i will post further info later from the census v2, but now im gonna try and get some sleep.... TY again Rj for helping me - pat

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Pat, have had the same problems on and off. My next update is a rural area and it took a hell of a long time to develop (by my standards anyway). New residential zones just wouldn't grow for a year or two and some farms just refused to grow despite a high demand (2k plus). Switching between
cities helped, letting each grow for a year or two, also resizing (mainly downsizing) the farm lot sometimes resulted in immediate growth. All nonsensical I know, but in the end, things turned out OK. Maybe an effect of the CAM on an existing region, would be interesting to know if the same problems have occurred in a new one.

Jimmymac, if you're around, would be interested to here if you had any problems with your rural areas under CAM.




QuoteGenerally, farming gets killed by education and traffic.
However, I would need quite some more information in order to be able to give you a better answer, Patrick!

Ripple gives good advice. I've also learned to zone pockets of dirty industry at out of the way places to satisfy ID demand. Farm growth slows down or stalls when the ID demand bar graph rises or gets near your I-AG demand graph. Basically, you'll have farm demand but the game will not want to build farms. Waiting rather to build some dirty industry ... or so it seems. Remember that the whole thing is regional. I plan to de-zone those out of the way ID plots later when my region develops and starts leaning towards Commercials.

Edit: Just saw Toohey's comment. Switching between cities will help. I played my first city in a new CAM region up to year 25 which is when I-AG slowed down a bit. Dirty industry at the time was a bunch of small stage 1 stuff. I then developed two more cities up to about year 25. I then went back to the first city and - boom - a bunch of big dirty industry buildings popped up. This caused the demand for dirty industry to drop because of the numbers of jobs these large buildings provide to the Sim community. Farm development took off. Quickly filling in previously undeveloped zones and was fairly robust for a while. I can say from all this that, my first city in and of itself could not grow large industrials due to a lack of regional demand. 

So - grow farms, grow population, grow industry. Go somewhere else and do the same. Then go back and grow more farms, grow more residentials in the form of small villages because they'll create farm demand. They'll create demand for industry too. So zone some more of that .... a bit of a balancing act.
Jim Myers  (5th member of SC4 Devotion)