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Show us your... Computer Desktop

Started by Shadow Assassin, May 04, 2007, 04:11:45 AM

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I just want to know how to post a pic so i will post mine...
Tu és
Time de tradição,raça,amor e paixão,
Ó meu mengo...
Eu,sempre te amarei,
Onde estiver estarei
Ó meu mengo


Hi there Luke try here [linkie]

OK so here is my current desktop and its from training done back in early march where we got to burn down a trailer home/hunting shack....  This is an actual picture I took....

Click me for full resolution......

Don't forget the SC4D Podcast is back and live on Saturdays @ 12 noon CST!! -- The Podcast soon to Return Here Linkie


Sorry if the image is too big,its my first time uploading photos  :-[

Hey pat!Thanks man,your help come in the right time!
Tu és
Time de tradição,raça,amor e paixão,
Ó meu mengo...
Eu,sempre te amarei,
Onde estiver estarei
Ó meu mengo


    I have used this desktop for a very long time, mainly because I can't see to find a pic of Chobits or Chii that I like as a desktop... Maybe I'll make a collage, but I would also have to reorganized my Icons as well...

As you see in the pic I have a tendancy to despize the auto-grid thingy. I prefer em' organized so I can find things easier from day to day.... I do have others I can use, but... as I have said above I don't have what I want at the moment...

Well here it is above..
  "It is wiser to think about your actions before doing them, but be warned One must act quickly before another takes action for you."
  "Knowledge may be Power, but it is how you use that Knowledge that makes One Powerful."
  "I am a Philosopher, Punnist, Poet, and Rambler so keep in mind I think ahead and backwards to point where communication is sometimes not completely understood, even if Enlish is my primary language, it doesn't mean I know it well N proper."
  "Always do your best to acheive your goals and Dreams one at a time."
"Patience is a virtue."


Hey Luke no problem man any time!!!  BTW love your desktop!!!

tamorr anti-grid is the only true way to go  ;)

Don't forget the SC4D Podcast is back and live on Saturdays @ 12 noon CST!! -- The Podcast soon to Return Here Linkie


   Anti-grid is the only true way to organize anything on the desktop the way one exactly wants it, within a few pixels of accuracy. Oh by the way my res is 1024 by 768. Don't really like the higher resolutions as this image is degraded enough as it is.... Besides my monitor can only go up to 1200 by 1000 res... well roughly around that I don't know the exact numbers but it is around there abouts.

Anybody know of any good places to get Anime wallpaper? at 1024x768 size.
  "It is wiser to think about your actions before doing them, but be warned One must act quickly before another takes action for you."
  "Knowledge may be Power, but it is how you use that Knowledge that makes One Powerful."
  "I am a Philosopher, Punnist, Poet, and Rambler so keep in mind I think ahead and backwards to point where communication is sometimes not completely understood, even if Enlish is my primary language, it doesn't mean I know it well N proper."
  "Always do your best to acheive your goals and Dreams one at a time."
"Patience is a virtue."


the only true way to go is linux....
Copperminds and Cuddleswarms


Quote from: JoeST on May 08, 2009, 02:35:48 AM
the only true way to go is linux....

Word :)

Tamorr: deviantArt has a lot of them.


Thank you Xiziz

Linux is the best, however I don't have it and probably wouldn't be a good idea to switch with my computer specs anyhow. So Windows XP on my 950 AMD Athlon Geforce 4 will do for now.

Heh I am a very patient person and I don't mind the 30 min wait to get into SC4, well maybe it's 15min when datpacked but heh, still a pleasure to play once I am in.

I hade one of the defaults that came with my computer before that one, the Moon over the mountainside, well it was the only one I truly liked out of what came with my gateway.
  "It is wiser to think about your actions before doing them, but be warned One must act quickly before another takes action for you."
  "Knowledge may be Power, but it is how you use that Knowledge that makes One Powerful."
  "I am a Philosopher, Punnist, Poet, and Rambler so keep in mind I think ahead and backwards to point where communication is sometimes not completely understood, even if Enlish is my primary language, it doesn't mean I know it well N proper."
  "Always do your best to acheive your goals and Dreams one at a time."
"Patience is a virtue."


Wow Jonathan not a free parking space on your desktop?  Looks a little messy.  :P

So what would happen if you downloaded something to desktop if there's no spot to put it?   ()what()


Then I'd have to make them smaller, but then I can't see as easily what they are.
But everything I download goes into my downloads folder, I have quite a nice system the sorts it into dates and then filetypes :)



well here's mine. not many folders- none at all :P

not the best quality photo. probably due to the fact i snap'd it with my phone. its lake dumbleyung btw,



That's pretty good for a phone !  wouldn't have guessed if you hadn't said anything. But it's a great shot as well :thumbsup:

How do you manage with no icons or even a dock ? ;D



QuoteHow do you manage with no icons or even a dock
:P ::)

i dont. i just hid them. $%Grinno$% it's prtty much covered like yours atm.


True Jonathon I should be putting out the fire but that day I didn't feel like playing at all so I took the camera and started shooting lol....

Dave that is sweet pic there for sure... How do you hide your docking and all your folders?

Don't forget the SC4D Podcast is back and live on Saturdays @ 12 noon CST!! -- The Podcast soon to Return Here Linkie


Quote from: Pat on May 10, 2009, 10:57:43 AMHow do you hide your docking and all your folders?
Right click on your desktop, choose Arrange icons by and remove the tick from the line [/i]Show desktop icons[/i].
Here's mine. I've taken this picture by myself :P Can you guess where did I take it? (click for full resolution)

Visit my MD, The region of Pirgos!
Last updated: 28 November


  All I can say is somewhere in one of the Mountain ranges out there. It almost looks like the Apilations in the US on the Eastern side.
  "It is wiser to think about your actions before doing them, but be warned One must act quickly before another takes action for you."
  "Knowledge may be Power, but it is how you use that Knowledge that makes One Powerful."
  "I am a Philosopher, Punnist, Poet, and Rambler so keep in mind I think ahead and backwards to point where communication is sometimes not completely understood, even if Enlish is my primary language, it doesn't mean I know it well N proper."
  "Always do your best to acheive your goals and Dreams one at a time."
"Patience is a virtue."


Nope, it isn't in the US. Actually this natural wonder is really popular and it's in Europe ;)
Visit my MD, The region of Pirgos!
Last updated: 28 November


  Hmmm.... well I said it looked like em' but.... hmm... I am not really sure as I don't know Europe that well... I would have to say maybe in the UK, but beyond that I have no Idea at all...

Maybe the 5 fingers... but then again I don't remember ATM where that is....
  "It is wiser to think about your actions before doing them, but be warned One must act quickly before another takes action for you."
  "Knowledge may be Power, but it is how you use that Knowledge that makes One Powerful."
  "I am a Philosopher, Punnist, Poet, and Rambler so keep in mind I think ahead and backwards to point where communication is sometimes not completely understood, even if Enlish is my primary language, it doesn't mean I know it well N proper."
  "Always do your best to acheive your goals and Dreams one at a time."
"Patience is a virtue."